Ukuu & Skuld - Wu & Light

Skuld stretched and yawned in her den. The beams of early morning light peered through the cave. Without even thinking to check, Skuld headed out to the nearest water hole for a drink, that always woke her up. She... Hadn't even bothered to check Ukuu's whereabouts. She got to the water hole without even thinking of him and started to lap up the crystal clean water, not a care in the world.

Ukuu had actually been awake, though lying about uselessly in the cave, a bit deeper in than she had been. He would have gone out, but if he did he'd probably go.. all over the place. And now that he was on another pride's territory, he decided it might be best not to wander.. without Skuld. So when she stirred and actually got up, he was happy, but then she just.. walked off. What a great hostess, not even checking on he rguest! Ukuu rolled his eyes, standing up and stretching quickly before hurrying off after her.

He smirked upon finding the red female just at the water's edge. Nice. Like he'd done yesterday, Ukuu ran over, only this time her actually leaped at Skuld with the intention to throw her in the water. Well, he'd probably fall in too the way he was doing this, but.. He didn't really mind. "Ha! "

Skuld hadn't heard him coming, and having left the cave thinking he would still be asleep, but now that her mind had cleared... Oh crap, what had she gotten herself into? She turned at just the last minute, the boy was airborne and just a short distance away from contacting her. "Ukuu!" She managed, eyes wide, before she was pushed into the water. The cheetah went under before stroking her way back up to the surface. Well, now I'm awake, she thought to herself. "OOooo, Ukuu! One of these days I'll make you pay big time!" She said after spitting out some water and getting a bit more out of her ear. How many times had she made that threat over the time the pair had known each other. One day she would though, one day she'd actually realize his craziness before he has a chance to carry it out.

At any rate, she paddled to get to the edge before he could pull her under again or anything.

Ukuu hit the water with a splash, though careful not to land on Skuld and end up hurting her. He paddled away quickly, in cas eof any retaliation, but was, typically, laughing like an idiot. "Your face was, again, priceless. " He smirked, paddling around a bit more until she got out and shook herself dry. Then, just to spite her, followed the female out, stood right next to her and shook himself dry. Muahaha.

She shook herself dry too. "Yeah, I'll bet, again, that my face must have been quite amusing," Skuld said with one last shake of her head, flinging droplets carelessly from her body. "You know what, though, your face was pretty good too," He'd been all "Rawr!" faced, but it was still amusing to her somehow.

Her attempt at retaliation wasn't well thought-out, much like all of her other plans. She ran at him and leapt, hoping to land on top of him. Of course, this wasn't the real reckoning that she always promised him, that'd be a much grander scheme, but this would do just fine for now.

Ukuu laughed lightly, sitting down to attack his tail with his front paws, trying to settle the fur a bit. "Yes, there's nothing quite like the face of your attacker.. " Ah, yes. It was a wonderful thing, to turn around and be greeted by someone rushing at you.. Pfft.

Unlike yesterday, Skuld's attack actually worked. At first, anyway. Despite the initial surprise, Ukuu was quick to react, rolling over to shake Skuld off, then turning in an attempt to pin her. Ah, yes, times like these, he loved being bigger than Skuld. "Ohoho! Nice try! "

Skuld was elated when she actually realized she'd landed an attack on his back... successfully!? "Ah ha!" she said before going to reach for one of his ears to chew on, but the problem was that she didn't have the mass to pin him to the ground, he was still somewhat upright. She tried to keep her balance as he shook her off, and failed. She landed more or less on her feet, but was quickly pinned. She let out a little "Uff" with the impact, but was fine. The way a lion crouches in the grass to sneak up on something was how she was pinned, though she squirmed to get into a more comfy position. "Well, at least I landed on you this time, that's an improvement," she said, slightly strained as she continued to attempt to get Ukuu off of her.

"I agree. " Ukuu nodded, grinning as she squirmed and moving a bit to thwart her attempts. Nope, no wiggling away just yet, Skuld! Once certain his red friend wasn't about to get away, Ukuu leaned down to nibble on her ear. "Still not good enough, though. " He flicked his tail lazily, obviously unphased by the squirming Skuld below him, while continuing his assault on her ears.

For some reason... She was enjoying this? What? NO. "You know what, Ukuu, I just got my ear dry, and now you're gonna go get it all slobbery," she said to cover it up, to try to convince herself she was not enjoying this. "Get off, c'mon!" she continued to squirm. Maybe... She'd try it. She slowly stopped the squirming, and in hopes of catching him off guard, she pushed with all of her strength up, but he was just too heavy. She maybe lifted an inch off the ground before giving out again. Instead she kept flicking her ear, only really twitching under the nibble assault, but it was still a for of rebellion. Her other ear was tucked firmly against her skull.

"Pfft, quit being sissy, Skuld. " Ukuu protested, blinking at her sudden attempt at an escape, which he responded to by tugging her ear a bit, aside from the nibbling. "Okay, give me a good reaosn to get off, and I will! " He said with satisfaction, putting on his best regal face, even though Skuld couldn't really face him to see it.

