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The Great Quest (full story)(comments welcome)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:55 am
Hey guys! Here's one of my favorite stories that I've written and completed called "The Great Quest". Enjoy and I hope you like it!!  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:56 am

“Shields up!” 37-year-old Voran Rhinestone, heir to the throne of the Avalon Empire, cried out as a fleet of black arrows arced over the walls of the burning city and descended towards the weary defenders. He, and several other nearby Avalon soldiers, crouched underneath their shields as the arrows came down, taking with them a few unfortunate swordsmen who were unable to get their shields up in time. Voran stood as a messenger came running up, “What is it?” Voran asked.

“I bring word from the western defenses, my lord.” The messenger replied breathlessly, “Their primary lines have been overrun, and they are currently holding at the secondary lines.”

“Good.” Voran said over the sound of a nearby tower collapsing from an enemy catapult shot, “Tell them to fall back to our position as quickly as possible. It does not seem like we will be able to hold the city for much longer.”

The messenger nodded, “Yes, my lord.” He said and ran off.

One of Voran’s seconds-in-command approached, “My lord, the enemy has taken the outer wall and are flooding into the city. We must retreat before more lives are lost.”

Voran muttered something under his breath, “Very well.” He stated, “Sound the retreat and tell every man that you see to meet at Altair.”

“Yes, my lord.” The man replied and sprinted away, shouting the retreat order.

Several days ago, one of Voran’s scouting parties happened upon a barbarian army headed for the Avalon city of Mos Vinir in southern Avalon. The party returned and sounded the alarm and before long, the enemy army attacked. Voran and his men had driven back the first attack by the barbarians, but it wasn’t long before the main army laid siege on the city. The Avalon defenders had held out for as long as they could, but with their depleted manpower and the city falling into ruins around them, it was hopeless.

Voran motioned to the two nearby soldiers to follow him towards the stables. Immediately, the few workers that were there readied Voran’s horse and two others for Voran’s soldiers. A few seconds later, the three of them rode out of the stables just as an enemy catapult shot crashed through the roof, reducing the stables to a pile of rubble. “Fall back!” Voran hollered as he rode through the streets of the city, “Fall back to Altair! Retreat through the rear entrance!”

Suddenly, a small section of the wall off to Voran’s left collapsed and forty or so dark warriors poured in, their wicked looking blades gleaming in the fading light, and attacked Voran and his retreating company. Voran drew his sword from its sheath on his back, dismounted from his horse, and ducked as a dark warrior swung his sword near Voran’s neck. Voran rolled and quickly came into a combat stance as the warrior came at him once again, blade held high. Dodging the warrior’s powerful blow, Voran knocked the sword out of his surprised enemy’s hand and slayed him with a quick slash of his blade. In a matter of minutes, all forty of the dark warriors were dead, along with about fifteen of Voran’s twenty men.

Voran remounted his horse, “Get through the rear entrance!” he called. With that, he and his men made their way through the dark and murky caverns and eventually emerged out onto a vast prairie adjacent to the blue, bubbling waters of the Olos River. A day and a half went before Voran and the remainder of his army passed through the gates of the well-fortified city of Altair and into the city. Voran took a deep breath and dismounted his steed just as a man came trotting up, “Lord Voran.” The man called, “I bring word from your father in Avalon.”

“Yes?” Voran said.

The man cleared his throat, “The great Arc Sage of the Antherios Empire, Graybeard, has called a summit in the city of Omigot on the Dread Isle and has requested you and your father personally to represent the Avalon Empire.”

Voran ran his hand through his black hair, “I see.” He said thoughtfully, “Very well, I will go. Ready my ship.”

“We already have, my lord.” The man stated.

“Good. Tell the wizard that I am on my way.”  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:57 am

Graybeard, the great Arc Sage of the Antherios Empire, sat silently in a lavish wooden chair at the head of a gigantic, twenty foot long table in the palace of Omigot. He watched as the representatives of the three other empires walked in through the huge double doors and entered the room. Graybeard cleared his throat once everyone sat down around the table, “Thank you all for coming.” He began, “As some of you may already know, the black legions that wreak havoc on our lands are slowly taking key areas and pushing us back with their overwhelming numbers. It is my belief that the black legions are being led by none other that the dark wizard, Canilus.”

