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If I say I love you...Will you take me away? [BSB Sequel]

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Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:45 am
Chapter 1
~Torick's POV~

I growl in frustration as the 26th suit of the hour was thrown at me.
Yeah. Suit. Tux. Same thing.
I was about ready to rip the suit in half and just go to the wedding in jeans and a t-shirt.
Yes. Wedding.
Chrystal and myself are getting married, a month from today infact.
Erik is going to be my 'best-man' and Kit is going to be Crystal's 'maid of honor'.
Speak of the devil, Erik comes through the door, oblivious to me trying to change. Again.
"Dude! I still can't believe you guys are getting married! Just think about it! Five years ago she was hell bent on killing you. Who would think I would end up like this?!" He yelled happily. Yup, as obnoxious as always.
Oh, right, its been two years since Chrystal "came back". Surprisingly, since she attacked the assassin hideout, no one has come looking for us. Which is good news.
"Erik, get out, I'm trying to change" I say, rubbing my forehead.
"Oh, yeah, sure. Just wanted to get that out. And to tell you that your soon-to-be-wife looks gorgeous in her wedding dress she chose."
"You've seen her?"
"Oh yeah! Smokin' hot! Oh, forgot to tell you, that, for this entire month, you wont be able to see her. Or talk to her for that matter. It's tradition"
My mouth hangs open, forgetting what I was doing.
"Yeah, I know. I don't know how you'll live a whole month without seeing or talking to her. I'll keep you up to date. Did you know Chrystal plans on dying her hair and letting it grow, even though its already past her shoulders." Erik says, grinning playfully.
"How do you know all this and I don't" I ask in mock sadness, my lower lip trembling to add effect.
He shrugs, laughing.
"So, what am I suppose to do for the next month?"
"Hmmm, I know you'll be able to see Chrystal once, and thats to plan the wedding set up, but other then that, I don't know, suffer?" He smirks, playfully.
I groan.
"it's funny, Chrystal had the same reaction as you when I told her about the not-seeing-you-for-a-whole-month thing."
I groaned again and smacked my head with my left hand.
"Anyway, why are you guys getting married, I thought you guys were already together?" Erik asks
"Meh, Chrystal wanted to make it official, and I agreed, so here we are." I say
Oh, Cool. Well, bye, have fun suffering with this new information" With that, Erik is gone.

Two hours later I'm hanging upside down on the balcony, bored out of my mind.
"Hey hun"The hushed voice of my beloved says.
A smile comes to my face as I flip upright.
Chrystal stand about two yards from me, still looking as beautiful as an angel.
Closing the gap between us in three easy strides, I scoop her up in my arms.
Doing here?" I say between kisses.
"I wanted to see you" She answers when I stop.
"It's against the rules you know"
"when have I ever followed the rules Torick"
"Don't know, when?"
Chrystal smiles seductively "Never"
"Good, cause I don't think I could go a whole month without your kissing"
"Oh, only my kissing?"
"And your smiles, your lovely blushing, your hair, eyes, nose, I'd miss everything my dear"
As we were "Talking" we were moving towards the bed, and now lay on it, Chrystal beneathe me.
"Are you trying to seduce me Torick?"
"What made you guess that Chrystal dear?"
"I dont know" She answers, propping herself up on her elbows, kissing my neck.
"You shouldn't do that"
"And why not?"
"I might lose control"
"then lose it"
"I will"
Chrystal wraps her arms around me neck, pulling me down closer to her.
"My, my, what do we have here?" An amused voice muses.
"Oh, s**t" Chrystal murmurs, urgently untangling from me and standing up.
But when we see who caught us, we both deflat(sp).  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:46 am
Chapter 2
~Torick's POV~

"Oh, Rose, it's just you." Chrystal says, still blushing like mad.
I would beblushing too, if I could.
"Just me? I could still get you in trouble-"
"But you won't" Chrystal interrupts.
"I won't, you got that right. Well, anyway, down to business, Torick. We have a problem. Seven people near Chrystal's room were killed, and three are missing."
"someone's after me? Cool! This is like one of those spy movies where the bride is this smokin' hot chick, and the grooms' EX is jealous and wants to kill the bride, but the can't because the bride kicks a**" Chrystal jokes.
"Chrystal, hun, this is no time to joke and mess around" I warn
A look of surprise flickers across her face, but disappears as soon as it came. A mask of emotionless covers her face.
"Oh, hey, Chrystal, don't shell up on us, I just don't want you to joke around, when someone is after you. Again."
"Uh, yeah, look, Torick, it's fine, I can take care of the person, whoever it is" She says, plastering a fake smile to her face, then leaves the room.
"Are you women always to complicated?" I groan, rubbing my forehead.
"You don't know that half of it dear"she answers, chuckling.
Then she leaves me to sulk in my room.

