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.: Pride Information :.

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UkuuchaWafalme Lands

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:01 pm

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All Pridal information such as ranks, customs, and history can be found here
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:07 pm
.: History :.

Long ago deep in the desert lived four small prides, each pride had the most stubborn and haughty males, and beautiful and clever females. The four prides shared water, hunting territory, and often came together in celebrating rains or to unite in the mating season. Each female boasted she was the most loyal to her mate, yet also the most desired by other males. Soon the females began to play at a dangerous sport, they seduced males for fun, they left off their hunting duties, and caused jealous fights to break out among the males.

Slowly the males began to war against one another, with food and water so scarce in the desert all four prides found their numbers quickly decimated. Many females were left without their mates and terrified of what would happen to them with the males so furious.

Finally one of the pride leaders stepped forth and called the other males to him. He explained that they could not continue in this fashion unless they all wished to perish in the desert. He promised to lead them all to better lands if they embraced the idea of one united pride. Explaining that the females were the cause of the problems and clearly inferior he persuaded the other males to see that the females had to be kept in place. Each male would claim females as his own and ensure they were kept from trouble of any kind.

The newly proclaimed Sultan agreed to have the other three pride leaders as his Vizier’s; they would serve as his confidants and aids. The males were quick to agree to the new plan tired of bickering with their brothers. They turned on the females and allowed those willing to swear loyalty, those unwilling were quickly slain. There was no room in the desert caravan for traitors and rebels.

When the pride arrived in the rich forest they settled and learned to live near the lake in a peaceful Utopia. Rules were set down so that no male would ever be lower then any female and no female would ever be higher then any male. The males agreed that to prevent any of the past problems they would not touch one another’s harems. The females would be expected to hunt and serve the males or suffer retribution.

After a time the position of the Kajira was formed, this status was created for those females who refused to accept their place. The kajira became the prides currency; the males traded and gave kajira as gifts keeping any jealousy or animosity from forming. Once a kajira accepted her place she would sometimes be allowed to join a harem.

The generations passed on in peace and isolation, raids became a more and more frequent occurrence as the males gained more footing and power over their harems and expanded them. Males of every kind had harems in the pride some kind and others cruel, yet the males did not turn on one another. They stood instead as brothers unwilling to ever again be driven to acts of foolishness over females…

Recent Events:
Sultan Qasim was a powerful ruler with one flaw, though none would point at it. He only bore two sons in his lifetime, the first by a banu who he named Faiz. He trained Faiz as his Emir until the Sultana finally bore him Aali. Qasim died just as Aali reached adulthood, leaving the pride in the paws of an Emir with very few females within his harem.

Now Aali finds himself faced with the duty of the pride, yet needing to leave to collect a females for his pride. As he arranges for a raid, and leads the males out into the rogue lands and beyond to collect new females the pride may encounter others who share or disapprove of their views.

UkuuchaWafalme Lands

UkuuchaWafalme Lands

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:09 pm
.: Beliefs & Ranks :.

Basic Description:
First and foremost, this is NOT an all-male pride. They do not publicly condone male-male couples though are of the opinion that what happens within one's home away from the eyes of others is for the male himself to choose. Females are considered the weakest of all species and are treated with varying levels in that regard.
A Female is...
- To be subservient to the male that is in charge of her
- To serve the male in charge of her, in any way he asks
- To be beaten into submission if necessary

By Webster's definition, a harem is one of the following:
1 a: a usually secluded house or part of a house allotted to women in a Muslim household
b: the wives, concubines, female relatives, and servants occupying a harem
2: a group of women associated with one man
3: a group of females associated with one male —used of polygamous animals

A male's status in the pride is defined by the size of his harem. The larger number of females under his charge, the "wealthier" he is. Females may be captured or won in battle, sold, traded, or given away. It is not uncommon for a father to give his sons one of his females upon his coming of age.

