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Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:24 pm
User ImageThe young lion was not his usual happy self. That wasn't to say he wasn't happy, as it was nearly impossible to find him anything but, it was just that he wasn't showing it quite as vividly as he often did. His general good mood was still there, bubbling brightly in his eyes and under a distracted, thoughtful look on his short, handsome face.

Padding blindly, eyes turned to the sky, the white lion padded across the sands with no direction in his paws. He would be content where ever the wind led him, and he allowed the pull of the breezes through his growing mane tell him where to place his paws. So far he hadn't bumped into anything, always getting just the right feeling and being prompted to look down before stumbling on a rock or bumping into a passing pride member.

He was sure his luck would run out eventually, but when he did he hoped it was because he had run into a new friend, and not because he hit a cactus.

His head was mulling over all the things he had heard recently. About being strong, and about being wise. He had been training his body well, though his pudgy exterior didn't show it, and he felt he was at least a capable fighter. He was strong enough to move rocks when he wanted to, and he was good at pinning his sparring partners to the floor. Maybe his rotund form made him more adept at those things. Whatever the case, he was content with those skills.

But was he wise? He knew being a worthy lion, someone his pride could find strength in and rely on, was more than just physical strength. He needed to learn more, he decided, nodding to himself as he watched a cloud roll by.
PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:29 pm
She waited near the border, of out sight she hoped of that red pelted female. Soon enough she would come back within the borders and seek her out, demand a rematch to prove her worth, but fr now her crimson and black striped pelt lay upon the sand, silver eyes focused on what moved or was vacant before her eyes.

Rellik was tired of waiting, she had traveled so far since she left Karndess and Domnikali, and the others behind her. Fire in her veins she wanted to be able to prove herself again, why did she have to wait? As she contemplated standing, a pain shot through her ribs, and the reason was clear. She needed time to recuperate, she needed time to prepare again.

She was strong and could be serious but loyal to those she found as allies, or rarely, friends. Emotions were hard to grasp for her as all her life it had been a tumble after tumble, nothing ever secure. She found intellect where she wished she had known sooner, wisdom in mistakes and reflection, but she lacked a home, family, friends, she lacked what she believed, or thought most sought after for a life.




Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:41 pm
Iroh padded along in his thoughtful state for some time, not watching too closely as the scenery moved by. He didn't know how long he had been out, but since he was older now he didn't seem to take as much note of the time. He could be trusted, and the den was a bit over crowded if they were all there at one time. He would have to find his own den, soon... though, he wasn't much for the solitary life.

Blinking, new scents hit his nose and he looked down, glancing around him and taking note of where he had wandered. He was near the edges of the pridal terrain now, though he hadn't realized he had come quite this far. Smiling, not coming out this way often enough, he decided to abandon his musing for a little while and just take a good look around.

Sniffing as he went, catching wind of numerous unfamiliar odors, some he was certain belonged to lions just beyond their lands, he wondered at the way this area seemed to smell of blood. Probably because most fights and duels took place around the edges of the lands. This was where others were welcomed or turned away, after shows of strength.

He smiled, glancing toward an unfamiliar red and black coat nearby. Tilting his head, unsure of whether it was a pride member or a rogue, he padded closer.

"Are you okay?" He called, noticing her wince as he drew closer.
PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:47 pm
She felt blindsighted, when she had lost. Unbearable to find herself in such a situation, where her strength was outmatched, where her skill was outdone. How could it have come to this thus far? She snarled to herself, feeling the pain again. After everything that had happened, her family, the abandonment, why wasn't it just geting easier, always getting harder? Regardless she would not turn away, no. She would not stand for it. Though it seemed like several nights would have to pass before she would be ready again.

A voice caught her from the thoughts and as she raised her head quickly, she turned her body somewhat defensively, though she grit her teeth as she winced with the pain the echoed in her ribcage. With seeing the pale form, and the age of the oncomer, she felt more at rest, she did not want anymore injury to befall her before the rematch that would soon come to pass.

