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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:08 am
********. Double ********, wrong place. Relocate bitte?


Obama and ACORN GPS Marking EVERY Front Door in America?

Posted by Truth Junkie on May 1, 2009

Republican Senator Judd Gregg was Obama’s first choice for the Secretary of Commerce post, and Gregg was actually considering joining the Obama team, until he found out that control of the US Census was being stripped from the Commerce Department and placed under the direct control of White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.

JB Williams – Canada Free Press, April 29, 2009

Then, the same week that Americans learned that they were “domestic terrorists”—at least according to Obama’s new DHS (Department of Homeland Security),—if they own a bible, a pocket Constitution or guns, and still believe in Life, Liberty and Freedom, – they also learned that Obama’s Census Bureau had hired thousands of new temporary employees, equipped each with a handheld GPS computer and sent them out to mark GPS coordinates for every residential front door in America.

Oddly, it was this same period that news was breaking of an international flu pandemic, suspected of being a weaponized strain of the virus never before seen, – and that Obama’s team still sees no need to close the US-Mexican border, despite the cross continental spread of a deadly illness now claiming American lives.

Now, if any one of these events happened alone, one might not get too excited. But when a string of such events happen all at once, one begins to question the string of freedom and life threatening coincidences…

I can’t resist the urge to question the authority and purpose behind such a BIG BROTHER initiative, when the official Census itself is not due to be taken until 2010…

No imagination is required to think up a whole laundry list of evil that could be done with a nationwide GPS grid of coordinate’s markers painted on every private home across the country. But I was having trouble thinking up one good reason for it, even one legitimate use that would justify what must be a very expensive undertaking.

According to one of the Census workers, who spoke with me on condition of anonymity, they must GPS mark the coordinates “within 40 ft of every front door” in America and they are supposed to complete that mission nation wide, within 90 days, by the end of July 2009.

The workers were not told why they were GPS marking every front door. But a supervisor is sent out to follow them door-to-door, to make certain that no door is left unmarked. Every door will be marked by one employee, and then checked by a follow-up supervisor.

So, I had to ask, why?

Why does the Obama administration need or want the latitude and longitude coordinates for every home in America? Why the rush to GPS paint every home in the next 90 days? Why must the marker be within 40 ft of every front door? For what possible purpose does the Fed need GPS coordinates for every home, and under what authority do they have the right? Census workers, whom I asked, had the same holy-crap look on their faces that I had by then…

ACORN signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States — currently believed to be more than 306 million people. But the count doesn’t take place until 2010… This is April 2009.

Obama’s interest in an ACORN controlled 2010 Census, for the purpose of redistricting to the advantage of Democrats before the 2010 mid-term elections, comes as NO shock from a regime known for their heavy handed Rules for Radicals political strategies. But what does this have to do with GPS marking every home in the country?

The 2% of Americans, who have served military duty at some point in life, are very familiar with the most common use of GPS target painting. The other 98% of Americans might want to pick up a book on the subject, such as The Precision Revolution: GPS and the Future of Aerial Warfare …

Their Authority?

RightSoup.com has just about the only online report available on the matter, and they report, “Why does the government (and ACORN) need to have the GPS coordinates of your FRONT DOOR? Your house is probably on Google Maps already. But the front door? Sounds like a jackboot convenience to me. This is a developing story, and several reports of those who have already been visited by the GPS squad can be found in this forum thread.”

If you challenge Census Bureau employees about the GPS marking of your private residence, you will be handed a preprinted explanation referring you to Sec. 223, Title 13, U.S. Code, Chapter 7, Subtitle 2, which explains the penalties for refusing to provide names and statistics of occupants when asked for by a census taker. This only applies when they are taking a census, (which will not be taken until next year), and the penalty for refusing to answer questions for a census is up to a $500 fine.

However, since the actual Census is not due to be taken until 2010, nobody is asking for any information today. They are only GPS marking your front door today, and Sec. 223, Title 13, U.S. Code, Chapter 7, Subtitle 2 provides the Fed NO authority to GPS paint your front door.

