Name: Justin Daniel
Aliases/ Nicknames: JD, Just Blades (ironically has nothing to do with bleach or weapons all together.)

Physical Description: 6'2", slender/athletic build, Brown hair, green eyes, various scars including a small scar on the left check in the shape of a reverse L

Age: 21 10/20/1944

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Takuma Yoshirou

The spirit of a teenage boy who after surviving an attack on his village set off on a quest for revenge. He started his quest with one mere sword but then took the sword of every slain foe. As the number of his foes decreased his armory of swords continued to grow. After an exhausting battle in which he nearly lost his arm because of the weight of the weaponry he began weaving the hilts of the swords to each other with reeds, creating a weapon affixed to his forearm rather than carried in hand. The weapon was able to cause massive damage from the eight forward blades as well as protect him with the eight rear facing blades. Despite it's massive size and weight it allowed Takuma to avenge his family and fallen friends.

Basic- Zanpaktou
Shikai- Like his spirit Justin's Shikai looks much like the woven swords his spirit used many years ago. 8 blades are tightly woven together protecting his forearm, the other 8 blades are tightly woven together with the blades in front of his knuckles (think Wolverine with 8 claws right beside each other)
Bankai- 2 twin swords slightly smaller than a zanpaktou, the swords are a dark grey and are followed by shadow blades. The shadow blades can not be swung by themselves and only make contact with a foe after the source sword makes contact first. The shadow blade slashes or impales the exact same spot as the sorce blade 5 seconds after the source blade no longer has contact with the opponent. The attack is powerful but the blades are shorter so Justin doesn't have much range with his Bankai.

Zanpaktou: Not achieved

Shikai Release: Gunjin Heika Impale!

Shikai: Not achieved

Bankai: Not acheived

Special Accessories: A silver ring worn on a necklace around his neck.

Skills: Military training, resourcefulness

Abilities: Strength and speed. Given his body size and build he is more often than not overlooked for physical strength but easily moves 2.5 times his own body weight. Quick speed in bursts. Can run a 100 yard sprint in less than 5 seconds. Can't hold an extended sprint of longer than 25 seconds.

Personality: reserved, cynical. attempts to be comical with people he is more familiar with

Biography/History: Justin was able to see spirits his whole life. Naturally this didn't help him fit in very well with those around him. His ability caused him to be shunned out by everyone. Until WWII. Lack of qualified soldiers caused a need for the Army to draft Justin. He progressed much better in the army than he did in his civilian life. He grew into a soldier much faster than anyone could have anticipated and he bonded with soldiers much more than civilians. Perhaps because of the exposure to death or maybe something else. Justin had been sent overseas to Japan where he and his unit were ambushed by japanese soldiers and nearly wiped out. Without any remaining ammo Justin picked up a sword from a fallen japanese commander and fought valliantly, killing 4 more japanese soldiers, till his death in Letye

Signature/Patented Technique: None yet

Guild Status: member no rank as of yet

Online Schedule: Varrying times through the course of the week