However, fight now or then, she would engage and not lose again.

Or she would just keep trying.

"I'm fine, I guess," and she lay her head back on her paws and looked blankly at the sand before her. The age of the other gave his status to her, he would not come to fight, no scar or blood in sight, purity, untouched or tainted by the outside world and its horrors and traitors.

"Just waiting," her fur for the most part was clean, though she had several gashes in her side and shoulder, they had caked over with blood sealed shut, the color matching her fur almost to a key, she was battered, but she would not give up. "Out for a stroll today young kin?"



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:53 pm
Iroh wore a concerned expression. It didn't reflect pity, but this strangely sincere worry for a stranger he had only just come upon, completely by accident. He didn't like seeing pain, though he knew it was a necessary part of life. Perhaps this lioness had been in one of those fights he had just been pondering, and hadn't come out so well at the end of it. That would be nothing new, for these lands. He offered her a genial smile.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, though it doesn't quite look like you're fine. But if you're strong enough to believe that, I won't argue with you," he grinned, being a bit goofy. Sitting down nearby, he tilted his head at her wounds, but was distracted from them by her question. He didn't seem nervous or uncomfortable, always glad to strike up a conversation.

Even with someone who wasn't yet in the pride. Or might never be, if things didn't work out for them. It wasn't a big issue with the young white lion. As far as he was concerned, she looked like she could do with a nice, casual conversation.

"I am indeed! I came out a bit farther than I thought I might, but I'm glad for that now. My name is Iroh. It's nice to meet you, miss...?"
PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:00 pm
Rellik offered him a half smile, he was smart, to not stir up any trouble with an outsider, not that she would attack, as he would be part of her future home, it would not be good manners outside of a spar. He was intelligent, and had strength in his eyes, though the strength also reflected in his sincerity. It made her wonder if she should speak to him for extended periods of time, she felt as if she could taint this pure tangible form before her eyes.

"Wounds only plague us for so long, they heal over just as mistakes do, in time, but they are not forgotten by the barer," she flicked her tail, watched him ease himself into comfort. Strange, was he truly of the fire? Though his color was so pale, fire also had pale tones to it, the brightest of the flame, perhaps.

"Rellik," she wondered of what his name meant. Family decent perhaps? Name of fire and the flame within his soul? "So, what do you search for out here Iroh? Anything in particular? Duels, spars, glory, wisdom, truth?" his name though, was intruging, though she didn't want to disclose the meaning behind hers, whenever the truth of her past was revealed, it never settled well.

The name doted upon her by the second mother, someday she would make her pay for the title.



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:11 pm
Iroh nodded, flicking his tail at the interesting thought, "that makes sense. Time does have a way of making even the deepest hurt, physical or mental, fade." He spoke out of experience, looking back in vague clips of memories at how painful the death of his brother had been when it was fresh, and how he was much more capable of dealing with it now.

Iroh's ears perked at her question, in the middle of him nodding at her name. He smiled at her, more than eager to share.

"I was just walking, really, letting the wind lead me. I was listening to the sands, and letting my mind wander. It turned to the things I've been learning, over time, about being strong. I want to be strong, for my pride and for those I love. I was thinking about the difference between physical strength, the ability to fight, and the strength that comes from wisdom. I think I'm okay in my training of the former... but I'm concerned I don't have enough of the latter."

He smiled, not looking too worried, despite his confession.
PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:18 pm
Rellik grinned at him, swept her paw over the sand before her. "For someone so worried, your expression deceives your spoken words," she flicked sand particles one by one from a small pile before her eyes. "Jut as your strength improves, everyday you learn or experience something knew. With each moment, another particle of wisdom is caught and kept. But look around you Iroh," she said with a smile. "No matter how many pieces you obtain, from the light or from the areas with shadows, there is always more to gather. With strength, physical strength, you peek at your prime, but with wisdom, for the rest of your days you will grow stronger."

