Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:45 pm
v(。◕ᴥ◕。)>Rhea's Plot Thread v3<(。◕ᴥ◕。)v Wtf, another one Rhea? Yeah well i have a habit of making my plot threads so...what's the word...complicated that i can't really edit much without screwing up :C So i'm starting anew! New plots, NEW SOQUILI, and a new mindset. as well as maturity on my part...I hope. So, on to the rules and such~ -I will almost never refuse RP 3nodding I LOVE to rp all my pets, and i love to try out different things. NEVER be afraid to ask me for RP. Now, if a RP would result in the death or maiming of one of my babies, i may have to decline. I don't want them to die D8 -If you decide to plot with one of my soq, PLEASE don't get my hopes up, then say 'Oh, i found someone else, sorry!' or 'Oh, i forgot about you and went with someone else'. Please. No. -I'm Extremely friendly and am currently on a mission to have one RP with everyone who frequents the thread and RP's. Why? Because i want to try and see everyone's style and attempt to learn from everyone. -I will say right now that i am not the best RPer out there, even though i enjoy it. I type 3 paragraph maximum, a max of 5 sentences each. But please do not let that put you off. After all, shorter replies could mean a longer, more drawn-out RP, right? -If you think one of my Soqs could fit into a plot, please do not be afraid to ask! You never know what i'm going to say until you ask, right? 8D - There are several ways in which you may contact me; -----This Thread -----PM's -----AIM- XzelieaFantra666 -----Yahoo- Xzeliea_fantra@yahoo.com -----MSN- Dragon_gurl51@msn.com -Notice- Sadly, I have fallen WAY behind in many of my RP's. Nowadays the only way to RP with me is to either have an AWESOME plot, or catch me on a messenger. Therefore i am abandoning all RP's i had going unless there is an interest in continuing them. Sry =<
Also: I am looking to Co-Own a Kalona/Skinwalker with someone~
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:53 pm
Ozzie Plots 1. I need Ozzie to meet a Kalona. I do NOT want her to get hurt in any way, i just want her to meet one. Perferably one who will not mind her carefree attitude. A half-Kalona or part-kalona will do. As long as they can either be friends or mutual acquantinces. 2. Kelpie or Mer!! Ozzie has no knowlegd about these species, and thinks they are nothing but myths. Meeting one or the other will change her a little bit, making her belive that all myths are real. 3. A BEST FRIEND!!! I have yet to find Ozzie her best friend and i want to find him or her. Any species, any gender, any age. They need to be inseparable and love each other deeply (NOT romantically). 4. Ozzie needs to physically witness a foal coming out of a basket. Right now, she still thinks they contain kitties made of candy. Before she has foals with Momiji, she needs to realize this is not the case. It'd be better to be shocked by another instead of her own. [color=Deepskyblue][size=18]Plots For Kitten!![/size] [size=9][b]Picture of your Soq:[/b] [b]Name of above Soq:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]What Plot?:[/b] [b]What do you have to offer?:[/b][/color][/size] Kyu Plots 1. First of all, Kyu needs someone outside of her family to take care of her. Sure, she has Ozzie and her kids and the rest of her family, but right now that's all her world consists of; Her family. So maybe someone to intrude into her world and show her that there's more to see? 2. Kyu is very embarrassed to sing in front of anyone except her big sister, Ozzie. Maybe someone to try and get her to sing for them also? Multiple Soquili is alright for this, that way one day she can sing for a group of Soquili that she will let hear her =3 3. Kyu is scared of heights. Therefore, she does not know how to fly. Needs someone to teach her that flying is wonderful and that the sky is ready for her. [color=deeppink][size=18]Plots For Kyuhyun!![/size] [size=9][b]Picture of your Soq:[/b] [b]Name of above Soq:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Which plot?:[/b] [b]What do you have to offer?:[/b][/color][/size] Sadiki Plots 1. He needs a friend that he can lean on when he needs it. He needs a shoulder to cry on, and someone he can hold onto forever as a best friend. Male or female, it does not matter. He just needs someone. (Will NOT result in breeding if female. Strictly friends.) 2. He needs someone to adore him. Someone who crushes on him endlessly and is basically his fangirl/boy. He will attempt to not break her/his heart by spending a little bit of time with her/him, but only time will tell. [color=darkred][size=18]Plots For Sadiki Iah!![/size] [size=9][b]Picture of your Soq:[/b] [b]Name of above Soq:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Which plot?:[/b] [b]What do you have to offer?:[/b][/color][/size] Sunny Plots WTF are you looking here for? I don't have RP rights >:C Go bug Marinity and tell her I sent ya ;D