Female's general "value"
- Species that can produce pure-bred offspring with the male (So, hybrids count, they just have to be half of what the male is and proven fertile)
-- Species able to produce hybrid offspring with the male
--- Hybrid female that hasn't proven she can have cubs
---- All others (WD, Hyenas, etc.)

Wild dogs and hyenas are welcome into the pride, however their statuses are limited. Because they can only breed with their own species, their females are worth less than those of the other pride members. This is not meant to discourage those who might want to join and have no available cats, it's just the way it is.

There is no law on a male needing to keep a single mate, in fact the pride supports the taking on of multiple females in order to ensure strong sons. The only law is that no male shall ever take of another male's harem without the permission of the owner of said harem.

Male children are taken by their fathers and are taught and raised under the ideals of the pride.
Female children may be removed from their mothers and are either kept in their fathers harem as huntress/cubsitters/etc, traded, or given away.

The pride cares little about the species of a creature, more on the gender. Hybrids, however are considered a waste of time and considered sterile at birth. Females will be considered lower than any other species in a harem capable of producing offspring whereas males are refused the honor of having any more than two females in his harem and thus may never hold a rank of high honor.
A hybrid can, however, prove that they are capable of bearing young and males are then allowed to become normal Pad or Sheikh (Depending on their heritage)

Honestly? We don't care. XD
Each Pad may have a personal preference however.

We really don't care, HOWEVER Original Pride Members are requested to have Arabic or Persian names. Outsiders are welcome to have any sort of name.

Coming of Age
When males reach the peak of adolescence, they must leave the pride and return with at least one female for his harem before he can be considered an adult. All males must do this no matter how many females they may already have in their harem.
Should a male already have a harem, he must leave them with either a trusted male family member or he may leave them with the sultan.

Location: On the south-west side of Lake Tanganyika

Leaving the Pride:
Adult males who wish to fully leave the pride are permitted to do so at anytime they wish, however they are not permitted to take any females with them, and may either place their females themselves, or have them taken from them by force.
Females of any age are not permitted to leave the pride.

Except if they are leaving with or with the permission of their pad. This specific part of the rule means that they can leave the pridelands with their pad on trips if he wants her with or he can send her out farther than the pridelands for something. This does not mean she is free to leave the pride.

When a female escapes with the intention of never returning, one of two things happens.
A) Her male goes after her and brings her back either whole or in pieces.
B) The male declares she is not worth the effort and takes a hit to his social standing.

Out of character: If the owner of a female offspring wishes to have her leave the pride (And she wasn't gained with the stipulation that she cannot), the owner MUST get permission from the father or pad's owner. PERMISSION FROM MOTHER'S OWNER ALONE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. This is so because in character-wise it is up to the male who owns the run-away on which of the two choices to make. By having her leave without permission of the father/pad, you force the owner to take a hit to their character.
Pads who wish to leave the pride's lands only for a temporary time to capture another female, hunt, or simply spend a week on vacation are permitted to do so (not frequently, but once a year perhaps). They may take their beybanu or even their whole harem with them if they choose.

Religion: The Ukuucha'Wafalme know nothing of God or Goddesses, if they met a God they might treat him with more respect or less depending on his domain. The males of this pride however would treat any Goddess as a lowly female and simply attempt to capture her for his harem her gender defining her more then her godhood or domain.
A goddess may also be seen as slightly more valuable than a normal lioness, but then this also depends on her physique as well.
The Ukuucha do not have tales of god-interactions, so they have no knowledge obtaining of seers in god offspring.


Sultan (1)
He is the King of the pride, he makes all final decisions in the matters of the pride. He usually has the largest harem and it is tradition for any male petitioning him to offer him a female. He chooses the Sultana and is in charge of settling disputes between males over females. He also either appoints or is himself the executioner in more serious matters.