It was strange how many younger lions and lionesses seemed to worry about their well being, especially within a pride. There was family and friends for you if not by blood by your pride, and a pride is a family.

"So do not worry too much, you will do just fine."

Iroh seemed so pure, untouched, but Rellik knew better, the outer self did not reveal the truth beneath the mask.



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:29 pm
Iroh nodded, like a dutiful student at a lesson. He repeated her words in his head, to remember them and refer to them later for deeper thought. He smiled at her, closing his eyes as his tail flopped behind him. He was softly purring, as he often was, though the sound was a bit strange. It was a broken purr, and stopped occasionally only to pick itself up. He didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you!" he said when she reassured him, opening his eyes and tilting his head at her. She looked like she was contemplating something, or maybe taking stock of him, but he didn't mind either.

"I always believed there was too much in this world for any one lion to learn, but I have always tried to take in as much of it as I can. I think there's an underrated strength in understanding, which isn't just limited to understand the sand or the plants or my friends or my enemies. It comes from being able to understand other perspectives, and to take them in stride, instead of combating them. I know it's impossible to see through anyone's eyes exactly, but I think the effort is a vastly important effort that a lot of people kind of... miss. Or avoid."

He shrugged his round shoulders, as if he wasn't sure of what he was saying, "or maybe I just think too much. Are you hungry? Could I get you some food?"
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:34 am
"For one still young you worry too much, let your mind at ease once in a while," Rellik laughed softly, watching him. He seemed so subtle, kind, but why was he so accepting of an outsider who had not proved themselves truly yet? Why was he not afraid of who she was or what she could do?

"HUngry no, but water, is there any water near the borders here? I do not want to venture too far in as I don't want to upset any others, but the ground is so dry everywhere I have looked," thrist gripped her throat and it was uncomfortable.

"Iroh," she questioned, watching him, curious, "Why are you so accepting, unafraid when you don't know me more than my name and what you have seen thus far?" Not that she was a threat, it just made her wonder. Were others truly this accepting? Everywhere she had gone before, it was harder.



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:44 pm
Iroh smiled, nodding. He did think too much, some times, though he was very fond of letting him mind go blank when he was eating. That way he could savor all the flavor in his meals better, when his focus was just on that. He was very fond of food, though he was not greedy. He did not hunt more than he thought he should, and he did his best to accommodate anyone he was sharing with. He just... had a big appetite, and an even bigger appreciation of taste.

Which explained his rolly-polly appearance.

Iroh's smile faded a bit as he looked off thoughtfully. It returned in short order, and he looked at her brightly.

"My Aunt is teaching me to be a Water Seeker, and I know this area enough to know the closest water source. But it's not that close, and I don't know if you should walk to it. I'll get you some. I know how I can carry some back for you. Do you mind a wait?"

He blinked, almost bouncing off before hearing her question. He looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders.

"Because you're taking the time to talk to me, and whether you have ulterior motives or not, I find that deserving. Plus, you're wounded but you're still here, which means you won't turn away from these lands until you get what you want. I think what you want is to be a part of our home. So why should I not trust you, if you want to join us? Eventually you'll be a part of my pridal family, right?"
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:22 pm
Rellik gave a half smile but at his words of having her not walk, she gave him a quizzical look. "Do you not want me to walk because it ventures too far within borders, or too far away?" she flicked her tail and contemplated what could happen either way. She would not let her wounds get the best of her though, she was strong and the determined fire within her dwindled some but still roared softly in wait. She grit her jaw together and forced herself up, in doing so revealing another wound to her side that ran under her to her stomach. One of the deeper cut ones, though she could not let it seal in an uncomfortable manner, she needed to be able to move.

"I can, walk there," she said with her voice strained. She was stubborn, but willful with good intentions, "Though if it is too far in, I don't want to cause trouble with others," but she was smart. Rellik had ventured around the lands to know where the borders stopped, so if he tried t trick, she would know, although she bet he would be faster than her in a run, but she would push herself if she had to.

