Name:Izumi Hiraku
Aliases/ Nicknames: Izzy

Physical Description: User Image

Age: died age 17 is now 24

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:Zesiro
User Image
Zanpaktou:not achieved
User Image

Shikai Release: unknown at this time

Shikai: not achieved

Bankai:not achieved

Special Accessories: a black choker that her best friend gave her.

Skills: Hakuda.She understands what kido is but is in need of a teacher


Personality: A rebel heart throb,Izzy is known for wearing little clothing.She tends to blow things off almost as if a game.She has the worst temper and when she's mad,she stays mad!She may seem like she doesn't know whats going on but in truth she's been paying more attention then you have

Biography/History:It's 2am and the hallway night light is out. The pitter patter of feet get louder and louder,untill the bedroom door swings wide open."Mommy,mommy!" the young child cries out in vain,despristely trying to wake her mother."What?Whats going on?"
"Mommy,there's a monster in my bedroom!"She climbs on the bed and cries to her mother.The mother wakes her father."Go check it out" She says as she passes her daugther off to the father.He takes her into his arms and they walk down the Her bedroom light casted out the shadows.
"Look sweetie,see there's nothing here,now go to bed" He places her back in bed and kisses her forhead.
"But daddy there was something here...It's what brother called a hollow..."
Her father walked away to the door."Goodnight" and the light was gone again.
Three years later...
"Doctor you said she would stop this seeing those things if she took these pills.It seems as if she seeing them more then less!!" He yelled,anger flowed through his vains.Young Izzy stood outside and watched as her father yelled.It's all my fault...Big brother I need you...Tears filled her eyes.She ran out of the building and down the street.
"Ouch" Said a little boy.Izzy was so busy running she hadn't noticed the little boy in front of her."I'm sorry" she bowed and started to run again.
"Hey wait up" he said.
Izzy stopped and turned around."Yes...?" She looked at the boy.He had purple hair who has purple hair?
"I'm about to go meet my big brother for ice cream,why don't you come with me?"He asked as he held his hand to her.She took his hand."Ok...My name's Izzy" she said
"Ryuu" he smiled.
They became best friends from that moment on.They stuck by each other through the good and the bad...When Ryuus' brother was killed Izzy was the only one to believe him.She knew about the hollows and soul reapers her big brother was a substitute.He was sent on a an "important mission" and was never seen again.When Ryuus' brother died Izzy told him all she knew.Things seemed great,she lived with her best friend,she was the lead singer of in a band and most of all she didn't have to hide herself anymore.Life was sweet until Ryuus' death...She wanted revenge.She wanted every hollow to die.She was forced to move back in with her parents,she quit singing.SHe just gave up until one day as she walked trough the same park Ryuu died in,a massive hollow came to her side."Take me away...take me to him" she said and she let the hollow take her life.
She is now working her way through the Soul School.She only wishes to pass the test and find the hollow who took her friend...

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status:

Online Schedule: MST I try to get on as much as I can.I work graveyards through so I'm asleep during the day but I'm on at night!