~Chrystal's POV~

I know I shouldn't be like that with Torick, but it's an instinct. To close myself off like that.
"Chrystal~!" Kit's singsong voice rings into my room
"Yes~?" I sing back.
"Rose and myself have a question" She says, suddenly in front of me, Rose beside her.
"What?" I snap playfully, forgetting everything that happened moments ago.
"What are youmost excited about? The actual wedding-" Rose says
"Or the wedding night?" Kit finishes.
My cheeks warm up.
"Oh, um, I-I don't kn-know. They're both the same. I-I guess" I stutter.
"Oh, so it's the same huh? The boring, but lovely wedding vs. the love and lust filled wedding night?" Rose questions
"OK! Ok! The wedding night. There, happy?" I murmur
"Very" Kits says
"Think it'll be gentle?" Rose asks, snickering at my fuming figure
"Ok, lets not think about, 'kay?"
"Alright, alright. Watch you back hun" Kit warns.
"Fine, now leave. Both of you" I growl playfully, but with seriousness(sp)behind it.
After they both left, closing the door behind them,I plopped down on the bed, pretending to sleep.
Knocks at the door a few hours later brought me out of my trance like state, making me jump slightly.
Mary walked in, smiling.
"Good evening Miss Moore, dinner is ready downstairs"
"Alright, thanks Mary" I say, sitting up.
She left, and it was now that I noticed it. How could I not of smelt it before?! The smell of another vampire around my room.
"I know your there, come out before I come and look for you" I say loudly.
"My, my, your sharper than you look"
I'm tackled to the floor, and pinned down, arms above my head and legs pinned by the intruder's legs. I look up at my attacker.
A young woman of perhaprs 19 or 21 looks down at me, smirking triumphantly.
"Who are you?" I growl, trying to be threaten.
"I don't have to tell you, your not the one on top"
"Oh really?" I muse, using my and her legs to flip us over, so I'm on top of her, pinning her down.
Surprise flickers across her face, then a smug grin presents itself on her face.
"I think I asked wyou of your-" Before I could finish a strong, think metal baris pressed against my throat, pulling me off the ground by a foot.
"Chrystal was it? Your not very observant, even for a vampire" The young woman teases.
"I'm not a ******** vampire" I manage to strangle out, struggling to breathe.
Now, the look on this chicks' face. Priceless.  

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:50 am
Chapter 3
~Chrystal's Pov~

