Name: Ichiran Seto (Echi-ran (rhymes with kon) Set-Oh)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Ichiran goes by seto if you do not know him, if he has accepted you as a friend you may call him ichiran.

Physical Description: User Image Ichirans haori that is seen in the picture above is weighted with spiritual pressure. it weighs about 150 pounds, allowing him to train constantly and also serves as a power source if ichiran extracts the reaitsu. When it is taken off, ichiran is able to move at extreme speeds.

Age: Ichiran is 19 and died on his birthday, july 18th, 2008.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Akuma(devil) a undead warrior who uses a giant golden hammer.

Zanpaktou:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. pictured above, the difference is the color. instead of being gold and black, the handle is white and the shaft is black.

Shikai Release: Crush thy enemy, Akuma!

Shikai: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Ichiran holds Akuma out in front of him, and it turns into two hammers, one of them still having the same colors as unreleased, but the other one is gold and black.

Bankai: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Ichiran holds out Akuma out in front of him, and both halves connect, creating the giant golden hammer that Akuma uses.

Zanpaku-to abilitys: Gachan (bankai technique) : Ichiran slams Akuma into the ground, creating a giant explosion of rubble and a massive shockwave that can damage most opponents within fifty feet.

Boomerang (shikai and bankai technique): Ichiran has the ability to call Akuma to him by tapping into his reiatsu, allowing for him to be thrown or to be recovered if lost during battle.

Special Accessories: Ichiran has his lip peirced.

Skills: Ichiran is extremely skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

Abilities: ichiran is stronger than most due to his training in mixed martial arts and his haorii.

Personality: Ichiran is a loner who keeps calm during battle. He can be facing down the first espada (hi mango) and still be laughing.

Biography/History: Ichiran was forced into martial arts when he was ten. after a year, he had become stronger than his sensei. When he was thirteen, he joined an underground fight club. A year later he had become the leader of the underground orginazation. By the time he was sixteen there was almost no one that could stop him in a fair fight. That night, however, was not a fair fight. It was Ichirans birthday that night and he was out with some friends. On his way home, he saw someone getting mugged. Ichiran tryed to help him. During the resulting fight, the man getting mugged got away. Ichiran, however, kept fighting. He eventually beat the man, but as he walked away, the mugger pulled a gun from his jacket and shot ichiran in the head. The next thing he remembered, he was in the soul society.

Signature/Patented Technique: Ichiran doesn't have a signature.

Guild Status: member

Online Schedule: usually i'm on everyday at about 12 for a couple of hours, but most of the time i can't get on tuesdays or thursdays.