Everybody in the room exchanged glances, “You defeated Canilus years ago.” Tanir, king of the Torst Empire, spoke up.

“So it would seem.” Graybeard said with a frown, “It appears as if the dark wizard has created a new army and allied himself with the pirates and corsairs from the south, giving him an army large enough to challenge his enemies.”

Nilvar, king of the Cylon Empire, nodded, “And challenge us he did. In the past several weeks, the Great Plains region has fallen, along with Zinon and Giltar. I fear that we will lose much more very soon.”

“I agree.” Said Rhinestone, king of the Avalon Empire, “We must find a way to defeat this powerful foe before more lives are lost.”

“Yes.” Graybeard agreed, “The Voliun Stone is the only way.”

“The Voliun Stone?” Denethir, commander of the Torst Empire Army, asked, “What is that?”

Graybeard stood up, “Thousands of years ago,” He began, “a legendary wizard, named Whitebeard the Old, magically created an artifact in the shape of a stone. It was said that the stone contained the power to destroy all darkness and bring light to the world. The Voliun Stone was once housed in a secret chamber in the great castle of Old Tyre, but has long since disappeared.”

“Do we know where the stone is now?” Voran, prince of the Avalon Empire, asked.

“Legend says that when Old Tyre was attacked for the first time by an alliance of pirates, led by the dark wizard, Canilus, the Voliun Stone was stolen from its chamber. Whitebeard attempted to recover the stone but was struck down by Canilus in an epic wizard duel. It is not known for sure where the pirates had hidden the stone, but my best guess is that it is located somewhere in the Black Lands, beyond the southern seas.” Graybeard answered.

Murmurs were heard around the room, “The Black Lands?!” Nilvar exclaimed, “It would be suicide to venture there.”

“Yes, I know.” Graybeard said, “However, I will search for it nonetheless. Who will join me?”

The room was silent for a moment, then Voran spoke up, “I will go.”

King Rhinestone looked at his son in shock, “What? Have you not heard the tales of the Black Lands, son? You will die the moment you set foot on that cursed ground.”

“I would rather die attempting to save millions of lives than in vain, father.” Voran replied.

“Aye.” Denethir agreed, “I will go also.”

“So will I.” A voice said from a dark corner.

All turned towards the source of the sound, “It took you long enough.” King Nilvar said to the shadow.

“My apologies.” The shadow remarked, “I was held up.”

Graybeard turned to King Nilvar, “Who is this newcomer?”

Nilvar smiled, “My loyal bodyguard named Ashlar. I ordered him to join us as soon as he could from the Great Plains campaign.”

Ashlar walked into the light, his hazel eyes gleaming, “It is an honor to finally meet you, Graybeard.” He bowed.

Graybeard bowed in return, “It is an honor meeting you as well, Ashlar. I have heard much about you.”

“Good or bad?”

Graybeard thought for a moment, “I’m not quite sure.”

“Lovely.” Ashlar laughed.

Graybeard turned back to the table, “It is settled then. Voran, Denethir, Ashlar, and I will take a ship south and into the Black Lands in search of the Voliun Stone. Good luck to us all.”  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:58 am

The bright sun was high in the sky when the company disembarked from the Port of Foreigners in a twenty-foot long ship and headed west along the Antherios coast. Voran gazed out across the vast blue ocean and glanced at Graybeard when the wizard joined him, “Well, Graybeard,” Voran said, “It’s been a long time, has it not?”

Graybeard chuckled, “Yes it has, my old apprentice. Have you been practicing those light spells I taught you?”

Voran smiled, “As much as I can, with the war and all.”

“Good.” Graybeard said, “Well, you will be happy to hear that I have recently acquired a new apprentice. Eric! Get out here!”

Voran looked to his right just as the hatch opened and a young man came out, tripped, and fell to the deck. Immediately, Eric picked himself up and grinned sheepishly, “You called for me, sir?” he asked as the gentle breeze fluttered his messy, blonde hair.

“You have to be kidding.” Voran muttered to Graybeard.

“Do not worry. He is quite able to handle magic.” Graybeard gave a slight cough, “Usually.” He turned to Eric, “Eric, this is Voran, my former apprentice and heir to the throne of the Avalon Empire.”