"If your not a vampire, then what are you? You have the fangs, claws, senses, strength, and speed of a vampire."
White lights dance infront of my eyes, I struggle to breathe. One thing vampires can do, but not me. Hold their breath for a long time.
"Brox, set her down, but don't lighten up that grip you have on her, that seems to be keeping her in place" The woman says nonchalontaly.
When me feet could keep me up, I went into a coughing fit. My lung hurt with each breath. The lights infront of my eyes faded.
"If I don't go down for dinner, they'll know something is up. They'll come up and your cover will be blown" I tell them, I'm only thinking of Torick here, I don't want him hurt just because this b***h is after me.
"Fine, go down to your vampire friends. If you tell anyone, or don't come back, we'll kill that little old woman. Mary was it?" The so far nameless woman threatens, "Brox" takes the bar from my neck.
I rub my reddening neck, my fingers brush four cresent moon shapedscars.
I race downstairs, My feet never making a sound. Well, until I reach the bottom one. On the last stair, I trip. Over nothing. My feet.
Arms wrap around my slim figure, holding me up tenderly.
I stare up into Torick's golden eyes.
"What took you so long?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
I struggle for an answer.
"I was, uh, resting, and got tangled in my sheets. I couldn'tget out of them, it was very troublesome" I stammer out.
He buys it.
He helps me to my feet, and we both sit down.
If I had looked up, I would have meet the accusing glare of Erik across from me.
An hour later, I'm ushered upstairs by Erik, who had to take me from Torick. Not a fun task for him. Amusing for me, but not fun for Erik.
When we reach the top of the stairs, Erik stops us both, and turns on me, his eyes blazing.
"Why did you lie to Torick, Chrystal?" He growls dangerously low.
"What do you mean?" I try innocence first.
He slams me painfully into the wall, hands clamped almost bone crushingly on my upper arms.
"Damn it! Chrystal! You know what I'm talking about!" I wince as his claws dig into my upper arms.
"I can't tell you Erik!" I growl, pushing him off, baring my canines dangerously.
He deflates, then turns and stomps away from me. In the middle of the hallway, he turns to me.
"I don't even know you anymore Chrys'. So whatever" Then I'm alone.
I drag myself into my room, shut the door, and slide down it.
Sitting on my carpet, I finally let it out.
Hot, salty tears run down my face.
"Your most definatly not a vampire" A deep, gruff voice says from a few yards away. Slightly concerned. Only slightly.
My head snaps up to see both of them on my bed, watching me like vulters watching their next meal.
"Are you happy now?" I spit.
"No" The woman says, emotionlessly.
"Kathrine" Brox warns her. "We should tell her."
"Tell me what?" I sputter past my tears, now forgotten.
"We're Vampire Hunters. We came here, because we were told vampires were here. We plan to kill each and every vampire here." Katherin says.
Something inside of me bristles.
My breath catchs in my throat.
"Vampire hunters?" I breathe.
One thing runs through my head. Ok, like five things. Torick, Erik, Rose, Izzy, and Kit.
A second later, I tackle Katherin. We both fly across the room, and through mysix inchbedroom wall, ending up falling three stories into the garden. This doesn't faze is though.
"You b***h! Your a ******** vampire too! Why not kill yourself if you hate them that much?! Why not shot a silver bullet through your own head?! It'd make other's lives a hell of a lot better if you just dissappeared! Don't put one finger on Torick, or anyone else here!" I yell in her face, keeping her struggling form under me. When I mention Torick though, she stops completely.
"Torick?"she asks meekly.
"Yeah, Torick. My fiance" I growl.
Suddenly, Katherin is bazirk(sp), she breaks from my clutches, angry tears run down her face.
I let out a pained gasp as something is stabbed into my abdomen. I look down at it.
A silver dagger. Even though I'm not a vampire, I still have the weaknesses as one, because Erik bit me Kit gave me her blood. I have everything a vampire would, sense and strength wise, but I don't drink blood to keep me going.
Gig hands grab my shoulders, and pull me away, tossing me away like an unwanted doll.
The dagger had somekind of piosion on it, preventing me from moving.
Brox helps Katherin to her feet. She feverishly wipes the tears from her face, as though she were afraid someone would see them.
"I hope you know, no one will be coming for you. We checked and made arragments. You will slowly be cooked alive by the sun." Katherin says emotionlessly.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:54 am
Chapter 4
~Chrystal's POV~

They walk away from me, leaving me to lay there motionlessly, awaiting my death. There's no way I'll just lay here and play dead.
Because the dagger is where it is, it's plugged the blood, so I bleed slower, so I won't die of blood loss I guess.
I close me eyes.
A feral growl rips through my throat as the wind whips past me, in the oppisite direction of the mansion. West. No luck of anyone coming to help me this time. I'm on my own. Like I had been before Torick.
"Am I actually going to die a month before my own wedding? How weird, I never thought I'd actually marry one of my pasttargets." I mumble to myself half an hour later.
By now, I'm annoyed as hell at the wind. There was none. At all.
My toes are cold and my nose itchs. Damn it.
No. I can't give up. Not yet. Not ever. I have to tell Torick of Katherin and Brox before they decide to kill everyone.
They'll be after either him, Erik, Rose or Kit. Or Izzy. I forgot about Izzy. I haven't seen much of him. and when I do, he's really anti-social around me. Guess he doesn't like me.
Because of the silver, my senses are dimmed. Damn it! I guess I'm more vampire then human after all.
The thin wall between consiousness and unconsiousness is slowly dissapearing.
Big hands grip my shoulders, turning my onto my back. I stare into the face of Brox.
"Why are you here?" I hiss/croak.
The answer I get is the dagger being pulled out from my lower stomach. I yelp weakly.
Now I notice. Before I had just focused on Katherin. But now, my dimmed sense of smell tells me he's human. I was once too. Long ago.
He pulls my shirt up enough to bandage the wound.
I half expect him to pick me up and carry me away. But he doesn't. He picks up my head, and sticks a small pin in my neck.
So. He wasn't here to help me. Only to help Katherin.
The pin and bandage was to make sure that the paralyzing posion stayed in my system and if the wind did change direction, my blood wouldn't be on it, so no one would smell it. The pin was for no one would actually see it, so they'd think I was fine, they'd think I could go out in the sun, and I'd burn. Yep. Just pretty ******** peachy.
Then he's gone. Leaving me on my back to stare up at the brightening, star-filled sky.
Yep, Death must love stalking me.
The sound of footsteps thunder in my ears. I never realized my eyes had closed. A heavy boot nudges my side, looking for any sign of me being alive. I hand twitches. I open my eyes, glaring at the brown, leather boot.
"Oh, your still alive, huh, Vampire." A gruff voice asks.
I lay still, glaring at the boot with strong hatred.
"What are you? I can tell now that your not a vampire." That same gruff voice muses.
"Half" I gasp out, still tired, and waiting to sleep. Wait, I'm not suppose to be able to sleep.
My eyes betray me and close. I only slightly remember hands grabbing my shoulers and knees, picking me up bridal style.  

