Just a random poem of a typical conversation or what could be consider one. Its a mixture of what they are saying and thinking.

Hello, and how are you?
Just dandy and you?
Just fine with cherry wine
And what did you do today?
Nothing really, whats new?
Nothing really, we just...
Fell through the floor...
Went to the store and Mama had a bird
Really? I flew to the moon and had a blast
The music was really great and the food...
To die for...
Was nice too
Did you meet anyone new?
Why yes there was this...
Weirdo in a suit...
Charming man in a black suit
It was to die for, you'd have been proud
Ohh now I'm jealous what was his name?
Well, um...
Its Aydin...
I forget
Was it the eyes?
Sure, yes, of course
Who else?
Nobody...and what of you?
Nobody, nobody at all
There has to be someone
Well there was the Sales Clerk
Oh, dangerous
He had long long hair but
But what?
Not my type
Hey did you hear about the...