Name: Kenji Oja
Aliases/ Nicknames: None yet to be made.

Physical Description: Kenji has long, flowing, wavey red hair that reaches down to his thighs, fair white skin and appears to be well toned and built, but not overly gigantic.

Age: 21 years alive/20 years dead

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Hachirou, the red furred wolf. The spirit appears as a red furred wolf with five tails.

Zanpaktou: Not Achieved

Shikai Release: "Houkou, Hachirou!" / "Howl, Hachirou!"

Shikai: Not Achieved

Bankai: Not Achieved

Special Accessories: Kenji's only accessory appears to be a guitar. It works like an electric guitar, emenating sound as if from an amplifier when played. He calls it his Axe.

Skills: Movement during combat seems natural to him. He also possesses a fairly good knowledge of how to block/dodge and counter.

Abilities: Currently, the ability to move, swing, block and dodge.

Personality: Kenji is usually seen with a relaxed look on his face. He enjoys being with others, and helping people train. Even when in a strict environment he replies in a laid back, relaxed manner to answers and, unless he is really getting serious, just generally keeps to a relaxed attitude.

When made serious his expression goes blank, though seems near a frown. He concentrates fully on the task at hand and spares nobody's feelings in saying or doing what he's doing.

Biography/History: Since his death, he was raised in East Rukongai. Kenji was like any other kid there, with one difference. He was the strongest. He didn't use such strength to pound on others though, and used it to help people. When bullies would pound on kids in his neighborhood he would show them a real pounding, then casually help them to their feet to walk away, even offering a friendly wave as they left... After, of course, helping the victim in question. He was generally looked to as 'A rare good kid' by the older folks around Rukongai, being a kid that just liked to have a good time. Growing up, he'd keep the same attitude, though now he was helping adults and kids alike, even inspiring others to reach out and achieve something like his level of strength for the best of reasons... To help people. Then the Shinigami came to him...

The shinigami invited him to join the academy. From there, things became a bit of a challenge, but still the reason was the same, so he had to be at his best....

Signature/Patented Technique:None

Guild Status: Unassigned as of yet.

Online Schedule: Eastern US time. Randomly on between 12 noon to 4 in the morning... Depends on if it's a work day, and those are also random.