Emir (1)
He is the heir to the pride, the crown prince, if you will. He is either the eldest son born to the Sultan and Sultana, the eldest son of the Sultan (In the case of the Sultana not producing an heir), the closest male relative to the Sultan (In the case that the Sultan has not yet produced a male heir), or one of the Viziers chosen ahead of time by the Sultan (In the case of no male relatives).
His job is to learn from his father, how to rule and lead the lions into battle, how to make wise decisions and other similar tasks.

Vizier (3)
Three males of high ranking are known as Vizier. They have the largest harems in the pride, apart from the Sultan and Emir, and are chosen specifically by the Sultan to help him in making decisions. They are advisers as well as tactical leaders. Viziers are known for their intelligence and strength.

Sheikh (Unlimited)
A Sheikh is simply a brother to the Sultan or Emir. They generally have larger harems than Pads and are also more likely to have petitions for the Sultan recognized. It is easier to go through a Sheikh than straight to the Viziers or Sultan himself.

Pad (Unlimited)
A Pad is a normal male. He may have as many females in his harem as he wishes, though a Vizier may take offense over a Pad having more than him. They are in charge of their females as well as patrolling the lands while the females hunt.

Eunuch (Unlimited)
This is the name for a male hybrid. It is assumed at birth that hybrids are infertile, thus the title. They are, however, allowed to have at a maximum of 2 females in their harem. If they produce offspring, they are given the title of Pad (Or Sheikh, depending on his heritage) and is then allowed more females.
If a hybrid is caught using another male to make it appear that he is fertile, the hybrid is executed, as is his conspiring partner.

Pesar (Unlimited)
This is the term for cub and juvenile males. (Females do not have a term like this. They are either Banu or Kajira from birth)

Sultana (1)
She is the Beybanu of the Sultan's harem. She is, essentially, the queen of the pride, though it is up to the Sultan whether or not she has any clout. No male is allowed to touch her beside the Sultan and any of her sons that are below adolescence.

Beybanu (1 per male)
She is the head of a male's harem, his preferred female. She is in charge of organizing hunts and raising the children of her Pad. No other male (Beside the Sultan and Emir) is allowed to touch her without her Pad's permission.

Banu (Unlimited)
She is a female in a male's harem. She answers to her Pad and Beybanu, hunts, bears her Pad's cubs, and helps to raise cubs if the Beybanu requests it. No other male (Beside the Sultan and Emir) is allowed to touch her without her Pad's permission.

Kajira (Unlimited)
These females do not belong to any one Pad, they are used as currency. Mostly unwilling they have yet to prove themselves as loyal enough to be protected by any one male. Kajira are often traded, and dealt with much more harshly then any Banu or Beybanu would be.

Kajira are welcome to be rebellious, but only to an extent. They can work towards getting into a harem, but the ones that get out of hand run a serious risk of being ICly killed to prevent rebellion from spreading. Keep in mind that ANY trouble females may be ICly killed.
OOCly, the owner of the sultan and the three vizier owners must unanimously agree that this needs to be done, and the situation will be brought up with the female's owner.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:10 pm
.: Ceremonies & Traditions :.

The Ukuucha'Wafalme is pride that is very strict about it's traditions, their view of the world is colored by the way they view males and females. Oral traditions are kept by both males and females and the pride celebrates often with feasting and reunions. Males consider themselves a sort of brotherhood and will often gather to boast of their females or tell stories passed down for generations. The harems will often be allowed to gather together and often the harems all combine for a large group hunt when the males are to have a feast.

The Coming of Age Ceremony: When a male reaches adolescence the Pad's all gather to send him off into the world. If a group of males all grow at the same time they are sent off together. A great feast is held and males share their coming of age capture stories. Pads will tease the young males often warning them that they might catch a feisty Kajira or not catch anything at all. It is made clear to the young males that if they do not return with a female they might as well not try coming back home at all. When dawn breaks over the revelry the young males are sent off, those that look back can see a line of Pads watching them go and wishing them luck.