"Well, Hmph!" Skuld said, clearly insulted. "I'll tell you right now, I'm no sissy," she said angrily. "And I'll prove it to you: Who else do you know that's a girl that eats bugs, huh? HUH?" She prompted, shifting her weight in such a way that she could free one of her front legs from under her body. She reached out and snatched up a grasshopper she'd spotted, nice and brown. "See this guy? Imma eat him," she said almost angrily, giving him her best determined-mad face before she shoved it into her mouth. She felt sorry for him as she chewed it twice and gulped it down. "There, what do you think of that?" She asked, giving him a smug look back and turning her head so he could maybe see her expression.

Ukuu blinked, perking his ears in confusion and glancing down at Skuld, releasing a bit of presure so she could move around and do what she had planned on doing. Okay.. then. He stared at the female for a few more moments, dumbfound, before ultimately climbing off and letting her go. ".. I'll give you one thing, that was a surprise. " He pondered, furrowing a brow and sitting back, twitching his tail tip. Hmmm.. "Oh yeah? " Just like Ukuu, to turn something like bug eating into a competition. "Watch this! " He looked around, before finding a nice muddy spot near the water and digging a bit, locating a nice, long worn. "See this worm? " He smirked, holding it up towards his mouth, before pulling it in and swallowing like it were spaghetti. "Now you don't! "

Skuld quickly sat up and curled her tail around to her front paws, as she always did with it. She kept that smug look on her face, though. He hadn't been expecting that, she'd go so far as to say she'd gotten one victory for the day, at least. Skuld watched him dig with a vague idea of what he was planning, but she didn't think he would... Would he?

Yeah, he would. She watched him slurp up the worm without disgust. "Huh, any amateur can do that, just watch what a pro can eat!" She said determinedly before getting to her paws and loping over to the nearest tree. "There's gotta be one in here somewhere... I just know there's caterpillars in this tree..." she muttered out loud as she rummaged for one. Anyone could eat a worm, but could just anyone eat a caterpillar, one of the huge green juicy ones she'd seen the other day? She'd beat him in eating bugs, and she was sure she'd beat him to the biggest caterpillar too.

Ukuu smirked proudly, raising his chin defiantly as she looked for a thing to top his worm. A caterpillar? He frowned as she actually found one, not out of disgust, but because this means she was winning on grossest stuff. Damn. "Ooh, a caterpillar, big deal. " He grumbled, trotting around in a sloppy circle to find something, raising his head to look for any carcass he could scoop out a pawful of maggots from, or--

Why, hello there. "Check this out. " Ukuu called back to Skuld over his shoulder, then hobbled back, using only three paws as one was occupied with his next.. meal. After getting close enough, he sat down, holding up a paw on which he had a claw pierced through.. a dung beetle. He waited the appropriate time before any 'you wouldn't..'s, before plopping the bug in his mouth and chewing slowly, making an exaggerated 'mmm!' face before finally swallowing. Ha, top that.

Skuld slurped down her big green caterpillar as Ukuu meandered off, and swallowed it as he returned, turning her head to show she'd actually eaten the squirmy green thing. She stared expectingly into his paw confidently- what could he have possibly gotten that she couldn't top? And then he opened it. "A... A dung beetle? You wouldn't eat a dung beetle you know where that's bee---" She was cut off as he plopped in his mouth and swallowed it. She... Didn't really know how to react to that, which was obvious as her reaction was sitting with her eyes wide, mouth agape. She quickly closed it, though, lest he had a second one to shove into her mouth. Her words were short, high pitched with shock and most likely sweet to Ukuu's ears. "You win. You... do know where that's been, right?" She really didn't want to give him ideas, but so help her if he came around trying to chew on her ear, she was gonna... Do something drastic.

Victory! He knew it even before she said it, grinning a toothy grin and puffing his chest out, despite just having eaten a rather.. icky insect. At the 'you win', Ukuu promptly jumped to his paws and agve the cheetah equivalent of a victory dance, hopping around Skuld like an overjoyed idiot. "Ha! you didn't see that one comming, did you? " He chanted, pausing slightly at her question. "Of course I do. It rolls up poop. " For a moment, he seemed momentarily disgusted by his choice of bug after all.. then shrugged it off. "But that doesn't matter, cause I won! " He cheered, taking a small dash and giving a rather big leap, one of those springy, rather high ones cheetah give sometimes with a scream of 'wohoo!' before falling to the ground and rolling on his back, savoring victory.

"Yess! "

Skuld watched him bounce back and forth around her as she rose to her feet and spun with him. His glee was more than contagious, she couldn't help but giggle at him. And then... The opportune moment. He was on his back, wallowing in victory. Skuld pounced, aiming to pin him where he was, with an equally victorious expression on her own face.