Eric bowed, “It is an honor to meet you, Lord Voran.”

“Likewise.” Voran replied, “Tell me, Eric, how old are you?”

“Almost fifteen, sir.” Eric answered.

“…and you are already Graybeard’s apprentice?” Voran said, surprised, “They just keep getting younger and younger, Graybeard.”

Graybeard laughed, “Aye, that they do. The younger mind is easier to teach than the older mind, as I always say.” He turned to Eric, “You may continue your studies.”

Eric bowed again, “Yes, master. It was nice meeting you, Lord Voran.” The boy headed down the stairs to the cargo hold, stumbling as he went.

Voran watched him go and let out a sigh, “You had better keep your eyes on that one.” He told Graybeard.

“He can be a handful.” Graybeard agreed.

There was a few seconds of silence, “What do you suppose we will face when we reach to Black Lands?” Voran questioned.

Graybeard shrugged, “I cannot tell for sure. The dark wizard, Canilus, will undoubtedly be searching for the Voliun Stone as well. If we run into him, I must fight him.”

“Let us hope that it does not come to that.” Voran said.  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:59 am

“Graybeard!” Ashlar cried, “I believe I see another ship off our starboard bow.”

Graybeard peered in the direction that Ashlar was indicating and spotted the hull of the other ship slicing through the heavy fog that had come in overnight. The ship had a rough look to it and propelled towards them with great speed. “Is it one of ours?” Denethir asked.

“No.” Graybeard answered, “It bears the flag of the Southern Pirates. I think we have passed into their territory.”

Voran joined them, “What is the plan then?”

Graybeard gave a slight smirk, “Get into the cargo hold. When I give the word, we will run out and take them by surprise.”

Voran nodded, “Good plan.”

All four of them, along with Eric, closed themselves below deck with Ashlar covering the door with his loaded bow. Seconds later, they heard footsteps above them and several gruff voices barking out orders. The door swung open and Ashlar loosed his arrow, impaling the pirate in the stomach. The other pirates gave alarmed cries and Graybeard and the others rushed onto the deck, quickly overwhelming the opposing enemies. The remaining pirates retreated back to their ship and quickly sailed out of sight. Denethir sheathed his sword, “Well, that went well.” He remarked.

“Aye.” Ashlar agreed.

Voran frowned, “Why was it just the one?” he wondered aloud, “I thought that pirate patrols always traveled in pairs.”

“They do.” Graybeard said, “It is a mystery why it was not so.”

“Well, as much as I would like to ponder the meaning of life, we have a stone to find.” Denethir said.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:00 am

A cold breeze whipped through Graybeard’s cloak as the ship neared the northwestern shore of the Black Lands. Voran stood next to him and examined the eerie black coastline, “I understand now why my father feared this place.” He said, “The very appearance of the land fills me with dread.”

“Aye.” Graybeard agreed and turned to Ashlar, “Take us into that cove just ahead. I believe that it will be the best place to begin looking.”

Ashlar nodded and turned the wheel in the direction of the cove. As they entered, the cliff faces towered above them, creating a feeling of fear and dread. The ship’s hull touched the shoreline a short time later and the company climbed out. Ashlar ran ahead past the beach and waved them over, “There is an old path here.” He informed them, “and it seems recently traveled.”

Graybeard joined him and studied the footprints that covered the road, “A legion of dark warriors passed through here.” He stated.

“They marched in formation.” Ashlar noted, “Obviously they were led by someone who commands their fear and respect.”

Graybeard’s brow furrowed, “Canilus.” He cursed, “He must be searching for the Voliun Stone as well.”

“Great.” Denethir moaned, “Now, instead of searching the Black Lands by ourselves, we have a dark wizard and his goons to contend with. My day just got a whole lot better.”

Voran scanned the horizon, “My guess is that they are a day or so ahead of us.” He said.

“Then we’d better get moving.” Graybeard said, “Eric! Quit tossing rocks into the water and come along!”

“Coming, master!” Eric replied.

Once Eric caught up with them, they set out along the ancient road into the heart of the Black Lands.  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:01 am

Roughly twenty miles later, the company entered into the ruins of a once great city. The sky was a gloomy gray and a massive mountain towered thirty-five miles over them. Voran climbed over a fallen column and looked around, “What on earth happened here?” he wondered.

