No sight looked so good to Sayen as the sight of the moonlight splashed across the ruins. With the ease of a temple-dweller, she pranced up the steps, paws falling with soft sounds. The depths of the temple were dark, not struck by the pale light of the great white orb in the sky. She took a deep breath, eyes closing and a smile appearing. She was home... She was finally home. The leopardess began walking, paws taking her silently into the temple structure.

Ever a light sleeper, Nava was soon awoken by the sound of paws in the passages. Letting out a yawn, the leopard opened his eyes, watching the door to his room. A shadow appeared, looked around, then began into the room. Promptly up, Nava stood at guard. "Who goes there, and why are you in my.... Room..." His words were cut off as the figure stepped into the moonlight spilling in through a hole in the ceiling. "Sayen..."

Stepping towards Nava, the leopardess smiled. "Nava..." She went up to him, rubbing her cheek against his neck and shoulder. "I've dreamed of this moment... When I'd come home, and there you'd be..." She smiled, eyes closed as she enjoyed the moment. This wasn't a dream, this was real. They were really here, together, in the Usfai lands.

Purring against her, Nava closed his own eyes. "I never went anywhere else, and I've waited here, just for you..." After all, he loved her. He always had, and he always would. "You're the only one for me, Sayen... Nobody else could ever take your place.." Burrying his face against her side, Nava inhaled her scent, absorbing it into his mind, his very heart.

When Sayen opened her eyes, she looked at the faded paintings on the wall, barely visible in the darkness. "Nava... Where is everybody...?" She looked at him, eyes filled with a look of loss. "There were so many when we all slowly departed... And the ruins have crumbled more... What's happened to the lands..?"

Nava swallowed, stepping back to look Sayen in the eyes. "An earthquake hit. The ruins mostly stood against it.. A few stones fell, though, and crushed leopards. Then something got out of a sealed chamber somewhere... Leopards got sick..." He shook his head. "Most of those who didn't die from the sickness, fled. Fu, Sayuri, and I stayed... Then we got a couple others to come in..."

Ears going back, Sayen choked on a gasp. "That's awful! Were the dead...Given their last rights...?" When the white leopard nodded, Sayen sighed. "I hope to the gods that never happens again... It was punishment, I think, for us having left... But we're back now, so it's all right again..." She smiled, then went and lay on the skins piled in the corner. "It's so good to be home..."

Licking Sayen's ears, Nava let out a small rumble. "Everything should be fine now... The colony is rebuilding. We will survive yet." He followed her, pausing to smile at her. "And it's great to have you home..." He lay down next to her, curling around the female. "I ran into your brother..." He paused. "Your older brother. He made me promise to be good to you..."

Sayen giggled, rolling over to bat at Nava's ears. "Kory's just being a big brother! They do that, Nava..." She smiled at him, the curled against him. "I think, though... I'm happy he's doing that. It shows me that he cares... He's looking out for me like he should. Besides, better him than Daddy." Nuzzling into Nava, Sayen purred. "But... Let's not think about that now.."

Settling down, Nava watched as Sayen fell asleep. Just how had he ended up with a girl like her? Did he deserve her? When he thought back on it, he decided that yes... He'd earned the right in life to have a girl like Sayen. He also decided that he would rather face Kamawi or Mkorogo on the matter of him being her mate than Laksmana. Letting out a yawn, he lay his head down, drifting into sleep. Things were on the up, and looking good. The world was right again for the Usafi'tukufu.