I will do fanart of Twilight for anybody that wants it, if you like my style. You can see examples of my artwork here

I don't really want gold or anything.. what I want is to get my name out there. I want to start doing commissions for actual cash (to help pay for school), so I am starting with gift art/fan art for people.

I will have three open slots at a time for this, if anyone is interested.

The only thing in return (if you don't wanna pay me, my normal rates can be viewed here if you end up wanting something more than Twilight fanart... I can do WoW characters, gaia avatars, full-blown illustrations, website design, etc but those will actually cost something) is I that you must link back to me wherever you post the image. Also, my signature must always be kept on the image.

Just PM me if you are interested. I have tons of sketch/fast illustration images on my deviantART and a few completely done images. Let me know, thanks!