Name: Takeda Izo (Tah-kay-Dah Ee-Zoh)
Alias/Nickname: None

Physical Discription:
User Image
Age: 191, Appears 18

Zanpakuto's Spirit and Name:
User Image
Zenmetsu is her name
Zanpakuto: Achieved
Shikai Release phrase: Bring Destruction, Zenmetsu!
Shikai: Achieved
User Image
Bankai: Not yet Achieved
Skills: Nothing special.
Abilities: sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down), shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire), haien (Waste Flame), sōren sōkatsui (Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down)
Personality: Takeda is Calm and collected, but when there is a challenge he is eager to take up his blade. He was very good at tactical work when he was in the academy. He focuses in Fire when it comes to kido.
Biography/History: Takeda was born in the Sereitei, and was trained to be a shinigami when he was very young. He was very good at tactical training when he was in the academy and was also very good at destructive, fire type kido. When he finally finished with the academy he was assigned to 6th squad. There his abilities grew and he worked his way to becoming a great tactician.
Guild Status: Will update.
Online Schedule: Online during weekends and evenings (around 430 to 5 central mountain time) during the week.