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Arranged marriages was not a term that the young duke liked to hear. He liked to think that he would be free to chose his own mate when the time came, when he thought he was ready for a love life. Right now he simply didn't have the time to woo whatever girl his mother wanted to throw at him for a mate.

Sometimes he hated the fact that his mother was the Lady of the Southern House. If she was just a 'normal' member of Tianxia things would be so much, well easier. He wouldn't have to worry about having his mate chosen for him or how he really had to act. He always had to be on his best behavior, especially if he wanted to even be consider to be the next Lord.

Now however he wasn't even sure he wanted to be the next Lord. Maybe things would be easier, more enjoyable if someone else was in charge. But it had always been something he wanted from the time he learned that he was eligible. And a part of him feared, yes feared, that when his mother found a mate and had a litter children with said mate, that he'd lose whatever chance he had.


So here he was waiting to meet his bethrothed, his possible consort. Something he really, really didn't want to do.

"How long is this going to take?"