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Ure was panting heavily from the heat in the air. It was was dry and dusty today and most of creatures were smart enough to be sleeping.

That was the opportune time to strike, of course. They could be found at watering holes or underneath the shades of outlying trees. With Ure's experience with the heat of the desert, in some ways this was nothing.

Uzulu himself was not having a hard time, but he was certainly lazy enough to be camped out in the shade somewhere. Not that he was a particularly lazy lion all the way around, but he had never had to hunt for himself when it came to the pride, and with Ure around, he didn't have to start.

She was quite a ways from him by now; certainly long out of his site. It did not matter; she knew her way back. But there was no denying that the heat had the potential to turn deadly, and the chance of finding something edible was beginning to die in her mind.