“I am not sure.” Graybeard answered, “Apparently, there was a great apocalypse that struck this land.”

“Frankly, I prefer not to know what that apocalypse was.” Ashlar commented.

“Over here!” Graybeard heard Denethir call.

The rest of the company joined Denethir at the mouth of a dark cavern that led into the mountain. “Okay,” Voran said, “Who wants to go into the creepy cavern inside the mountain first?”

Graybeard smirked and walked inside, his staff lighting the way. The others followed and they slowly made their way through the dark and winding tunnels until they reached a large, oval shaped room with some sort of strange writing on the far wall. Graybeard walked up to the writing and examined them closely in the dim light of the torches and his staff. “What does it say?” Ashlar asked.

“I am not sure.” Graybeard replied, “The writing is in a very old and primitive dialect, if I am not mistaken.”

Voran peered at the wall, “It is in the ancient language of the Zolar civilization.” He realized, “I recognize it from my history lessons from when I was Graybeard’s apprentice.”

Graybeard slapped himself on the forehead, “Of course! I must be getting old, my memory is failing me again.” He laughed, “Can you translate it, Voran?”

“I believe so.” Voran answered. He looked at the writing for several moments before saying, “It mostly tells of the history of the Zolar and of the great plague that befell them. Here,” Voran pointed to a separate column of writing, “it makes mention of a powerful artifact that was brought here by their allies and hidden away in a temple called ‘The Tomb of the Great Stone’”

“The Voliun Stone.” Denethir said, “What else does it say?”

Voran continued to read the text, “It says that the entrance to the temple is hidden in a secret cove to the South, guarded by many traps and puzzles to determine those who are worthy. Should any man pass the tests and reach the artifact, they must pass the final challenge.”

“What final challenge?” Ashlar questioned nervously.

Voran shook his head, “It does not say. However, I am pretty sure that it will not be easy.”

“I agree.” Graybeard said, “Well done, Voran. I did not fully expect you to translate it that well.”

Voran grinned, “I did learn from the best.”

Graybeard laughed, “Indeed. Come, let us return to the ship and find the Voliun Stone’s final resting place. We are short on time.”  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:02 am

Three days passed before the company came to the southern point of the Black Lands and began their search for the secret cove that was described in the ancient writing of the Zolan. After slipping into the cove, they made landfall and stepped onto the jagged rocks that made up the cove’s beach. Denethir pointed to a cave overlooking the water, “I think that the way into the temple is through there.” He said over the roar of the waves.

They carefully made their way up an old pathway towards the cave entrance and soon came upon a slippery rock bridge. Graybeard glanced at Eric, who was nervously eyeing the span, “Whatever you do,” Graybeard told Eric, “Do not look down.”

Eric took a deep breath and one by one they began to cross the bridge. “I do not think that this is the best time to mention my fear of heights.” Ashlar stated as he carefully made his crossing.

“Not to worry.” Graybeard joked, “You will probably land on a nice, hard rock if you slip and fall.”

Ashlar rolled his eyes, “Thanks a lot, Graybeard.” He said sarcastically.

Before long, they were all across and entering through the mouth of the structure. By the light illuminating from Graybeard’s staff, they made their way through the narrow passageways and came upon a dead end with writing on it. Graybeard gazed at the writing, “It is a riddle.” He concluded, “It says, ‘A man with many luxuries is a man not worthy.’” He shrugged, “Sorry, friends. I do not believe that I can understand this one. Any ideas?”

There was silence for a moment, and then Eric spoke up, “The answer is Greed!” he exclaimed.

Immediately, the wall before them opened and revealed another passageway beyond. Graybeard nodded at Eric in approval, “Well done, my young apprentice.” He said.

They continued through the temple, encountering many traps and riddles. Finally, they reached the main hall deep in the mountains. There, sitting on a stone pedestal at the far end of the spacious hall, sat the Voliun Stone. It glowed brightly as Graybeard drew nearer to it, as if the stone could sense his presence. Denethir smirked, “Come, let us collect our prize. There is nothing to fear here.” He headed for the stone.

Graybeard blocked Denethir’s path with his staff, “That is what I am afraid of.” He murmured.

