This morning I woke up in a cold sweat.
Because of another zombie dream!

This one was in the current house, with our current vehicles, but instead of our new dog, it was the old one we had before her.

Now, in this dream I woke up in my bed, like usual, knew it was a dream because I woke up with my glasses and had no smudges.
Honestly, any of you have glasses and spend the night with them on and wake up with no smudges? Then you're ******** Jesus.
Anyway, back to the story.

I got up and walked into the kitchen, got some cereal and went to the computer where I'm currently typing.

Then the dogs went ******** nuts, barking and jumping on the door.
I got up to see what those assholes were barking at and, there was someone standing in the driveway, shuffling towards the front door where the dogs were making quite a ruckus.

I knew it was a zombie, but in my dream I wasn't sure.
Figuring that someone doing that was damn weird I ran to my room and got my SKS, grabbed three stripper clips out of the box and loaded one, stuck on my electronic ear muffs and ran to the door.

He was closer now and I could see more detail, a good piece of his ear was missing and blood all over his face.
No real expression of pain just emptiness.
I yelled stop, he didn't, I put one in his head.
Down to the ground he went and it started twitching.

It creeped me out seeing that s**t.

My mother ran out screaming and all that.
Not sure what happened then I can't remember.
Next I'm trying to get her to pack up the car and she's talking about going north and we need to choose what car would go farther.
Her diesel of course but I, in the dream, am figuring she has about a 1/4 tank and I've got almost a full tank of gas.

Anyway, while stuffing ammo cans and what guns could fit in the trunk and what are too long in the back seat and on top of that cleaning supplies, I started thinking.
What about the dogs?

Certainly can't leave them, certainly not enough room to take them all.
I woke up then.

In the dream the plan of going to Menards wasn't there.
Would be the best one though.
Short distance from the house, easily barricaded and if you tear up the pavement in the lumber yard you'll be able to grow some crops and dig a well for when the power goes down and food runs low.

Certainly enough tools and equipment to take on such an undertaking.
Would need some extra hands so saving people would be a good idea.