Hashimoto, Jin

Aliases/ Nicknames:

Physical Description:
[Same colored scarf except without the squad Symbol]


Raito Tenshi [Light Angel]

Normal Form:

The blade is nothing special in this form. The sheath is a vibrant black with a bundle of white thread on the bottom of the sheath.

Shikai Form:

Release Phrase: Illuminate, Raito Tenshi

In a flash of bright light, Jin's blade explodes into light and reforms onto his arm creating a yellow, scissor-like gauntlet with a blue blade made of light particles that forms at the end of the gauntlet.

Main Ability:

Exploding Brightness
This Shikai ability allows Jin to control anything related to the element of light. He can use any type of light, like the sun, and collect light particles around his sword and use light related attacks.

Sub- Powers:
Neon Flash
By separating the different chemical elements in the air, such as Neon, and then exciting the substance, Jin is able to create flash/flashes of light to blind his opponents and attack them with quick strikes.

Particle Gather
Raising the light blade towards a light source, the blade gathers light particles and doubles in length for two posts.

Light Dispersion
Releasing all of the light particles in the light blade, an aura of light forms around Jin, protecting him from blast attacks and some physical attacks.

[Not Achieved]

Bankai Form:

Special Accessories:
A scarf that is wrapped around his neck and is about body length. This scarf hides his spiritual pressure as long as he is not in combat with an opponent.

Jin is basically a Kidou specialist. Other than that he focuses somewhat on his swordsmanship and uses speed when he fights with his blade or hands rather than power.


Good in a group, strange by himself

Jin usually has an open and outgoing personality. Normally he has no problem being able to interact with many people. He prefers much to be around other people than being by himself. If he wasn't able to communicate with someone, he would have easily gone pretty much crazy from a prolonged period of isolation. For him, isolation is the last thing that he wanted to have. However, it isn't the craziness that would make him look like someone psychotic. The craziness stems more to instill more random thoughts in his mind than anything else. It is the kind of craziness that can only be brought through prolonged periods of boredom. Such things that would ensue from those kinds of events are normally along the lines of having a very simple task and expounding it into something he would fabricate in his mind. It isn't something that would involve hurting people, to some extent it could be something that helps him relate with stress or his mind had been lulled into the form of a blank slate.

The Angel and the Beast

Jin is the kind of person who normally is in a good mood. He always seemed to have a smile plastered on his face. If anything, he enjoys being able to smile and hopes that he can be able to spread that same smile around other people. He absolutely loves to laugh and has no problem with making a few jokes. This makes him look like a shinigami that might not be the kind of person who should be in the divisions, but even despite that he is more than willing to do what he can to give his aid to his division and attempt to boost their morale. Though he is pretty much calm and in a good mood, he has a stronger sense of emotion. This usually gets him into more trouble than anything. One of the more devastating ones is his rage. It does take much for him to unleash his rage from a long fuse. However, once he reaches that level, it takes a very long time for him to come down from his aggression and he would more than likely strike everything down. Such things that could trigger it is if he had been placed into battle, his friends are danger, or even if he felt like he had been threatened. Once the fuse is completely gone, he becomes almost a ferocious beast. His mind goes blank as he desires nothing more than vengeance. But his rage is very focused instead of being rampant. His mind immediately targets the source of the anger and continues to move on until that target is defeated. What makes this dangerous is that he stops caring about what things are around him whether there are many opponents or obstacles. He won't stop until he has been brought back into his original mindset. This is only doable with someone who knows him to have him back to normal.

The machine within the beast

Emotions aside, his mind is innately quizzical and he possesses a strong sense of curiosity. Though he doesn't possess much book smarts, he has a very good memory. When applied, he is able to recall things that had happened to him in the past. Despite the memory, his mind has a very huge tendency to wander around aimlessly. Should he stay with something with enough repetition, he would completely forget about it. That is why he needs to find a variation within the things he needs to do and the things he wants to do. For instance, he does know that he needs to train as hard as he can. However, if he does this for too long he starts to get disinterested or begin to just nap away. That is why he changes up his routine so that he can be able to still enjoy what he loves. Even as the mind is maintained at a level of sharpness, it can easily go into senior moments. Sometimes he could be standing in a room for one moment and immediately forget why he was even in the room in the first place.

A spark within the darkness: the provider

Jin has a very strong sense of creativity. It normally shows within the realm of cooking. He had always enjoyed cooking and had wanted to be able to further his skill. With this desire, it is used to help balance his mind out when it comes to training. While he possesses notes and research to help him understand how to best be able to adjust himself within the Gotei 13, he also has several cooking books from within the land of the living that he also studies. More than anything, he has two main skills within cooking: grilling and baking. However, he tends to go towards baking more because he is able to be more creative. This pretty much gave him an even greater love for both meat and sugar. However, he doesn't feel right about making large amounts of food and have it for himself. With such things, he had always believed that if you make enough food for others, then you should be able to share with them as well. That is why when he makes successful dishes, he shares them with as many people as he can. In a way, he had thought of himself in that way as a morale booster. After all, having something special on the exception of military standard food can easily change someone's mood.


