((Profile will continuously be updated with character's progress and most of the links in this profile, go to photobucket.))
~Click here for theme song~

Name: Mitsuyoshi, Jubei (Mit-su-yo-she, Ju-bay )
Aliases/ Nicknames: The Sleeping Hollow

Physical Description: User Image

Height: 5'10, Weight: 155lbs, Eye Color: Demonic Red, Hair: White

Age: Unknown...Appears to be 28 (Died at age 21)

Zanpaktou's Spirit and Name(achieved): Hitodama (Disembodied Soul)

Zanpaktou((achieved)): (Sealed Form) Taking the form of a wooden masamune katana, Jubei's zanpaktou holds all the attributes to that of any other normal bladed zanpaktou. However, in this wooden form, if Jubei is able to block or counter an attack three times. His innate abilities such as quick thinking, faster reflexes & movements double in power....each time. Jubei's zanpaktou also pulsates lightly with a golden aura. But, only when it's about to be drawn to attack or defend. Though, this wooden form doesn't drain the spiritual energy of Jubei's opponent. It uses it to intensify Jubei's abilities. Opponent's spiritual energy is measured by the power of their attacks. Weak attacks are not included in this measurement. Members that are at a eighth seat or lower status will not be able to see Jubei draw his weapon, during his attacks.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Fight with Honor....Hitodama!"

Shikai(achieved): (Shikai Form) Still in the form of a masamune katana, Hitodama changes from a wooden zanpaktou to that of a normal one. Though, taking the shape of a katana with a bamboo handle and scabbard. Hitodama's gold blade pulsates with a black aura, lined with a gold flame. Hitodama can now use both the spiritual energy and pressure of Jubei's opponent to increase his own abilities, without having to block an attack. Jubei's skills, innate abilities, strengths, and powers are increased ten fold. Plus, the gained attributes from Hitodama's first form. However, Hitodama's own abilities are increased as well. Now, Jubei's attributes are raised by five every time Hitodama makes contact. With the power and energy instantly being added to Jubei's newly raised levels. Members that are not at a seventh seat or higher level will not be able to see Jubei draw his weapon, during his attacks.

Bankai Release Phrase: "Reclaim your soul...Hiro Yuwei!"

Bankai(achieved): Hitodama-Tengai (Disembodied Soul-Beyond the Heavens)
Jubei is enveloped in spiritual armor, which not only disorients his opponent's reiatsu.....it also absorbs reiatsu based attacks. (i.e. Kido & Cero type attacks.) Making physical attacks the only way to inflict damage upon Jubei. All attributes gained from both Sealed and Shikai forms are increased by 50%, as they are instantly added to Jubei's current levels.

Hitodama will now raise Jubei's own attributes by ten, after every five posts. Only sixth seat and higher level members will be able to see Jubei draw his weapon and attack, but his movements would appear as if he were moving under a strobe light. 25 post after the original five, they will only be able to see only one out of five of his movements. (Total 30-50 posts, which is pretty damn hard to get up to before the end of a match.)

Bankai Image: Zanpaktou & Armor

Final Level: Hiro Yuwei
In this form, every attack drains the target's reiatsu by 5%. Rosuto-Reiniku can be activated immediately after five key target points are successfully attacked, after completing all of the Seishou techniques. (I've never gotten to use this level....yet.)

Special Accessories: Has a gold chain linked belt around his waist with a gold chain linked ring on each of his hips. Used for carrying his zanpaktou....it also has it's own special abilities. Though, Kingusari normally remains around Jubei's waist. They will sometimes latch and shackle onto his wrist when used in battle.

The chain is known as the 'Chain of Souls' or 'Kingusari' (Golden Chain), is was created from the last chain links of the earth bound souls that were once the leaders of his clan. Over an era worth of clan leaders to be exact. The links of the chain can become blades themselves and the chain can extent out to a limitless extent. Though, Jubei can only manipulate and control it to a radius of about 100 yards. The chain's innate abilities allow it to hold a Vasto Lorde's amount of reiatsu. But, because Hitodama continuously absorbs it's reiatsu......both weapons continuously balance eachother out. When Hitodama is not around, the reiatsu within the chains allow them to have a life of their own.

Skills: Master Swordsman, Martial Artist, and Strategist

Abilities: Jubei can sense and track the movements, as well as location, of everything around him...via spiritual energy and/or pressure (Reiraku for opponents). Meaning, he doesn't need to use his eyes to find you. Jubei also has the ability to manipulate both his spiritual energy and pressure to a point of non-existence. Leaving behind the impression that he has none.

He is also a master of the "Bladeless Sword" technique. A technique which allows Jubei to draw his weapon at such a speed. That it would appear, as if he never drew his weapon at all during an attack. The only way of knowing is the sound of a bell chime, created from Jubei drawing his weapon from the gold chain linked rings on the hips of his gold chain linked belt. And then returning it back to it's place, though he will often switch the side he places his zanpaktou.

Jubei practices a fighting technique known as, "Hitoshirezu-Kaichou" ((Unseen-Melody)). A technique which allows him to manipulate and channel the flow of his own spiritual energy...as well as spiritual pressure. Creating burst of air currents, that flow outward as he practices this technique. Though, this may be a powerful technique of Jubei's own type of Tai-Chi. He mainly uses it to calm his nerves and clear his mind...rarely ever used in battle.

Jubei masters three forms of shunpo techniques.