Best I can tell, the Fed has NO authority whatsoever, to paint the front door of every private residence in America. Still, that is exactly what they are doing. Now, the trillion dollar question is, why?

A State of Emergency

From Wikipedia – The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878 after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (such as states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States.

In short, the statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the National Guard operating under federal authority, from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States.

As members of the military are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, a federal order to do the exact opposite, and take aim at American citizens, would be a clear violation of the US Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, unless…

US Military personnel are trained to follow orders. But they are also obligated to refuse any order deemed “unlawful.” In order to make such an order appear “lawful,” the federal government would first have to declare a national “state of emergency,” such as in the case of an international pandemic, which can be demonstrated to threaten the health and well-being of American citizens.

Following a state of emergency declaration, a federal order for Martial Law would be expected, to allegedly provide law enforcement and security for citizens. This type of scenario can be followed by a presidential order to quarantine, disarm and contain American citizens in the name of national security, all of it, having the appearance of being “lawful.”

Is this what is happening?

Connecting the Dots

Alone, individual events look concerning, but not conspiratorial. What about when you place the pieces of the puzzle together and take a look at the entire picture developing?

Under this “theory,” how does the GPS marking of every private residence in the nation fit into the picture?

I wish I knew… but I don’t!

What I do know is this… Coincidences of this number and magnitude don’t happen. They certainly do not happen all at the same time, within hours or days of each other, out of the wild blue tin-foil hat heaven…

I also know that people had better start asking the right people the right questions and demanding answers fast. Begin with asking the mainstream press why there has been no public notification of the federal governments GPS marking your front door?

Then, I suggest contacting your local Census Bureau office immediately, and demanding an explanation as well as advice as to what law gives them the right to GPS paint every front door in America?

I’d also recommend sending a copy of this column to your state and federal representative, demanding that they put a stop to it or explain why it’s necessary, and what law gives them the right?

Unfortunately, we live in a moment of history when real events are much stranger than nutty conspiracy theories. The people have every right to know what is happening. But unless you demand to know, nobody’s talking!

Bill Clinton sold US nuclear technology to Red China for a mere $300,000 in campaign contributions. The event landed Chinese bagman Johnny Chung in prison, but put Hillary Clinton in the US Senate, and now at the helm of the US State Department.

Highly secured government servers are hacked daily. Soon, hackers will be able to grab a nation wide GPS grid map, marking the front door of every home in America.

How much is a GPS grid of every American household worth to the enemies of America, both foreign and domestic? I’d estimate, PRICELESS!

There is a foul odor resonating from the current regime in Washington DC and most Americans can smell it. Can most Americans gather the strength to do something about it?

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:12 pm
I'd like to point out that starting the census the year before it's due is SOP. They've always done that. The first go-round, they check for newly-built houses, houses that have burned down, houses that have moved... any kind of a change in housing. Then, after they get all that s**t collated, they begin to actually take the census. Then there's a third stage where they ask certain people more questions than normal, for statistical reasons. Note, however, that all you're required by law to give them is your name and the number of people living in your house, regardless of how much they ask for. Then, by the time they get all that s**t checked out and sorted and the final results are printed out, it's halfway through the census year.  




PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:22 pm
I heard some reports of them asking how many people could fit in the house, say there was a 'national emergency'.

Also asking if the owner had 'guns'. neutral  
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:28 pm
I heard some reports of them asking how many people could fit in the house, say there was a 'national emergency'.

Also asking if the owner had 'guns'. neutral
They're perfectly allowed to ask, and you're just as allowed to refuse to answer. We got the big questionnaire last go-round, and it had some strange s**t in it like 'how many toilets are in your household?' We just blew it off and sent back the required two answers. Nobody said nothin' about it.  





PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:11 am
You know, I've read a couple articles on this in other places. They all share large chunks of identical text, but the one thing that all of them are missing is one thing the .gov could do with GPS markers that they couldn't do with Google Maps. Not to mention Google Maps is updated every two years (less in commonly-viewed areas), the Census is every what, five? Six? The only plausible use for GPS markers I've heard came directly from the Census itself. It's easier (and 'greener') for a census worker to write down fifty GPS co-ordinates than it is for him to print out fifty Google Maps pages.  
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 9:31 am
You know, I've read a couple articles on this in other places. They all share large chunks of identical text, but the one thing that all of them are missing is one thing the .gov could do with GPS markers that they couldn't do with Google Maps. Not to mention Google Maps is updated every two years (less in commonly-viewed areas), the Census is every what, five? Six? The only plausible use for GPS markers I've heard came directly from the Census itself. It's easier (and 'greener') for a census worker to write down fifty GPS co-ordinates than it is for him to print out fifty Google Maps pages.

Also easier to employ spy drones in the event of a 'national emergency'.

Tin hat off.  


Man of the Demoneye

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:18 pm
Perhaps I shall play the part of "sheeple" now

My guess is to overlay the coordinates to a topographical map so you can see who exactly is getting flooded / burned and actually in need of aid should things go bad.  
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:19 pm
Man of the Demoneye
Perhaps I shall play the part of "sheeple" now

My guess is to overlay the coordinates to a topographical map so you can see who exactly is getting flooded / burned and actually in need of aid should things go bad.

Satellite map such as google earth, or something better, set over a topographical map.
There, done.  


Man of the Demoneye

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:47 pm
Man of the Demoneye
Perhaps I shall play the part of "sheeple" now

My guess is to overlay the coordinates to a topographical map so you can see who exactly is getting flooded / burned and actually in need of aid should things go bad.

Satellite map such as google earth, or something better, set over a topographical map.
There, done.

Yeah, but it's kinda hard to give a helicopter street directions. Unless google earth has coordinates on it. Plus you have X number of waypoints in a database for the selected area.

Just playing devil's advocate here.  
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:56 pm
Man of the Demoneye
Man of the Demoneye
Perhaps I shall play the part of "sheeple" now

My guess is to overlay the coordinates to a topographical map so you can see who exactly is getting flooded / burned and actually in need of aid should things go bad.

Satellite map such as google earth, or something better, set over a topographical map.
There, done.

Yeah, but it's kinda hard to give a helicopter street directions. Unless google earth has coordinates on it. Plus you have X number of waypoints in a database for the selected area.

Just playing devil's advocate here.
Google Earth DOES give you GPS co-ordinates. And even if it didn't, there's another service that does. I forget the name... 'free earth' or something like that. Borrows maps from a half-dozen services and allows you to choose from any of them.

And it makes me wonder what someone would do to warrant the expense of a multi-thousand-dollar missile in his front door when he may or may not even be home. Ground troops can easily and cheaply verify both an address and the house's occupancy, and a single sniper's bullet is cheaper than a Tomahawk.  




PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:15 am
Man of the Demoneye
Man of the Demoneye
Perhaps I shall play the part of "sheeple" now

My guess is to overlay the coordinates to a topographical map so you can see who exactly is getting flooded / burned and actually in need of aid should things go bad.

Satellite map such as google earth, or something better, set over a topographical map.
There, done.

Yeah, but it's kinda hard to give a helicopter street directions. Unless google earth has coordinates on it. Plus you have X number of waypoints in a database for the selected area.

Just playing devil's advocate here.
Google Earth DOES give you GPS co-ordinates. And even if it didn't, there's another service that does. I forget the name... 'free earth' or something like that. Borrows maps from a half-dozen services and allows you to choose from any of them.

And it makes me wonder what someone would do to warrant the expense of a multi-thousand-dollar missile in his front door when he may or may not even be home. Ground troops can easily and cheaply verify both an address and the house's occupancy, and a single sniper's bullet is cheaper than a Tomahawk.

Who said anything about a helicopter with payload?
I'm thinking of a UH60.

In certain areas you really don't need a GPS of every house, just one area to start and go from there.

You know, thinking about it more, GPS tags make it a lot easier if you have to do a mass relocation.
Heck, you wouldn't have to rely on street addresses, just the next blip.  
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