I've finally realized that I can't do everything alone here. With work and family, I don't have as much time to devote to research as I'd like. One day when I was going thru join requests, it hit me how many people join and say that they'd love to help out. So here's what I've come up with!

This forum is for you to post any new items you find that have been missed. I'm posting the basic code that I use to post items. It's just a matter of you copy and pasting information into it (I've used XXX to show places where information is needed). If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you can always post a link to the item in the market and I can take it from there.

[img]http://s.gaiaonline.com/images/thumbnails/XXX.png[/img][b] - XXX - XXX gold - [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/account/addwishlist/?key=XXX]Add to Wishlist[/url][/b]

There are specific threads for certain types of items. Please try to post as much info as you can about where the item came from so we can get it sorted into the correct lists.

Thanks for all of your support thru the years!

<3 LU