Suddenly, the hall trembled violently and unearthly wails filled the musty air as ghostly shapes rose from the ground. The ghosts then took the form of skeletons armed with deadly looking weapons and advanced towards the company. Graybeard raised his staff and, after muttering an ancient spell, slammed it into the ground, causing a shockwave to expand from the impact point towards the skeletons. The enemy slowed slightly when Graybeard’s magic hit them, but they soon recovered and continued their assault.

Graybeard’s eyes grew wide, “Draw your swords.” He declared, “Magic is of no more use here.”

The sounds of swords being drawn were heard as the company readied themselves for battle. Once the skeletons were close enough, they attacked, and the fight was on. Ashlar drew an arrow from his quiver and fired it at an incoming skeleton, only to have the arrow sail cleanly through his enemy’s chest and clatter to the floor. He drew his two light swords from his back and dispatched the skeleton with a quick double slash. Voran glanced at Graybeard, who was busy fighting off two skeleton warriors, “How are we able to harm these things?” Voran asked as he blocked a blow from an attacking skeleton with his shield.

“I am a little busy at the moment!” Graybeard replied as he dodged an attack, slicing his enemy in half as he did so.

Voran grinned, “I will ask you later.” He said while cutting another’s head off with his sword.

Minutes later, the last skeleton fell and the hall became deathly silent. Voran sheathed his sword and looked around, “Do you think it is safe?” he wondered aloud.

“There is only one way to find out.” Graybeard said and approached the Voliun Stone slowly. Once they all reached the pedestal, Graybeard took a deep breath, “Here it goes.” He said. His hands lingered above the stone for a moment, then began to descend.

“Well, well, well.” An eerie voice chuckled menacingly from behind them, “It appears as if you have beaten me to it, my old friend.”

The company whirled around. Standing on the other side of the hall was Canilus, the dark wizard himself, flanked by about thirty or so dark warriors.

Graybeard rolled his eyes, “Well,” he said sarcastically, “this day jus keeps getting better and better.”  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:03 am

“It has been a long time, Canilus.” Graybeard said, “You look a little rounder around the waist. Life been good for you?”

“Silence, old man!” Canilus growled, “Give me the stone, and you might live to see another day.”

Graybeard took a step towards Canilus, “You know that neither of us can touch the stone without risking killing ourselves; the magic set into the stone makes sure of that. So why would you want it?”

Canilus smirked, “Because if I am in possession of the stone, I will have unchallengeable power beyond all comprehension. A worthy cause to die for, is it not?”

“You will not reach the stone, Canilus.” Graybeard declared, “Not when I am still living.”

“That,” Canilus remarked, “will be easy to overcome.” With a wave of his hand, Canilus’s dark warriors attacked.

Calling up his magic, Graybeard unleashed a powerful blast of wind towards the attackers. To Canilus, this was a weak attack, but his minions were blown back against the nearby wall and killing them instantly. Graybeard turned to the furious Canilus, “After all these years, Canilus, you still have not learned your lesson.” He told him.

Canilus scowled, “You fool!” he sneered, “I have learned much since I left. Now I am more than a match for you.” He raised his staff and sent a blast racing through it directly towards Graybeard.

The old wizard barely blocked the attack, making it dissipate into the air. He glanced at Voran, “Return to the ship and make for the lands of light. I will be right behind you.”

Voran nodded and, with the others in tow raced out of the hall through the secondary passageway. Once they were out of sight, Graybeard turned to Canilus, “Let us finish this, once and for all.” He said.

“With pleasure.” Canilus replied. Seconds later, they both leapt into the air towards each other with a gigantic clash.

Meanwhile, the rest of the company boarded the ship and headed out to the open sea. They were almost out of the cove when they heard a thunderous boom and saw a flash of light that rivaled the brightness of the sun. The light lingered for a few moments before fading out of existence. “What was that?” Ashlar wondered aloud.

Voran gazed at the mountain for a few seconds before replying, “I am not sure. Whatever it was, let us hope that it was a good sign.” He turned to Denethir, “Let leave this lifeless land.”

“Aye, sir.” Denethir said.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:04 am

Four days later, the company arrived at the docks of Port Layor, one of the Avalon Empire’s most important ports. A man approached Voran just as he was stepping off of the ship, “My lord Voran,” the man called, “King Selerin would like to meet with you. He says that it is a matter of great importance.”

