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Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:16 pm

Hello and welcome to the one stop shop for plots and things involving my Soqs. I intend on keeping up with this and making it quite presentable so feel free to look through and if one of my herd strikes your fancy, just say so! You're welcome to post here or PM me.

I can also be reached via AIM (Avid No Dana).

I know asking for a breeding through PMs makes some nervous for fear of rejection or what have you, but don't be afraid to ask me. 3nodding
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:25 pm


o1.) Intro
o2.) Contents
o3.) General rules
o4.) Verserus
o5.) Mitra
o6.) Ameya
o7.) Reserved
o8.) Reserved
o9.) Reseved
1o.) Reseved


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:33 pm

Now, I know most of this goes without saying, but just in case...

The Rules:

1.] Please don't get offended if I turn down a proposed idea for an RP. (Although, this is seldom because I simply love to RP.) It isn't a personal shot at you or at your RP abilities, I know practically everyone here is an amazing writer. If the idea just doesn't really mesh with the Soq that it was offered for, or if I can't see the RP going past a couple of posts, then I will say now.

2.] RPed breedings aren't necessary. Don't get me wrong. I love RPing my soqs, but providing we come up with a neat backstory for the proposed pair and they look at least half good together. There is a good chance that I'd agree to it. Also, please don't assume any and all opposite sex RPs will automatically result in endless love, baskets, and happy families. It doesn't always work like that. If you wish to offer up a backstory to a pairing for breeding purposes, let me know and we can discuss it.

3.] Feel free to vary the length of your posts. I don't care if it is a couple of sentences or a paragraph. After all, sometimes a few good sentences can better convey a message than several long paragraphs can. I give what I receive so basically any skill level is welcomed. I do however ask for more than just one sentence and good grammar is always loved immensely.

4.] It is okay if you want/need to drop an RP because of RL or the scene has grown cold and interest has been lost. Things like that happen. Don't be afraid to say that you wish to drop it. I won't mind. Just let me know.

5.] If I haven't posted in a while, feel free to give me a prod via PM. I can be a little ADD, or whatever, and sometimes all I need is a kick to the rear to get me back on track. If you and I are actively engaged in an RP and I have to go somewhere, I'll most likely notify you via PM.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. ^^
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:05 pm

User Image

[-Name-] Veserus
[-Name Meaning-] None that I know of. I just liked the name.
[-Gender-] Male
[-Temper-] Quixotic
[-Parents-] Sephiroth and Vale
[-Romantic Status-] Happily life-mated to Zira, owned by Naysha Aysha
[-Children-] Ambala, Kifuli, and Mitra (Two daughters and a son)

[-Likes-] Being with his family, travelling, youngsters, feeling the wind blow through his hair, experiencing new things, Zira. Rain, the twilight hours, birds.
[-Dislikes-] Very scorchingly hot or sunny days, mosquitoes, swamps, briars, overly aggressive Soqs, those who threaten his mate, children, or happiness.

[-Personality-] Coming soon~

[-Brief History-] Coming soon~

[-Plot Ideas/Needs-]

[+] Ves needs friends/acquaintances of both gender persuasions. Having travelled around a lot he is sure to have met all kinds.

[+] I would like to see him have a best friend, male preferably, who maybe knew him since he was a foal or a young stallion. Perhaps one that has children also so they can relate on the level of both being parents.



Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:42 pm

User Image

[-Name-] Mitra
[-Name Meaning-] Sanskrit for "friend"; Indian for "god of the sun"; Persian for "an angel's name"
[-Gender-] Male
[-Temper-] Diffident
[-Parents-] Vererus and Zira
[-Romantic Status-] Lifemated to Keii Himba and there will be nothing that can change that.
[-Children-] None yet~


[-Personality-] As a foal, Mitra was on the shy side, preferring to stick close to his parents' sides in lieu of playing with his more rambunctious and extroverted sisters. He was the youngest of the three born. He seemed to inherit his parents love of exploring, often spending whole afternoons roaming around the area that his parents had settled to raise their youngsters to simply see what he could see, to learn each nook and cranny of the land.

