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[PRP] Training Time! [Runya & Azar] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:03 pm
User Image Runya had made a promise, and she wasn't going to flake out on it. Sure, she hadn't found anyone to train with yet, or a teacher to guide her, but she was sure she'd find one eventually. For now, she'd just have to work on it on her own.

But she was going to be stronger. Better. She was going to grow up and be able to hold her own against Helios. Even if she didn't beat him every time they fought, she'd hold her own enough to let him know he was no better than she was. Because he wasn't. He just happened to have someone training him, and knew more. For now.

Padding away from the den, Runya looked up at the darkening sky and sighed. It was best to do physical stuff at night or in the early morning, so she didn't get too hot out in the sands, under the sun. She wouldn't want to bleach her pretty coat, after all.

She didn't go too far, and just sat down to think for a moment. She didn't really know how she was supposed to go about training on her own.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:04 pm
User ImageAzar never seemed to be inside of the den some times. Some days she spent all day outside of the den, wandering around and making friends with some of the others. Training, or even following around her father. What ever she was up too at that moment. What ever she felt like doing at that day. She had been out for most of the day playing with who ever she could play with. She was now heading back toward the den, it was getting dark and she always tried to be home around this time.

It wasn't long before she was almost there and even though it was starting to turn dark and she her eyes were adjusting she could see something. A red figure moving out of the den. There could have been a few lions that it could be, one of her siblings that was for sure but she wasn't that sure which one it was. Until she approached more, picking up her scent and also picking out the markings, she knew who it was. Runya. But what was she doing.

She soon came up to her sister, looking at her with an arched brow. "What are you up to Nya?" She said as she continued her pace getting closer to her. When she was close enough she swiped out a paw playfully twacking her sister's shoulder, trying not to hit that hard. She knew that none of her sisters were exactly delicate however, they were all firekin, not many of the obsessed over their fur or cared deeply about being hit or not.


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:20 pm
Runya jumped a little in surprise when she heard someone come up behind her, turning at the familiar voice and letting out a sigh of relief to find a familiar, friendly face. If it had been Helios she would have been in a pickle, not having accomplished anything toward her goal yet. She wasn't allowed to see him again until she was stronger.

Runya got to her feet, swinging her tail and playfully returning the swipe of the paw. Of course, she was not against rough housing. That was how she met most of her friends, really. She tilted her head, though, and sighed again. This one was a bit more troubled, and she shook her head.

"I don't know," she confessed, "I wanted to do some kind of training. I want to be stronger. I made this deal... but I don't know how to train, and I don't know who has enough time to train me and make me... really strong. It's just... I don't know. Lame, I guess."
PostPosted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:40 pm
Azar looked at her sister chuckling slightly as pawed a at her sister a little more, rolling on her back and playfully pawing at her sister's tail and biting down at it a bit. holding it in her paws pulling it close to her chest as she did. Sometimes she really loved when she got a chance to play with here sister.

She looked at her with a little bit of a confused look on her face. She steched out some before sitting back up leaning against her sister a bith with a giggle. "Well.. I could try to help you a little bit." She laughed again as she nipped at her sister's ear. "I've been training a lot." She giggled softly before sitting up a little more She looked around then looked at her sister. "i don't see why we couldn't spar and I could help you some. Daddy says I'm really good. And plus I want to get a little better too." He grinned at her and then pawed playfully again


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:57 pm
Runya tried to tug her tail away, but Azar seemed to have it effectively captured. She used her paws to squish her sister's tummy, kneading it playfully in a move that was half a tickle and half a fairly casual attack. She let her up, though, looking at her in surprise.

"That sounds good!" She said, excited, bouncing on her paws.

"I want to get strong enough not just to beat him once, but to be a constant rival for him. I want to know how to keep my own abilities up, all the time," she said, nodding her head. She grinned, "we should spar! But I think I need to learn some stuff, first, because my last fight didn't go very well and I just... really saw that I don't know anything at all."