“ Tell my father that I will be there momentarily.” Voran replied.

“The King requests that you see him now, my lord.” The man said.

Voran sighed, “Lead the way.” He said to the man. He led Voran away from the docks and into the lush city towards the main capitol building. They walked through the near-endless corridors and climbed up a winding staircase until finally they entered a vast room with a high ceiling. The man closed the huge double doors with a large boom, causing the man that had been looking out through the window to turn around. “Voran!” King Selerin greeted him, “What a great joy it is to see you alive! I thought you were dead.”

Voran grinned, “You know that it takes a lot to kill me, father.” He replied as he graciously shook the King’s outstretched hand, “What is it that you wanted to see me about?”

The King’s expression grew serious, “Ever since you and the others left, the war has not been faring well for us.” He said gravely, “Several cities have fallen to the black legions, even whole islands have been taken. Our scouts have reported that a massive enemy army is gathering in the southern portion of the Cylon Empire and appears to be aiming for the capitol cities of the two empires on this continent. We have informed our allies and they have sent what forces they could spare. The allied army is gathering east of Locin on one side of the Plains of Cylon as we speak. Most of the Avalon forces are there as well and need you to lead them into battle, as well as Ashlar and Denethir.”

Voran rubbed the back of his head, “Do we have an estimate on how many we will be up against?” he asked.

Selerin shrugged, “At last count, around one hundred thousand dark warriors.”

Voran winced, “I am afraid to know what our numbers are.”

“Just about sixty thousand.”

“Great.” Voran sighed, “It looks as if they will need my help.”

“I wish I did not have to tell you to make this decision, my son, but the future of the Avalon Empire and all free people is at stake.” Voran’s father told him, “I wish I could do more.”

“Do not worry, father. I believe we will manage.” Voran said as he headed out of the room, “Is my horse ready?”


“Then I will take my leave. Send word to the army that I am on my way.”  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:05 am

“My lord,” a horseman called to Voran as the soldier rode up, “The enemy moves on our position. They will arrive shortly.”

Voran, now in his full battle armor, nodded and shifted his weight on the back of his horse, “Thank you, Captain. Ready your men.”

“Yes, my lord.” The horseman said and rode off.

Voran looked behind him and gazed out over the army that they had mustered. The different colors of the different empires mixed with each other, creating a colorful display. Voran heard Denethir stir beside him on his own brown horse. “Nervous?” Voran asked him.

“A little.” Denethir replied, “I just think that it would be better if Graybeard were here.”

“Aye.” Voran agreed, “I fear the worst has become of him since he did not join us on the ship. However, you know Graybeard, he always has a way of surprising you.”

Denethir was about to respond when the watchman’s horn was heard indicating that the enemy was not far off. Voran, Ashlar, and Denethir tensed and waited for the sea of black to come swarming down the opposite side of the valley. They did not have to wait long. One lone dark warrior, who looked more like a walking mountain, appeared at the top of a grassy hill just a mile or so ahead of them. The warrior drew his massive sword and hollered in a long-forgotten language at the top of his lungs, summoning a thirty-five foot long line of warriors that formed up behind him. From his vantage point on the crest of another hill, all Voran could see for miles was black shapes stretched out along the vast plains. He reached behind him and drew his sword from his back, causing the rest of his army to draw theirs as well.

The hulking dark warrior bellowed once again and the sea of black began to surge forward, heading straight for the army of light. Voran turned to a nearby Captain and gave him a slight nod. The soldier nodded back and yelled, “FIRE!”

Seconds later, massive boulders hurtled through the air towards the dark army from several catapults that Voran and the others had hidden behind the hill. The boulders impacted, gauging holes in the enemy ranks, unfortunately not slowing their advance. This went on for a few moments before Voran ordered the catapults to cease-fire. “You ready?” Voran heard Ashlar ask him.

“Ready as I will ever be.” Voran answered.

Taking a deep breath, Voran raised his sword above his head, hollered, “CHARGE!” , and spurred his horse into a gallop.

