Name: Aizen Hitomori
Aliases/ Nicknames: Blaze King

Physical Description:
User Image{without the flames}

Aizen was adopted into a family. His adoptive father being an abusive parent Aizen learned how to take a hit from anything. His siblings were allgirls and would fight with Aizen when their father died, so Aizen wouldnt grow up a weakling. Aizen's oldest sister always took him with her to the gym where he learned how successfully throw a punch. Even though Aizen was skinny, she trained him to throw punches that could break ribs till he was 13. Being that Aizen was so skinny he could move pretty fast and he used that to his advantage against everyone he fought. When Aizen was 13 he started working out and was no longer a skinny boy. He was from that point on, a man who wouldnt take crap from anybody and could lift up all four of his sisters

Age: 143 yrs 8/20/1866

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: The spirit of Senbonhaigara is in the form of a human female{in the picture below}.
User Image

Zanpaktou: User Image

Shikai Release: Let's Set The Sky ablaze Senbonhaigara

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai: not achieved yet

Special Accessories: n/a

Skills: Master Martial Artist, Child Genius, Master Tactician and Swordsman


Personality: Aizen loves to fight, but when he is serious nothing can get in his way. Even though he is still quite young for his age, he dislikes anything childish and acts quite mature except for when he sees a good fight. Even though he is a grown man{in his eyes} he still can not resist women that meet a certain criteria

Biography/History: Aizen even before he died had loved to fight and play chess. From playing chess at the age of 2 he had many tactics when opposed with a challenge. Growing up to be the Age 15, Aizen had mastered over 25 fighting styles and never lost a fight or a game of chess. But one day he went to school only to run into some Yakuza. The Yakuza had tried to rob Aizen, but to no avail were knocked unconscious by Aizen in one blow. Aizen walked to school only to run into more Yakuza. He was outnumbered being that they each had guns. Aizen simply saw this as another chess game. Aizen knew the streets of Karakura Town well and ran into an abandoned warehouse. He had set up traps in the warehouse if anything like this ever happened. He caught all of the Yakuza in a move. "Check" he said feeling proud of his victory. Then He went to the window and called 911 to arrest the Yakuza, while he was telling the cops where to go he saw some more Yakuza putting dynamite outside the warehouse. He rushed outside and fought the Yakuza. But it was too late they had already blown up the warehouse and the explosion killed Aizen. Even though he died losing what seemed to him to be his first game of chess, he was happy that someone finally out-smarted him

Signature/Patented Technique: Not yet
Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Eastern Time Zone
{Oh yeah and i need some help giving my Zanpaktou a name

I want to name it Flame Ring or Blazing Moon, so plz leave suggestions}