She sighed. She needed the fundamentals before she started working on her style.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:54 am
Azar looked t her sister and grinned a little more at her sister flicking her tail around behind her giggling just a bit as she was being kneaded on. It did tickle some. She gnawed on her sisters tail a little more until she jumped up. Azar couldn't help but to blink as her sister stood up. But she didn't let go of the tail. She gnawed on it a little more before chuckling a bit, she rolled over on her side looking at her sister and mindlessly pawing at her Runya's tail. She licked her lips for a moment then ruffled her brow.

"Who are you talking about Runya?" She asked blinking a few times, then she sat up some grinning a little wider. "I've been practicing a lot." She pawed at her sister's paw once more then swiped at her sister's back legs. "I'd love to help you. I love fighting." She grinned again. It was one of her favorite things. She was a little more firey then some of her other siblings. She didn't like being like that some times but other times she didn't care. Then again most of the time those times that she didn't care she was already in a bad mood and was going after others.


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:54 pm
Runya tried to pull her tail free, but was unsuccessful. Giving up on that, imagining that it now belonged to Azar and there was nothing to do about it now. Sighing, she shook her head at the question. She might have been blushing, though it was lost under her bright red pelt.

"Uhm. No one, it doesn't matter. His, uh, his name is Helios. But, uhm. He's just my biggest rival in the world. I want to be strong, though, for anyone like him," she said, clearing her throat.

At least she had her tail now. Swinging it behind her, she nodded, bouncing away from the swinging paws. She laughed, eager and excited now. If Azar had been practicing a lot that meant she could teach a lot! It was the perfect situation.

"Do you think you can just show me some stuff? Just pretend I'm your student!"
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:13 pm
Azar was quite amused with her sister's tail chewing on it just a little more grinning. She looked at her sister blinking a bit. "Helios?" She made a face, trying to think about if she knew him or not, some reason she thought that she did, but at the same time but she wasn't that sure. "I don't think I know him. But I don't like him that much if you don't either." She grinned at her sister.

When her sister started to bound away, she giggled some and followed behind her nipping at her sister slightly thinking a bit. She had never taught anyone anything before... She wasn't that sure of what to think. How would she do this? She was more use to just going at it. She puffed out her chest before nodding toward her. "Well for starters you always need to keep an eye on what ever your opponent is thinking." She nodded. "If you keep an eye on them you could figure out what they are doing, and with that you can then figure out what you re going to do to stop them or counter them." She crouched down wiggling her rump int he air trying to make her look like she was going to pounce on her but making it clear of which was she was going to go so her sister could get the idea of what she was talking about


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:56 pm
Right. Didn't like him. Totally didn't like him.

Runya cleared her throat.

Steeling her focus, she forced herself to stay involved in the moment at hand. This was a training session! There was no time for her to be distracting herself with thoughts of her rough-housing friend. Yes, she needed to keep him in mind to keep her motivated, but there had to be a limit.

Oh, she was thinking about him again.

Shaking her head, she zeroed in on what Azar was saying.

"Okay, that makes sense. I was trying to do that, the last time we fought but he was so much bigger than me it just didn't matter..." she watched the display, positioning herself as if she was going to defend against the pounce if it came. She was better at running away and using her speed than brawling, but she wanted to be able to do both. Running away wasn't going to cut it.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:56 pm
Azar looked at her sister watching her carefully thinking about other things that she could do to show her sister how to fight. She had a large grin on her face. Flicking her tail around her as she watch her sister, she didn't think that she got along with most of her siblings but moments like this she realized that she really did get along with them. She smiled softly before shaking it off thinking about what she was going to do. "If he's bigger it doesn't mean anything!" She called out, puffing out her chest some. "You can take on any one if you think about it enough, and if you believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself you can't even take on some one smaller than you. We are firekin we are supposed to take on anyone."

"They won't attack as obviously as I am, but I'm making my movements larger than normal, if you pay attention enough to these you can catch the smaller ones." She smirked softly before trampling toward her. Her claws paws extended as she moved toward her, she was being careful, she wasn't that sure how good her sister was or for that matter how much her sister did know. She waited for her sister to move out of the way as she went to pounce.


