Dragon Cup Rules

Sign-up info
Sign-ups begin two weeks before the date of the tourney.

To sign up, join the Dragon Cup guild and there will be a sign up thread and list of participants. If you don't see your name in list within 24 hours of posting in the guild, pm me and I'll take care of it. whee

Prize Info
Prize pools have ranged from a total of 500,000g to over 2million gold! Sometimes art is given to all participants. Depending on the amount of donations we get and how much Blu has saved up the prize pool varies from tourney to tourney. However, you can be assured that the minimum for 1st place will always be 100,000g.

As always, we at The Dragon Cup Tournament accept any sort of donation you would like to give. We take gold, items, or services. Services as in banner makers or artists who can draw art as prizes and such forth. The more you donate, the higher the prize pool will be.

Tournament Mechanics

Depending on the amount of participants in each tourney, elimination will either be single elimination or a best of 3 match-up.

Each race will be observed by Officials working for the DC. This is to make sure all races are fair and there are no glitches. It will be the officials who tell me who moves on to the next round.

In case of a glitch the racer who wishes to report the glitch must take a screen shot of the race proving the glitch. Officials must acknowledge the glitch as well.

There will be no more than 3 races at a time, to cut down the confusion and not overload the servers. (rule pending on rally server performance)

These mechanics are only a guideline on how the tournament will work this time around. DC holds the right to change rules before a tourney starts. No changes will be made after a tourney begins.

Racing Teams
If you wish for your racing team to be represented, at least 3 members of the team must participate in the tournament for that team to be recognized by DC officials.

To represent your team, when you sign up also say for which team you are racing for. If you are not affiliated with a team, don't feel pressured to join one. wink

Officially recognized teams will compete for the spot of "Fastest Team on Gaia" which will have its own prizes. 3nodding

For this part of the tournament to come into play there must be at least 4 recognized teams participating.