As he grew older into his stallion-hood, after a lingering farewell to his parents, he took off on his own to have his own adventures, to see new places, meet new people, etc. His confidence had grown considerably when compared to when he was but a colt. His inquisitiveness can get the better of him, leading him in to a few less than savory situations. When confronted with aggressive or dominant mares, Mitty gets thrown for a loop. He likes all mares, but there are those that carry themselves in that manner that make him feel like a youngster all over again, make him feel nervous and rather shy. It doesn't diminish his interest, but it does make it a bit more difficult to express himself. He'll get over the shell shock of a strong mannered mare, eventually, after the surprise of their meeting settles back into the norm. He is initially more comfortable around other stallions, but he has been known to warm up to a handful of mares quickly.

[-Brief History-] Coming soon~

[-Plot Ideas/Needs-]

[+] Love: I would love to see him settle down. Of course, he is young and in the prime of his life, so a fling isn't out of the question. However I would like something more serious for him. I think it would be fun if either he fell for a strong-willed mare and see the ride that it takes him for. But beyond that, he is open for basically any personality type. He is happily and blissfully Lifemated with Yumitoko's Keii Himba and he wouldn't leave her for the world.

[+] I would like it if he got a traveling companion, be it of the more permanent sort, or a time-to-time thing. He needs friends and acquaintances.

[+] Seeing as he's been traveling for a majority of his adult life, I could see him consider settling down into a herd to live his life out with his lady love and surrounded be friends.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:21 pm


He-hey! Lookie lookie! User ImageUncert

[-Name-] Ameya
[-Name Meaning-] Indian for "Vast, without bounds, immeasureable"
[-Gender-] Female
[-Temper-] Erudite
[-Parents-] ??? x ??? (Gen 1) ((Angeni mother x Unicorn father))
[-Romantic Status-] She is open to future plotting. She won't be the sort that I'll give over to a hasty non-RP breeding without serious consideration and a decent back story. With her I intend on being quite picky since she will be my first female and is quite special to me. I understand folks can be busy, but a good amount of plotting and back story work are always loved.

[-Likes-] History, learning, exploring, warm windy days, finding something new and yet old, intelligent/interesting conversation, warm weather, sharing facts with others (sometimes at random or to help break the ice), visiting the mountains.
[-Dislikes-] Foolish or reckless actions, intentionally rude folks, evil/nasty folk, violence.


Ameya was quite a quirky little filly. She was independent, eager to learn, and insisted on checking out, inspecting, and trying to understand everything around her. She loved learning facts about the things around her from her parents and reciting them to her brother, who at that time was far more interested in playing, eating, sleeping, and getting his flying right. She rarely did what was expected of her, instead preferring to do things in her own time and in her own way. For example, she and he brother were of the age to begin learning how to fly, a task which he took to with gusto. It was then that she admitted to her mother that she was scared of flying, not so much the act itself, but the fact that she could get higher up, get suddenly tired, then fall to the ground and get seriously hurt. Even though her parents assured her that they wouldn't let that happen and offered plenty of warmth and encouragement, she wouldn't have any of it. Her brother was taking to the skies with ease in no time, while she never took any interest in flying until she was a few months shy of a year old. When she was a filly, she took a keen interest in her father's healing abilities and placed herself in a position as his little assistant/apprentice. Whenever her brother got a scrape or a cut, she would heal him, usually to conceal the evidence of doing something that he wasn't supposed to.

Even as an adult, she is often seen on the ground only taking to the air when there is danger about, if there is terrain that can't be passed on hoof, or there are warm, welcoming air currents for her to ride. Ameya is a graceful, skilled flyer, but she worries over the things that could potentially go wrong, so she usually only flies high enough to get out of trouble's reach. She insists on getting her skills perfect and has been known to fret over a task to see it accomplished to a degree that she could be happy with.

She still holds her curiosity about the world around her and loves learning of the past of things. Ameya has a good memory so she remembers her past discoveries and things quite well, meaning she becomes ecstatic when presented with new things she hasn't seen or heard of before. Her nurturing side hasn't faded since her youth, but since she usually travels alone and takes care not to get herself hurt, her healing abilities generally go unused. Ameya was never one for lingering over her own looks, and though she is quite a looker, she doesn't think of herself as such what with her softer color tones and subdued hues. She simply considers herself 'Ameya'. If directly and boldly confronted with an amorous male, she is likely to get a little flustered before collecting herself, fussing at the male for being overly eager, and then promptly leave for him to think about what he has done.