Shunpo: A normal flash step

Hitoshirezu-Kutsuoto (Hidden-Footsteps): a shunpo within a shunpo

Hissori-Kokushibyou (Silent-Black Death): The equivalent of 3-5 shunpos performed at once. (level depends on reiatsu absorbed....limitless in Bankai. 6th seat and lower level members will not see Jubei's attack until contact.)

Jubei has three levels to all his techniques, but only uses level three in Bankai form. Though, he rarely uses level three techniques, due to the fact that he's afraid of it. Reason for this is because, the more he uses it. He starts to lose control of himself, as Hitodama's true spirit (Hiro Yuwei)...starts to take over.

Though, he can unleash the true spirit's full power with the phrase: "Reclaim your honor....Kingusari-Tengai!" (Only used with final level.)

Personality: Extremely observant, he continuously studies everything and everyone around him, he believes that knowledge is the key to unlimited power, and he is completely bound by his honor. If under someone else's command, Jubei must always have a purpose....

Biography/History: Born into the world of the Elojun Iritin clan within the Erithian civilization. Jubei Mitsuyoshi was taught the ancient swordsman technique of 'The Bladeless Sword'. A technique which would allow him to use a wooden sword to cut an opponent. Ultimately, giving the sword all the attributes and abilities of a Masamune Katana. At the age of 18, he had mastered the technique and held the ranking of an honorable noble master swordsman. While, traveling the world seeking more knowledge. His clan's village was attacked by a horde of hollows...lead by a rogue swordsman named 'Hiro Yuwei'. The only true reason the swordsman lead such an attack. Was simply to test his skills and abilities against the ancient techniques of the clan.

The clan was completely wiped out by the attack, but the only one that possessed the knowledge of the 'Bladeless Sword' technique was Jubei. Upon his return to his home, Jubei found that all that he knew and loved had been destroyed. Blinded by vengeance, Jubei traveled the lands in search of the swordsman. But, after a year of searching, he can to realize that the swordsman shouldn't be hated. But, instead he should be pitied. Simply because, Jubei realized that the swordsman's soul would never be at rest as long as he only sought power through battle.

At the age of 20, Jubei finally met Hiro face to face in a single moonlit battle and a great epic battle took place between the two. In the end, Jubei defeated the swordsman using his ancient technique and finally put Hiro Yuwei's soul to rest. But, that would not be Jubei's last battle. Hearing of Hiro's defeat, many other powerful and highly skilled swordsman...as well as warriors from across the land sought to battle Jubei. All ended in both failure and in their own deaths. Until, one day a konoichi was hired to assassinate Jubei. But, by sheer accident, Jubei met up with the assassin and saved her life.

Ultimately, they both fell in love and stayed together in exiled seclusion. At the age of 21, both Jubei's and his beloved's past caught up to them. And he was given an unreasonable choice. Either he gave up his own life or both his beloved and her clan would suffer the same fate that fell upon his own. In the end, out of pure love, Jubei Mitsuyoshi gave up his life and unbeknown to he killers. Took with him all his knowledge and the secrets of the 'Bladeless Sword' technique.

Upon, entering into the world of the 'Soul Society'. Jubei found that he held the uncanny ability to sense and track others by both their spiritual energy and spiritual pressure. After six years of training and honing his skills...as well as his abilities. Jubei felt that he held no true purpose within this new world. And now, even though he continues to study and gain new knowledge. Jubei Mitsuyoshi, also known as 'The Sleeping Hollow', now seeks to find the one true place in which he can belong within the 'Soul Society'.

Techniques: (Continuously updated)

Soul Burial: This is preformed by all shinigami, its how they send souls to the Soul-Society.

Yakushi (The Healing Buddha): A continuous melody, which can cause a either a physical or mental effect. Different melodies will have different effects. (only works when heard, effects are doubled when used with Kingusari-Shouheki.)

Kingusari (lvl-1):
Kingusari-Shouheki (golden chain-barrier): Kingusari forms into a protective shield, much like Orihime's Santen Kesshun technique. But, the form of the barrier can change from a protective dome...wall...shield...ect.

Kumorigachi (broken cloud): The chains are formed into a ball and as they are launched at their target, each link releases a blade of condensed dark reiatsu.

Kanashii-Reikyuu (sorrowful-coffin): The target is encased within a cage of bladed chains, which attacks their reiatsu directly as they enclose and slice into it's physical form.

Semai-Seishou (confined-energy): After five key target points are attacked, the victim's ability/skill levels are cut in half. (takes 3 post after the five target points are attacked to activate.)

Rosuto-Seishou (lost-energy): After five key target points are attacked, the victim's power levels are cut in half. (takes 3 post after the five target points are attacked to activate.)

Udauda-Seishou (long winded and meaningless-energy): After five key target points are attacked, the victim's reiatsu levels are cut in half. (takes 3 post after the five target points are attacked to activate.)

Rosuto-Reiniku (lost-body and soul): Once Semai-Seishou, Rosuto-Seishou, and Udauda-Seishou are completed, this technique can be activated using the 'Yakushi' after 10 posts. All of the target's innate abilities and power levels drop to 1/3 of their current levels. (meaning if you go by their seating level, they drop three seats. Captain's drop to third seat levels, VCs drop to forth seat, and ect.)

Hitodama (lvl-1): (will be filled in later)

Bakudou: (none)

Hadou: (none)

Former/Current Ranks: Captain of Squad 9

Guild Status: Guild VC

Online Schedule: N/A, for now.