With his words she knew one day he would be quite noble and regal, strong as well. He was not yet into adulthood but his mind and thoughts seemed to have matured well past his age. "Yes, I suppose you are right, but family, the word, its hard for me to grasp really, though I want this, its still a harsh reminder of my past."



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:09 pm
"Oh, no, I didn't mean that. It's not too far inside the borders. I think you'd be fine on that front. I just didn't know if you should be walking if you're injured, and I would be happy to go and get the water for you, so you can rest," he smiled at her sincerely. He noticed her look of determination, though, and realized that maybe he was being a bit presumptive. Not wanting to step on her pride, he didn't argue with her on the point.

Instead, he moved closer to her, not touching her but making sure she could understand that he would support her if she needed it. He was a rotund lion, sure, but he had strength in his stubby legs and he would do his best to ease her pain if it became too much. He didn't articulate it into words, however, because he didn't want her to decline out of pride. And because he believed she was strong enough not to need him.

Walking slowly next to her, leading the way, he wondered about her past. What had happened to make family a painful thought? He delighted in the word, though he knew his home was far from perfect. There was sadness and hardship, but that made them stronger and closer. He didn't feel it right to pry, though. So he spoke generally.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes it's hard for me realize that there are harder lives around me than the one I live. I'm lucky for what I have and the friends I make, but I shouldn't let that blind me or make me selfish. maybe your future will be a lot better. If it's here, with us, I'm positive it will be good."
PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:45 pm
"Then I will go with you," she offered, determination and strength of perseverance in her voice. Flicking her tail she watched him move to her side without speaking, she understood his gesture without words, and gave a slight bow of her head to him in thanks, without words. In silence they spoke, but it was heard and strong like the wind of the desert night.

As she walked with him, he seemed so nice, his family life was good she believed from his outlook on life. That was good, not al should suffer the hardships she had.

"No need to apologize. Everyone lives their life, though sometimes choices and the right to choose is taken from us, I won't let that happen again," she stared forward, almost as if she could see the nights and the choices she had made and those that were taken from her. "I do believe that the life I seek here will be for the better, I am excited and both afraid of it," she had lost family before, but this was different, and the firekin were stronger than she had been as a child.

She laughed and shook her head as she walked with him, "Childish fears churn up now and then, its hard to let go of them sometimes, but they make you stronger." She watched him, to see his reaction, but also to say silently that if she spoke too much, she would cease.

"I appreciate your kindness to me Iroh, and I feel like I should repay you, and I think I know of a way," she smirked.



Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:53 pm
Iroh smiled serenely as she spoke, nodding his head at her points. He liked talking to her. She was much wiser than he had thought, though he didn't know why he would have any assumptions about her in the first place. Maybe it was because he came of a culture based on strength, and rogues were inherently looked on as outsiders, and weaker until they had proven themselves. That weakness was often translated to character, not just muscle, and he knew he was letting innate prejudices get the better of him, even though he had done nothing to show it save a slight expression of surprise as she spoke.

He led her to the water he promised, though they had plenty of time to talk while they walked. It wasn't as far as he had indicated, though he thought it far enough for someone who was wounded. He was impressed that she was walking with what looked like bad wounds, though he was no healer and was a bit out of his depth on that judgment.

'I don't think there's any such thing as a childish fear," he said conversationally, inclining his head toward her, and going off on a bit of a tangent, as he was wont to do, "I think every fear is legitimate in some way, and every fear teaches us something. About ourselves or our world. What we're afraid of, or how we're afraid of it, or when: all of that is very revealing about each of us, as individuals. It's a weird thing to be fascinated by, I know, but it's thought provoking. For me, anyway. I try not to ignore my fears, but I don't want to give in to them either. I think the best thing to do is understand that you have them, and that sometimes they do get the better of you. And grow from that."
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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