The Raiding Party (Before): Only the Sultan may announce a raid, though often his Vizier's will suggest it if they wish to have one. Once the raid is announced the Banu and Beybanu are all led in a group hunt by the Sultana. At dawn the pride gathers and the Sultan announces what males will stay behind the guard the pride and what males will be allowed to join the raid. Females are left in the paws of close friends or relatives and the males set out. They travel far during the daylight hours and sleep in shifts at night. Once night falls in a convenient location the males attack and attempt to subdue or render as many females unconscious as they can. The journey is then quickly made back to the pride, some raids are more subtle and other end in bloody battles.

The Raiding Party (After): When the males arrive back to the pride they first return to their harems and tend to any injuries or rest if they can. The females are all kept closely guarded by any uninjured males or any males that did not attend the raid. The captured females are observed for temperament and once the pride has eaten the males gather and explain to the females their new life. Females are then sorted either to become Banu or Kajira, Banu are assigned to a Pad (often the male who captured them or desires them for some reason). Disputes over what Pad should get which female are settled by the Sultan and Viziers who often allow a mock battle for the female. Once the new females are sorted the males will keep watch while their harems move in to help ease them into their new roles/lives.

Banu/Kajira Gifting: When female cubs grow into adolescence it is traditional for their Pad or Father to place them within another's care. Kajira cubs are assigned to males by the Sultan, sometimes at random or sometimes as gifts for services rendered to the Pride. Banu cubs are placed by their father and are often used as a show of friendship and to establish alliances with their pride brothers. Males often gather to hunt or raid before younger females grow and during the hunt show their prowess and right to be given a female.

UkuuchaWafalme Lands

UkuuchaWafalme Lands

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:35 am
.: Formalities & Titles :.

This just calrification for formal introductions and the like - This doesn't need to be strictly adherde to by cubs or juv's but should be followed strictly by male and females interacting as adults, unless they are familiar with one another.
If males and females address one another with too much familiarity it might invite speculation as to their relationship with one another, and such talk is best avoided.

Female - Addressing Family Females - (Name) or (Relation)
ie: Good Morning Sister, Good Night Mama, Good Night Mama Aysel
Female - Addressing Family Males - (Names) or (Relation)
ie: Good Morning Brother, Good Morning Papa, Good Night Jalil

Male - Addressing Family Females - (Name) or (Relation)
ie: Good Morning Sister, Good Night Mama, Good Night Mama Aysel
Female - Addressing Family Males - (Names) or (Relation)
ie: Good Morning Brother, Good Morning Papa, Good Night Jalil

Female - Addressing New Females - *Wait for an introduction* or (Name)
ie: Good Morning, Good Morning Neema
Female - Addressing Familiar Females - (Name) or Sister
ie: Good Morning Sister, Good Morning Neema
Female - Addressing New Males - Do not address until introduced
ie: *waits for an introduction*
Female - Addressing Familiar Males - Pad (Name) or (Title)(Name)
ie: Good Morning Pad Vu or Good Evening Vizier Faiz

Male - Addressing New Females - (Title)(Name) after introduction
ie: Good Morning Sultana Aysel
Male - Addressing Familiar Females - (Title)(Name) or (Name)
ie: Good Morning Beybanu Mzu, Good Morning Mzu
Male - Addressing New Males - Brother or (Name) or (Title)(Name)
ie: Good Morning Brother, Good Night Acahl, Good Night Pad Mwenyezi
Male - Addressing Familiar Males - (Name) or (Title)(Name)
ie: Good Morning Vu or Good Evening Vizier Tariq

Males can often discard of formalities among one another, and females without any males present will address one another much more simply. However in mixed company the rules are more strictly adhered to.

When Making an introduction males are introduced first is order of rank the birth, females introduced second in order of rank then birth. Cubs are introduced first however before adults.

The rank of Eunuch is often ignored/dropped off of the title list because it is a bit insulting to address a male as Eunuch (Name), if however the insult is intended...well XD If no insult is intended the male is only addressed by his name both males and females of any rank.

(More Will be Added if there are additional questions/curiosities)
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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