His Life

In the beginning, Jin always knew there was something odd about himself. He had grown up in a fairly moderate home with his family. However, he had been born with a neurological disorder that had to make him live the rest of his days as a child who had been born to this world with head trauma. It had even got to the point that something had to be installed into his head to remove the fluid that had been accumulating around his brain. The doctors had said that above everything else, he has to keep his head protected. If the tube was damaged, then he would have suffered even greater health risks than before. However, despite those risks, Jin continued to live on and he had. In fact, some were puzzled with how he had been able to thrive so well. People of his condition usually didn't grow as much as he did. However, there were things in his mind that no doctor could be able to see with instruments.

When he was a child he had always thought he had seen ghosts or even heard voices in his head. Whenever he slept, he thought that he could be able to see the outlines of people coming to him in his sleeping form. He couldn't see the faces since he had always seen them within a static like form. Eventually it had gotten so bad that he had wanted to sleep with the lights on just so that he wouldn't have to see them appear in the darkness. However, eventually the light did go off and the spirits appeared to not bother him as much. At first he had brushed it off from what his mother had told him and believed that the "spirits" were caused by a negative reaction from the medicine that he took. But soon he began to realize that it wasn't the medicine that made him see strange things.

During his years of high school and even to college, he continued to hear voices. Sometimes he could be in a room with a bunch of people and he thought that someone was calling to him. At first he thought that it was nothing more than his mind playing tricks on him, but as the days rolled on he continued to hear them still. On some nights, he even began to see things that appeared to be people in the distance and when he reaches their location, they would not be there anymore. Every time he had seen them, he continued to wonder it was something negative in his mind. There were even times he had wondered if he had been losing his mind. He didn't know the long term damage for his condition and for all he knew, insanity could follow him.

However, much like the feelings when he was a child, he began to forget about them. He graduated in his college and what was to be considered his greatest achievement and being able to stand with his brother as being the only ones to go through college was marred in tragedy. He and his mother had been in a severe accident and he seemed to be unharmed. However, his mother was hurt badly and he immediately tried to get her out of the car. He cared more about getting her to the hospital without knowing that something did happen to him. What kept him alive had been damaged and what began as simple headaches turned into something even worse. The fluid in his head had been too much for his mind to take and he died in the hospital while making sure his mother was safe.

The Crossing

While in the land of the living, he had watched over his mother much like she believed that people were watching over him. He didn't feel guilt, but he didn't want his mother to know that she was alone. She took his death hard and he wanted to be with her. On one night however as he watched over his mother, someone approached him. At first he didn't know what to do. He wasn't very skilled in hand to hand combat and from what he could see the person had a katana. He could have been dealing with some kind of ghost samurai and he had no means to defend himself. For all he knew, she could have been sent to hurt his mother. He watched as the woman moved into her home and he immediately stood in her way. His face had less rage and more determination to keep his mother safe from anyone. However, the woman told him that she was looking for him. Confused, he had asked why and she told him about the Soul Society. Though he could understand about him needing to cross over, he felt bad about leaving his mother. As a last request, he had wanted to be able to leave something for her to show that he was okay. Nodding her head, she performed the ritual and he was placed into the society.

During the next few months, he had been wandering around West Rukongai looking for some kind of work. He wasn't very sure what skills to bring until he had found himself in some kind of restaurant. He looked at the food and began to ask questions about its preparations such as the cooking time and the procedures the owner took. Eventually the owner was interested enough in his own contemplations that he gave him a job as a cook in his restaurant. He cooked there until he saw the same people who had the robes the woman had on when she brought him to this place. Feeling hospitable, he delivered the shinigami their food and immediately felt a high level of reiatsu with him.

They began to question him, but he seemed to have a very confused look on his face. He didn't understand what they were talking about. He did say though he did see the outlines of bodies and heard voices. They continued to question him until a few days later he had been asked to come with them to the shinigami academy. Continuing to look very confused, he accepted and began to wonder what they were talking about.

The Academy Life

When he had joined the academy, he seemed to have a very huge sense of curiosity in his mind. He had wanted to learn much about the shinigami. As he continued through his lessons, he had learned of a few fighting techniques: Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Kidou. Kidou was something that had definitely caught his eyes as he had his first taste of it from a student. Though accidental in its usage, it had begun to stroke the flames of intrigue in his mind so that he could be able to learn much more about this path. Eventually he had encountered other students, one in particular he had met was a girl named Yumi. She had taught him about hakuda but he had wanted to continue the path of kidou. Jin needed to know where he can actually go and be able to help extend his knowledge of strategy. He had asked questions about the various divisions and started to contemplate about each of them. It seemed that eventually he would have chosen something like the 8th or the 11th division until he had heard of something that caught his mind. It was the 6th division, and it specialized in strategy. Once he had heard that, he was more than willing to join the sixth division.



-1. Restrain (sai)— Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.

-4. Crawling Rope (hainawa) — An energy rope entangles a target's arms.

-8. Repulse (seki) - Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.

-9. Hit (geki) — Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
*Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!

-39. Circular Shield (enkosen)— Summons a shield of condensed reiatsu to block opponents' attacks.


-1. Thrust (sho) — Pushes the target away from the caster.

-4. White Lightning (byakurai)— Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the caster's forefinger.

-11. Reading Lightning (tsuzuri raiden) - Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through

-33. Blue Fire, Crash Down (sokatsui)— Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
*Incantation: Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!

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