[-Brief History-]

Ameya's mother, a vibrantly colored angeni, was quite a homebody, preferring to stick to an area that she claimed as home, tending to the local plant and wildlife. She occasionally went out of her way to interact with others and welcomed travellers when they came her way. One such wanderer was a male unicorn with a coat in soft earthy tones. It was early in the evening when they crossed paths and the two got to talking. They talked all through the night and into the wee hours of the morning. Over the course of the night, the uni charmed the angeni with stories of the places he'd been. He had asked her if she would like to join him. She agreed and the next day they pair were off on their whirl wind journey/romance. As they went on, they got closer, to the point where the pair discovered that the mare had become pregnant. Upon learning this, the duo turned around and headed back to the place that the angeni called home, since it was the best place either of them could think of to raise their foals. Time passed and two foals were born, a little soft hued filly and a bright, colorful little colt.

The little family stayed in the angeni's glade for almost two years before Ameya's parents wanted to get moving again. The kids tagged along for a while before splitting off to do their own thing, first Ameya's brother, then herself. They had been taught well, learned the best manners and how to live well even if they were alone and on the move. Ameya took to venturing to the ancient places, to those locations that held a magic to them, a history. Those were and are still the places that call the uni-angeni to come explore, to walk the paths of those who have gone before.

[-Plot Ideas/Needs-]

[+] I'd like to meet or have a run in with at least one of every type/breed of soquili. If faced with a fight or physical confrontation, she's likely to just up and run, or take to the sky, depending on the situation, to avoid getting injured.

[+] I would like for her to have a serious relationship. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean a life-mating, but I definitely wouldn't mind one for her. It could mean a deep friendship that both parties feel so comfortable with each other that they wouldn't mind having foals together, or a companion that she goes around exploring with over a decent period of time and her get familiar after an exciting new discovery. The skies the limit. I would love it if she met a kindred spirit.

[+] Perhaps you have an idea that you'd like to try with Ameya? Let's me know! Don't be shy.



Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:22 pm

Reserved for any futures soqs.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:24 pm

Reserved, just in case.


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:26 pm

And again...
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:27 pm

And finally...


Loyal Loiterer


Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:28 pm

wahmbulance I proudly pronounce this thread open for your perusal! wahmbulance
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:54 am

My boy is bi.
But he's taken.
User Image

I have my young mare keii, she's up for adventure and what not.
pm me or post back here if you'd like her for anything at all, she's open to all plots for mitra.



Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:27 pm

Hey, they look quite nice next to each other. I like when cool tones compliment warm. ^^

Perhaps Keii and Mitra could meet somewhere and get to talking then agree to go places together. If a romance buds from there through RP, then great! Mitra hasn't met a Cerynei yet, so his interest would be piqued.
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:01 am

Hey, they look quite nice next to each other. I like when cool tones compliment warm. ^^

Perhaps Keii and Mitra could meet somewhere and get to talking then agree to go places together. If a romance buds from there through RP, then great! Mitra hasn't met a Cerynei yet, so his interest would be piqued.

Aww, that's cool, they'd make good friends and look pretty together. :3

Where would you suggest they meet up? Does mitra hang out in the desert and hot places?

Usually you can find keii by the river, lake or forest.
Rarely you find her in the mountains.
and she's never been to the clearing or desert.
and when she's in the village, that's only for free food and
to take stuff she might need for later.

She'd be surprised some one was interested in her or found her interesting,
she probably nervously ask them why there were staring,
trying to ignore their staring,
she'd talk to them friendly,
slightly hurt about the staring,
she'd rather have questions than staring.

would you like to set it up?



Loyal Loiterer

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:16 pm

Mitra generally doesn't go into the desert unless he knows for a fact that he can cross it relatively quickly. He doesn't mind heat, but hates burning. Generally, if he finds himself going into the desert, it is at night and if he knows there is someplace he could rest in the shade should he not be able to return before the sun rises.

He's more likely to be found in woodlands, near some form of water, be it river, lake, pond, or even streams.

Sure, I could set something up for Mitty and Keii. ^^
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