Name: Hikari Mizuki, the representative shinigami

Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Rank and Squad: None

Physical Description:
Age: looks to be fifteen years old.
Height: She is rather short for her age and very skinny.
Eyes: sparkling silver
Hair: She has somewhat curly, very long light blue hair
Clothing: gothic, meaning mostly black
Other: She is almost always blushing because wherever she is, the temperature will drop rapidly. And the cold weather causes her face to flush a little red or pink.

Zanpaktou: Yuki Hana
Element: Snow/Ice
Basic: She has the ability to control the weather and temperature within a certain distance near her and freeze anything in an ice pillar at her command.
She can also release a blast of tiny snowflakes made of little pieces of blades.
"Breathe, Yuki Hana."
Basically her katana turns into a transparent blue color and thin white fumes are released from the blade. They travel through the air unharmed and usually surround her opponent. It instantly freezes into a substance that resembles ice, yet it even stronger than diamond itself. The opponent is thus trapped in the barrier while inside ice begins to develop. When the barrier is completely filled with ice, the opponent becomes a frozen statue within an 'ice cube.'
"Release all the wrath of the frozen heavens. Bankai!"
When she goes into this state her reiatsu will automatically increase tenfold. Ice wings, like Hitsugaya’s except a lot smaller, will appear on her back and she will be lifted high into the air. Six jagged ice pillars will rise from the ground surrounding her opponent to enclose them in a confined space. The sky, still way above her reach, will tear open and huge ice shards are fired at the opponent in great amounts at a time so it is impossible to dodge all of them (and the space he/she has is limited too). Then a wave of forceful, misty air will wipe over the whole area and create a thick layer of ice on top of any surface.

Special Accessories: She wears a black glove on her left hand to nullify the powers she has with that hand to freeze anything it touches.
She is always seen wearing a pearl pin in her hair, which was something her grandmother gave her when she was alive.

She doesn’t have any special skills useful in fighting.
But, she is a very good housekeeper, cook, and knitter. When she is overly bored, you might see her alone knitting a new scarf for herself or baking some kind of cake. She enjoys simplistic things rather than fighting and killing, like most shinigami do.
Though she may seem like a goody-two shoes don’t get her wrong. She was probably the best thief anyone ever met due to her small size, steady, quick fingers, innocent personality, and speed.
She is also a decent healer, but rejected the fourth squad's offer.

Though she is very agile and swift in motion, her physical strength and endurance is lacking.
She excels in being able to sense any reiatsu, even new and unfamiliar ones, anytime, anywhere. Her senses are sharp and keen. Though her attacks are small and almost negligible when it comes to combat, perhaps her speed can cover that up easily.

She is rather shy at first and very nervous around people in a much higher position than she is. When she gets to know someone very well, she opens up quickly and sometimes even gets to be a pain in the a**. She loves fooling around, though she is somewhat gullible and very obedient at the same time. But she’s very deceiving. >D

Hikari grew up in a small town in Japan. She was raised by her grandmother alone. She never met nor personally knew her parents. She was told that they were not able to take care of her, and she never really bothered searching for them. She was content with her life overall. She was just like any other girl: enjoyed hanging with friends, swinging, going to parties, etc etc. She was also never afraid of death. She even welcomed the idea itself when she was diagnosed with a weird disease no doctor knew of. As she roamed around in the real world, escaping every shinigami she saw, her own powers were revealed to her over time. She belongs to no certain race. Instead, she follows her own "heart." She believes that she lives to protect the weak.