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:37 am
It didn't mean anything that he was bigger? That certainly hadn't been the case in their last fight. She had been able to best him when their sizes had been closer, but it seemed like he had the advantage now. But if Azar knew a way to balance it out, Runya was more than willing to listen.

"Think about it... okay. I get you, I... think," she said, smiling a bit. She nodded her head, trying to remain serious. Even though Azar was her sister, Runya was going to treat her like a teacher. She knew she was a Firekin, and she was going to keep that in mind. Fighting was their blood! Not in their blood. It -comprised- their blood.

"That's good, so I can see. I'll take good notes," Runya nodded. She watched Azar come, steeling herself and then she took the initiative, curling to the side to avoid her sister's pounce and pouncing in a counter attack from the side.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:58 pm
Azar grinned at her for a moment. "Its a little easier than you think... To think that is. If you want it to happen so much it will happen." But she was surprisingly into this. Even though most of the time her head was into the learning part of anything she was interested in teaching for once. To a point it was a nerd, but when it came down to it she could be a feisty and violent nerd, but she was just so into the teaching part.

As she countered she couldn't help but to grin bit, it seemed like her sister was getting it. "If you get them pinned, don't let them go, if the worm away try it again, and if you happen to be at the bottom of the pile try to fight back or worm away." She started to n** at her sister. "Good places are the face, neck and the ears, another good place could be the paws if you have nothing else." She nipped gently at the places as if to prove a point, then at that point she lifted her back paws into her sisters stomach. "Doing that might let them go, especially if you move fast enough and hard enough with your claws out it will hurt. And it could be use-" she shifted her weight so she was on top of her sister pinning her down. "You could end up on the top." She smirked a bit.


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:46 am
Runya blinked.

Wait, how had this happened.

She grinned up at her sister, nodding and taking as many notes inside her head as she could possibly hold without something bursting. She was going to show Helios what for, that was for sure, when they next met. If she could find others to train with, who were as good if not better than her sister, who was pretty impressive, then she would be unstoppable!

Rolling away from Azar, she shook sand from her bright red coat and then looked at her sister with a bright, eager expression on her face.

"Okay, I think I got all that!" She said, crouching as if to pounce her again. She stopped though, considering. She would have to do some sparring matches before she would be able to fight Helios again.

"I wonder how long it will take..." she said out loud, "for me to be strong enough..."
PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:40 pm
Azar grinned at her sister, moving up too and shaking the sand off of her own coat. She grinned a little more, bouncing back and forth on her feet. She braced herself for a moment as her sister went to go pounce on her, well it looked like she was, but as her sister stopped herself Azar sat back up and grinned at her sister. "Good! I'm not the best, I'm still learning too. But I'm hoping soon I'm gonna be just as good as daddy." She puffed out her chest again proud of her goals that she had. She moved to her sister's side and nuzzled her before flopping down by her side.

"You strong now." She picked up a paw and put it on her sister's chest before smiling at her. "You're really strong sis." She really wasn't always this nice, when it came to most other lions, especially ones her age, even her siblings some times. But if you didn't do something to make her mad she was normally very nice. "You're just as strong as anyone else. You're a firekin?" She flashed a grin before nipping at her sister's ear. "You want to head back home with me?" She asked standing up looking at her sister.


Mega Streaker


Snuggly Knight

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:05 pm
"I'm sure you will be," she said, nodding, "and I will be as good as you, so we'll both be as good as dad. Or better! But we probably shouldn't tell him that just yet." She grinned.

She sat down next to Azar, sighing, feeling comforted by the company. At least it kept her mind off of other things. Kind of.

"I know, I am a Firekin, and I feel it, but... I don't know. I just want to be better than him, and better than... I don't know. What I can imagine. Better than that, you know? I don't think I'll ever get there, but I think it's a good way to stay motivated.

She smiled, "I think we should head back," she stood, swishing her tail as if as a lure, "let's go."
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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