Name: Dragon [Drah-gun]User Image

Rank: Negative Espada Infinite

Physical Description:He has black,silver, and a small line of red hair. His body is lean yet has some strength hidden behind it all. His tattoo is below where his heart is which looks like an eight, but is actually the infinite sign. He is 6'3 feet and weigh's 230 pounds. His mask is a white wolf jaw and is located on his left jaw.

Age: Unknown but appears 19 years old.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: OokamiTsume

Zanpaktou Release: Release command is "Howl toward the moon [and destroy] " This covers Dragon in a white sphere and covers his body in white goo. This changes his body first into an armor wearing werewolf and has a helmet shaped as a wolf head with armored white plates on his shoulder. He gains a claw like blades on his hands which he uses to attack. Dragon has a armor lining of spikes on his left arm that extend and can grow into the form of a shield. Slashing the air can release a slashing blast of wind against his opponents faraway.

The command "Full Moon Release: King of the Night." Causes his body restructures into a white werewolf with special purple markings on him and three heads. His control over wind is greater and can create a twister the size of a hurricane. He is one of few who can have two release forms. There multiple attacks that he uses in his released form. His body can grow white skeletal wings that enable him flight. His fangs grow to large lengths as he becomes a creature mixed of wolf and bat. His hierro becomes stronger and his body can regenerate only when a major limb is missing, but he can only regenerate his parts once a release, meaning he must save it when most of his limbs are missing.

Attacks: Wind Shot - His most basic attack that fires a green wind blast that hits his opponent.

Moonlight Heal: This is the only attack that Dragon uses to heal people, which is rare as arrancar can't heal. Using his reiryoku, he can heal people through a silver light from his hand and use wind to protect someone while they are healed.

Wind Burst: A bigger and wider version of Wind Shot that creates an explosion when implodes on contact.

Wolf Roar: This creates a howling sound that can pierce through ears, water molecules, and rupture human body by sound due to the bodies affect to sound any way.

Wolf Twister: Dragon spins around gathering wind and reishi creating a twister that he can fire off at his opponents and when released, create a hurricane version. He can also launch himself at high speeds using this technique.

Full Moon Burst: This requires a lot of reiatsu which appear silver and in the shape of an orb that represents the moon. Gathering it above his head and in his jaw, he can fire it at a range around himself and destroy everything as the blast absorbs reishi, reiatsu, and reiryoku to continue its powerful strike.

Full Buster Moon Pierce: This attack causes his claws to extend into four bladed swords that slash and pierce. The blades are able to regenerate, but only if someone actually tries to break it. The blades can be fired off and explode as if it were a cero. This attack combined with Wolf Hurricane will cause everything in its path to be swept and slashed away if not destroyed.

Shikyo/Death Cero - A cero that is restricted to only the Hiteiteki Espada. This cero has the color of the Espada and a mix of a black trail that gives it the appearance of a cero and cero oscuras.

Momento Sonido - This is the higher speed of sonido that gives the Hiteiteki espada the ability to move as such high speed, that a mile or more could be moved with very few steps. The only limit is that this technique if used too frequently, causes a lag as the legs which will slow you down until you cannot move temporarily.

Alterar/Clone - By sacrificing up to 25% of their reiryoku, the Negative espada can create a clone that has their powers and abilities. The only problem, is that due to being only a clone and limited supply of reiryoku, the clone will have weaker attacks and can only use their abilities to the limit. If an Alterar uses their resurrecion, the alterar will only have a partial released form with only part of the true resurrecion.

Toku - The Espada can momentarily use their reiatsu to create a barrier to protect themselves. The barrier is only as strong as the user's reiryoku and can shield off attacks from shinigami. This shield takes on the form of repeating octagon patterns.

Infinite Wind: Dragon can gather the very wind or air around him to form the wind into invisible or tangible shapes. The wind can create a barrier that absorbs attacks that cycle around and redirect the attack back at the user. This also creates weapons for him allowing him to attack without his zanpakuto, but also create deadly weapons for his resurrecion. This allows him to access each weapon of each race in a different way, bows and arrows of a quincy that are quick and sliced by wind, his blade is made of wind and can cut and redirect reiryoku-based attacks. A doll is unable to be created, but using a clone is effective as that. The only drawback, is that Dragon cannot use the infinite for a long amount of periods, oxygen needs to be flowing, and the range for this cannot be longer than the range of reiatsu control, which is unknown even to Dragon, and cannot be in places that cannot be used there is needed mass, like underwater, earth, space, and other dimensions unless the wind moved through the dimension and was made outside of it.

Dark Kidou:

Kuro Bakudō-

Kuro Bakudō #1: Han - Tapping someone on the forehead causes them to be knocked out and sleep.

Kuro Bakudō #5: NousatsuKusari - Several chains form and surround the victim.

Kuro Bakudō #25: Gurando Tate - This creates a hexagonal pattern of shields that block attacks and disperses them.

Kuro Bakudō #26: Kyakko Kage - Hides the target from sight, by bending light and shadows. The spell has the ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object.

Dark Hadō-

1. Shō (衝, Thrust) — Pushes the target away from the caster.

4. Kuro Byakurai (白雷, Pale Black Lightning) - The user fires a concentrated, powerful black with purple outline lightning bolt from their finger

11. Tsuzuri Raiden (Bound Lightning) - Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.

54. Haien (廃炎, Abolishing Flames) — Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact

58. Tenran (闐嵐, Orchid Sky) - A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.

63.Kuro Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Black Thunder Roar Cannon) — Fires a massive wave of black energy at a target.

Special Accessories: Crescent earring on his left ear and has a bracelet on his left hand.

Skills: Dragon can fire concentrated wind blasts and can combine them with ceros to twist them into paths that a normal blast could not. Green ceros and bala blasts are due to his green reiatsu.

Abilities: Control over wolf hollows, wind based attacks, basic arrancar abilities.

Personality: Dragon is calm yet has thinks of great plans that however fail whenever someone intrudes. He fights calmly until he provokes his opponent to release and provoke himself to release his reiatsu. Then he fights as a intelligent berserker.

Biography/History: Dragon's past before his shinigamification is unknown however he remembers fragments of his past. He was born in Aizen's palace and immediately gained the rank 8 after leading a successful attack against a squad. His supervisors then started to modify Dragon creating a 'hybrid' in their eyes as he doesn't know. He once kidnapped a Shihouin girl which he transferred his powers to, but only received his wolf side. Dragon now wanders between Hueco Mundo to the Society to find and finish that quest he started with that girl. Soon after he began to experience more and more power before realizing that he was a human once, but he became a hollow and thanks to the Hogyoku, he was an arrancar. Due to his sight on both sides, he knows the parts of each side, and is deadly warrior with all his experience. Due to his past, he had gain powers known as Dark Kidou, and learned to contain his power of wind in deadly forms.