Instantly, the ranks of the army of light jumped forward and charged headlong towards their enemy. Time seemed to pass in slow motion as they neared the dark army, and could hear his heart beating rapidly in his ears. The seemingly silent air was shattered a moment later when both sides collided with a gigantic crash. Sounds of swords clashing and men dying rang in Voran’s ears as he drove his sword through an attacking warrior. As his attacker fell, Voran’s horse was shot with an arrow, causing the wounded animal to collapse and throwing Voran to the ground. Voran bolted up just as another dark warrior charged at him with an unnaturally long pike. He sidestepped the attack and killed the warrior with a single slash of his blade. After dodging another blow, Voran snatched up the pike and heaved it in the direction of a vicious-looking warrior that wielded tow enormous swords. The warrior screamed as the pike pierced his heart and he fell with a thud.

Meanwhile, Denethir and Ashlar were not having the same luck as Voran was having. Over half of their battalion had been killed and the rest were falling fast. “We cannot keep this up forever!” Ashlar yelled as he shot a dark warrior in the throat with an arrow.

Denethir glanced at Ashlar and barely blocked a strike from an attacking enemy wit his shield, “I agree,” he yelled back, “We must retreat!”

Ashlar was just about to sound the retreat when an impossibly bright light appeared on the crest of a hill of to their right. Denethir saw it also and gazed at it in awe, “What in the Great Wizard’s name is that?” he wondered.

The white light faded, revealing the form of an elderly man with a beard and hair as white as snow. Ashlar’s eyes grew wide, “My eyes must be deceiving me.” He said, “It is Graybeard!”  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:06 am

“Impossible!” Denethir gawked, “How could he get that much power in such short a time?”

Ashlar stabbed a dark warrior in the back, “It is beyond me.” He replied, “However he inherited it, I hope he can use it soon to give us a hand.”

As if on cue, Graybeard’s voice rose and echoed through the valley, causing both factions to stop in their tracks. He lifted his staff over his head and the sky grew dark and cloudy. With one final word, lightning flew down from the sky, striking the dark warriors and killing them instantly. Within a matter of seconds, the remainder of the army of light was all that was left on the battlefield strewn with bodies. Both Denethir and Ashlar sheathed their swords and joined Voran as he walked towards Graybeard, who was now striding down the hillside.

“Graybeard,” Voran said as they neared the wizard, “it is very good to see you.”

Graybeard laughed, “To you as well.” He replied, “I see that I arrived just in time.”

“That you did.” Voran chuckled.

“If you do not mind me asking,” Ashlar broke in, “What happened between you and Canilus in the Black Lands? We saw a bright light coming from the Temple, but were unsure what it meant.”

“It was too close to call.” Graybeard began, “The dark wizard and I had an epic duel that eventually ended with Canilus pinning me up against the wall near the Voliun Stone. I felt my strength failing, but there was no other way. Calling upon my last bits of strength, I reached out and touched the stone.”

“You touched the stone?” Denethir asked, astonished, “Would that not destroy both the wizard and the stone?”

Graybeard shook his head, “Apparently not. The stone shone brightly and the next thing I knew, I was back in the Voliun Stone chamber. Canilus was gone, as well as the stone, and your ship was nowhere in sight. As my mind cleared, I realized that Canilus had, in fact, not taken the stone, but it had merged with my own soul.”

“So you have become the Voliun Stone, in a way.” Voran concluded.

“Indeed.” Graybeard stated, “I am now the new Whitebeard the Old.”

Voran, Denethir, and Ashlar bowed, “It is good to have you back, old friend.” Voran said.

“Yes it is.” Graybeard agreed.

Several weeks later in the palace of the capitol of the Avalon Empire, Voran was crowned king by the newly returned Graybeard in a ceremony that rivaled that of any other Avalon king. In the Torst Empire, Denethir was awarded the highest honor that any member of the Torst Army could have, the Gold Cross, and Ashlar was promoted from his bodyguard status to Captain of the Cylon Guard. Graybeard returned to the Antherios Empire and continued teaching Eric to become a great wizard, slowly but surely. From that day forward, The Great Quest, as the search for the Voliun Stone came to be called, was documented as the most epic quest ever by man and was remembered forevermore.  



PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:07 am
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:44 pm

It's good, but I think it would be much improved if you made it a bit longer, inserted some side story arcs.



Aekea Athlete


PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:50 am
Yeah...it's an old story that I just dug up. I'll see if I can improve it sometime.  
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