Rap was growing. No longer was he a youth incapable of caring for himself. He was larger, stronger and fierce. The Firekin blood, though thinned, was strong and he was no smaller and no weaker than any pureblood Firekin. His blazing orange pelt was easy to distinguish against the sand he lay upon, sunning himself leisurely, though impatiently too.

It had been too long since his last secret meeting with Rowtag and he was growing more and more concerned that he was being forgotten.

Today, however, his red ally was indeed coming to see him. Smaller, younger, but equally as fierce, the son of Kenna moved swiftly across the ground. His training was going well, though Azarax certainly didn’t show any sign of trusting him. What’s more was that he was starting to feel his way, learning the skills of acting in order to protect himself.

He sidled up to the larger male and gave a gruff, but quiet call.

Rap looked up and a sneer wrinkled his face. “So, you finally decided to show up. I was starting to think you’d gone soft.”

“I can’t stay long.” Rowtag replied, ignoring the jibe at his courage.

“Then speak quickly.”

“Things are going well. I’m apprenticed as a soldier, to the General no less. Others are starting to trust me. They don’t suspect a thing.”

The orange lion stood and looked down into the red one’s face. “So, you’re still going ahead with it, then? You’re still going to help me avenge my mother?”

Rowtag nodded. “And show them that they can’t push us around. Yes. Then we can be rid of this place. Just like we always planned.”

“And rid of one another, too.” Rap scowled and the fur along his shoulders and neck bristled.

Rowtag flattened his ears. “That too.”

“Actually, I’m glad you came today. I wanted to tell you that I’m leaving for a while.”


“Yes. I’m concerned I may be discovered. That and I need to get out there and practise my fighting skills. We still have plenty of time; you’ve barely started growing into your mane yet.”

Rowtag frowned. “How will I know when you’re back?”

Rap pondered. “See that rock over there?”


“When I return, I’ll scratch a mark into it so you’ll know. Don’t bother checking for a mark until you’re an adult, though. There’s no point starting this thing until we’re both big enough to tackle the adults.”

“I know that. I’m the brains behind this, remember.”

Rap laughed and gave him a pat on the head. “Keep thinking that, Kid.”

Rowtag swiped at him, cuffing him viciously across the chest. “You shut your mouth. Don’t you remember what happened the first time we met?”

“Before my growth spurt, you mean?”

“That’s right.” Rowtag replied darkly. “You’ve got a big mouth; it’s going to get you into trouble one of these days.”

“Is that a threat? Now, now, Row, I thought we were going to put all those petty hates to one side until this was over.” The bigger male grinned and made to leave, pausing to throw the red male a look. “You’d best hurry back before they start missing you. Can’t have your little friends suspecting anything, can we?”

Rowtag growled, but he knew Rap was right. He had to get back quickly. The thought of those friends made him feel something akin to regret. Perhaps, if he hadn’t had been so brash in his early youth he’d be happy where he was right now. Here with his family. With Zii’moto.

“Where are you going, then?” He asked after a moment, shutting the thought of those lions out.

“Just away. Going to get myself some training, too.”

Rowtag nodded and turned away. He did not stop to watch the elder lion leave. Did not stop to see in which direction he would head. He moved back into the pride’s lands and hoped no one had noticed his brief disappearance.