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:55 pm
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:57 pm
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:58 pm
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:59 pm
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:00 am
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:53 pm
♪ ♫ ♪>:V
Opan afture dis post
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:58 pm
I saw in your previous thread you and DNS were plotting something with one of her mares "adopting" the basket, but since I didn't see anything of such in your post for it... well, figured I might as well post anyways owo;;; <3Plots For Basketu!! Picture of your Soq: Yay for Rping WIPness? 8'D;;; <3 -shot- Name of above Soq: Beelzebub Personality: Now, see, I've got a rather huge thing about him in my teepee/plot thread, his little companions included, so I'd be more than happy to post that in here if you're interested. But to keep it short and sweet and nor bore you to death (although I think that's rather impossible with my lovable, twisted demon boy ~) he's a demon who knows how to act. I'm not just meaning manners here, though that counts too, I mean he throws on persona after persona, all depending on the situation, to best get close to someone and push all their buttons to shove them into temptation. He's the bringer of decay and sickness, both physical and mental, as the rot follows him everywhere along with the scavenger creatures he "loves" oh so much. What Plot?: This is why it's unclear to me if this is even a possible plot, since I've no idea if it's taken or not, but if not, then since I first designed his character I wanted him to "adopt" a basket and teach the foal of his demonic ways - everything from the perfect deception to make someone think you've got a heart, to the best ways to tip someone over the proverbial (and sometimes literal) edge still without reveling one's true intentions. Beelze's not at all the fatherly type, more like... coo and praise one moment... then kick the kid in the head the next, just to see what happens. Not to say it'd be a hard kick, just... hard enough. Then he'd laugh, and probably shoo the kid off after some of the scavengers to go play in a dead thing. Or something. ._.;;;; What do you have to offer?: I've got a demon looking for an apprentice and who will -semi sort of soon ish- have his three siblings join him in this world, making a happy family of Hellish goodness trying to taint and destroy and take over the world 8'D <333 Should, however, you decide this plot is already taken, I would love for Beelze to still interact with Skullz, perhaps act as a secondary teacher should its "mother" allow. He needs foal interaction, they're such impressionable minds :< <3
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:18 pm
♪ ♫ ♪ burning_eyes
If Masq would allow le Skullz to interact with Beelzebub...Ogod the insanity~ heart
I would LOVELOVELOVE for him to somehow be connected to Skullz and teach that fine art of perfect deception <3
(Should be more awake before replying but ohwell kekeke)
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:28 pm
I hope the 'splodey explode head is a good sign x'D <333
Skullz comes from an epic family, so I'd be more than honored if Beelze had a hand... er, hoof in his/her development >3 <3 Masq allowing, of course owo ~<3
Rhea is sleepy sleepy~? xD -offers pillow-
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:44 pm
♪ ♫ ♪*Moar head 'splodey of OMG*
I'm honored that I'd even get a chance to interact with him, honestly owo Just 'cuz he's...epic. (New word for awesome?)
That and-PILLOW *Snugs*
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:50 pm
Ooh, Rhea, maybe this would work for Sadiki?Plots For Sadiki Iah!! Picture of your Soq: Dun have cert yet Name of above Soq: Terra Personality: She is a very wary, often untrusting Soquili who tries to act cool and careless but usually fails with a bang. She also has an extreme fear of water. In her most paranoid state she claims that the water is going to rise and engulf the land. Tends to choose her fights poorly, and she is a coward. -Still working on her- Which plot?: Number two, unless you have a certain personality in mind for it. What do you have to offer?: I can see her following someone she sees as "cool" around, probably to the point of being annoying. xD As I mentioned, I'm still working out her personality and I would like to get a better idea of it through rp.