Ari wasn't actually too pleased with this new addition to her every-day life. She supposed it was important, if only because -she- was important, but until now she hadn't ad to deal with a shadow that had nothing to do with light. She was reminding herself once again that it was necessary, she was the heiress and protection was important...

"Ari! "

... despite being oh-so unpleasant. "Yes, Jian? And it's Ting Lan. " She refrained from rolling her eyes at the lioness' use of her common name. It seemed the blue female hadn't quite gotten used to the prides name custom, she even seemed to blink at the use of her own new name, Jian. It really wasn't a big deal, but it still annoyed Ari somewhat. The lioness was a fairly new addition to the pride, having arrived a couple of weeks ago. Pupitar was her name.

"Fine, Ting Lan, " The heiress crinkled her nose in disapproval at the tone, but didn't call the older female out on it, simply because she knew Pupitar was new and didn't seem to have been raised to know any better. She also refrained from questioning her fathers choice of bestowing the newcomer with such a rank, because she could see some merit. For protection, what better than a brute of a lioness? Sure, she wasn't quite as big as the firekin, but she did certainly look imposing and big.

Besides, Pupitar seemed void of any sort of ambition. She was loyal and smart enough to do as the royal family told her, not to mention she was perfectly capable of deciding when was the time to take action. Sadly, it seems she'd decided now was the time. "I was told not to let you go this far. " Ari twitched her ears at this. Oh? Now she had a limit as to how far she could go? How annoying. She missed the not-having-a-babysitter days, where due to the lack of personnel, she could go wherever she waned. "Who told you that? " She inquired, sitting and curling her tail around her paws.

The lioness shrugged at first, sitting down herself before seeming to think of something. "Well, no one, actually. I just didn't want you coming around here cause I felt like resting, and its a lot of hiking uphill from now on. " Commence facepaw.

"Of course. " She grumbled, face still behind her paw. "Fine, we can rest. " Idiot, idiot, idiot. Why was she stuck with an idiot. "You could have just -said- so. Implying that my parents gave you an order when they didn't can get you, actually, both of us in trouble. " Idiot lioness.

"Well, 'm only mortal, Ar-- Ting Lan. And honestly, you don't appear the type to just let someone take a break out of the kindness of your heart. " The heiress furrowed a brow at that. She was surprised at how troubling it was to hear this. What others thought of her wasn't a very typical concern, though Ari was somewhat aware of how unpleasant she could be. Still, the heiress didn't want to be downright detestable. "I would have let you. " She said, quietly, though unsure if she really would have, if Pupitar-- Jian had actually just asked.

"Well, I know that now. " Hmph, well thats not a very settling answer. Ari watched as the lioness unceremoniously plopped onto the floor, stretching her limbs at first before curling into a more comfortable ball. The heiress pondered a bit, flexing her claws against the rock for a few moments, glancing down at them. How unlikeable was she? It was actually important to know, because she would rule some day, and it'd be easier if the pride actually respected her. Also because a tiny part of her, way deep down, very cubbishly wanted to be liked by people.

"Tell me, Jian, what are your impressions of me? " Ari asked, settling down and examining her paw as the blue lioness mulled over the question.

"Eh, you're spoiled. " Wow, blunt. The bluntness even surprised Ari, making her quirk a brow and perk an ear at the female. "Rather bratty, bossy... a little vain, but not really that much. I guess you're pretty smart. " Ari saw the blue lioness shrug then look up at her, realizing she must be making a face when the lioness frowned. "Hey, you asked. "

Fair enough. Ari flicked her tail, nodding slightly and looking away. She watched a few ants move across the stones in the highlands, heading who-knows-where like it were very interesting. So, she supposed thats what most thought of her. Hm, troubling indeed. She supposed she'd have to work on her image, then. Not that she really intended to fully revamp her own personality, she didn't care -that- much, but she'd keep an eye to be less of a 'brat'.

That decided, Ari got up on her paws. "Breaks over, " She announced, not waiting for the blue female before beginning to walk away.

"Oh, and, Jian? " She started, as Pupitar jumped to her feet and scurried to catch up with her.

"This was a one time thing. Don't think you can insult me whenever you please. "