Name: Enkou Kaji (pronounced In-Co )

Aliases/ Nicknames: The Flying Blade

Physical Description: Enkou is a lean muscular 5'8" guy. He has a tattoo on the left side of his face of a dragon that starts from his left eye and down to his neck. He has dark red hair that's usually unruly and screwed up. His light blue eyes are usually behind a pair of glasses only when he is reading though. Enkou always has a bored expression on his face.

Age: August 4th, 1930 to December, 21st 1945

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Shikaku Shikaku Nenshou (Burning Assassin)

~Sealed form: A regular katana with a chain coming down from the hilt bottom.

~Shikai form: (Not Yet Achieved) When released by the words Hope Upon Halo's Wings, the blade grows three times as big and turns black and white. He is able to summon Meteorites from the sky and hurl them to the ground.

~Bankai form: (Not Yet Achieved) Having this form changes his Zanpacto into a Werewolf look alike. Having the creature by his side Enkou also gains claw like gauntlets, in which his speed and strength increase ten fold.

Special Accessories: A pair of black circular goggles. And a book.

Skills: Enkou is smart but doesn't let others on to it. He is also very agile with his sword and can dodge or block most attacks.

Abilities: Enkou being smart he is an excellent tactician and strategist.

Personality: Enkou is a quiet guy being mostly by himself, reading. When he is angered or pushed into a fight Enkou becomes serious and will do everything he can to win the fight.

Biography/History: Biography/History: Enkou was born in Tokyo, Japan. After the second world war, in which most of his family died during the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan while they were vacationing there. During the bombings Enkou was poisoned with nuclear radiation and having battled it for months his body couldn't last that long and he passed into the spirit world on December, 21st 1945. And he lived on in the Spirit world for countless more days until a Shinigami came and sent him to the Soul Society.

Signature/Patented Technique: Double Wolf Claw (Bankai Attack) & Aero Kai (Wind slash)

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Daily