Name: Kasumi Yuzuki (sounds like it's spelled)

Aliases/ Nicknames: Know as Yasu

Physical Description: Kasumi Yusuki has long brown hair usually tied back in a pony tail, leaving her shoulder length bangs to cover her strange teal colored eyes. Her nose is small and curved; her lips full and pale. A long dark-blue scarf covers her neck small, thin neck. Her broad shoulders are perhaps the onl thing that ruins her feminine appearance, and her breats leave nothing unwanted. (I know, but why not live a little?) Kasumi Yuzuki is usually scene wearing a white v-neck shirt that cuts off at her lower waist, leaving a small piece of her stomach showing, and matching shorts. Black tight-high leather boots complete the outfit. Her smooth features suggest that she is in her late teens.

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Age: somewheare around 830, died 7/31/1199

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Kazuhiko (sounds more like kazuiko) ( I understand that it is not yet achieved, but I thought it would be easier to set up the profile before hand)

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Zanpaktou: not achieved

Shikai Release: (Release Phrase)

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories: Kasumi uses a special bladed whip she calles Yui.

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Abilities: Kasumi's main focus in battle is stealth, meaning she uses her knowledge of the human body to make precise and deadly attacks. She is as sly as a fox and as bright as the sun itself, and she always comes prepared.

She uses a combination of weapons along with different types of kido to achieve her goal.

Personality: Although Kasumi is very anti-social, she is not afraid to speak her mind; which often leads to a lecture from her superiors. She has a large amount of loyalty and will die for the ones she loves or respect, but will not give it over to those she finds weak or stupid. She may not be the girl who walks up to you the first day of school and says "lets be friends!" but if she finds you interesting, she will have a tendency to follow you around and observe you're behavior. Basically, if her complete bitchiness downgrades to just a b***h, she likes you.

If you call her Kasumi Yuzuki, she will most likely ignore you.

Biography/History: Kasumi Yusuki was born in 1179, and died in 1197. She was born in Japan into a poor family, and was orphaned 2 years later. She grew up on the streets, begging for food in an already hungry world. And to make matters worse, poor Kasumi was haunted by the ghosts of her family each and every day of her life.

She would have died if it weren't for Yuko Mai, the leader of a powerful clan of thugs. This strange man offered to take Mai in as his own child, as long as she would swear her loyalty to him. When she asked why, Mai explained that he coud sense the spiritual pressure radiating from her and knew that she had the potential to be a great warrior.

When Kasumi accepted, he Mai asked her name. "Kasumi Yuzuki!" She replied with childish joy towards her new care-taker.

Yuko Mai rested his head on his chin for a moment to think. "Kasumi Yuzuki you have sworn your loyalty to me, an now you belong to me. Forget your past, your family, and your name. When you address me, call me Father, and when I call you Yasu, you will reply."

Kasumi nodded her head, and followed her new father as they walked through the thick snow towards her new home. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not forget her past, and it would not forget her.

11 years later, the Mai clan was attacked by a very powerful hollow. Everyone, including Yoku Mai was slaughtered in the most gruesome matter. As the hollow cornered her, the last surviver, she begged him to spare her, but instead he replied: "You escaped me once a long time ago, but I will have you know."
But as he lowered his large claw to make his final attack, Kasumi dodged his attack with a roll and ran for her life. Till this day, she still does not know why the hollow did not chase after her.

2 years later, Kasumi was murdered by an enemy clan of the Mai's. She died as Yasu, last of the Mai clan.

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.) Confused about this part, anyone wanna explain?

Guild Status: (Rank or Level) member?

Online Schedule: it's summer...I'll be on often.