Mrs Gey

Mrs Gey

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:56 am
Chapter 5
~Chrystal's POV~

The sun burned my eyelids... wait, sun?! My eyes shot open and I tumbled off the bed. Bed? How was I asleep? My hand flew to my stomach, no dagger. A gauze is wrapped tightly around my middle instead. I wince as I touch it. My hand flies to a fire poker as footsteps echo around the small cottage. It's not very furnished, but it's small and cozy, and warm too. A rough looking man in maybe his 30's walks into the room.
Without even looking at me he says: "Put that fire poker down, you'll poke someone's eye out. And if I wanted to kill you, I would've left you outside in the sun to slowly and painfully turn the ash" I set it down nextto me, close enough to me if I need it.
"Why did you save me?" I growl.
"I just did, ok? Do you always question your saviors? Lay still, let me see your wounds" He walks towards me.
I pick up the fire poker and in an instant, it flys from my hand. Smoke raises from his gun. "I said, let me see your wounds"
I growl some curses under my breath as I lay back down and let him examine my wounds.
He walked over, gun still in hand, and checked my wounds.
"Hmm, you healed pretty fast, even for a Vampire."
"I'm only half" I mumble, correcting him.
"Whatever, half vampire or not, you healed faster than any vampire I've known...unless" He trailed off, looking off into his own little world.
"Ummm..." I say, sitting up and gazing at him.
"What's your name?" He asks, the faraway look leaving his eyes.
"Chrystal Moore" I say, confused.
His face lights up like a childs on Christmas morning.
"You're Chrystal Moore? Who knew I'd get to meet you. Normon told me about you"
My heart skips a beat.
"How do you know Normon?" I growl.
"We were friends. Did you know he could see the future? And that he saw you as a daughter?" The unknown hunter says, smiling sheepishly.
"I didn't know... any of that." I say quietly
"Anyway, he called me one night and said for me to meet him, and that it was urgent. Did you ever want to know why he sent you to kill Torick?"
"Yeah, there were better Assassins then me" I muse.
"He carefully watched thefuture on everything he did that included you, Chrystal. He didn't want you to die. So, when he found out he was going to die, he made different decisions and finally saw one that endedup with you living, but he didn't see that you would actually die. He loved you like a daughter and when he saw you unhappy, he wanted to do something about it. That's why he sent you, so that you would fail, kill all the assassins that tried to kill you, and live, all so that you'd be happy with Torick. But like I said, he never saw that Erik would come for you, and thus you asking for him to kill you."
My mind was like Jello at this point. Normon went through all that trouble and he died so that...I would be happy?
"He went through all that trouble, and died so that I would be happy?" I ask the hunter, slowly, as though asking a five year old.
"Yes." He says, almost patiently.
"That doesn't make sense. Why wouldhe?" I growled, eyeing the hunter.
He sighed. "Does it matter? Your happily getting married and that's all Normon wanted, for you to be happy. Because he never was when it came to his life. Everyone he loved died or hated him."
"Do you know anything of a chick called Katherin?" I ask carefully.
"Katherin?" He asks slowly
I nod.
"Nope. Is she a hunter?"
"Yeah, a Vampire hunter, but she's also a Vampire. Hypocrite." I growl.
"Yeah, no I don't know her. But since you're all healed up, don't you think you should get to your house?" The hunter asks.
I jump up and race quickly outside, shouting a thanks over my shoulder as I go.
In a few seconds I'm at my front door and I crash through, almost literally falling into Torick's arms.
I hug him tightly and kiss him.
"Where were you! We came into your room and found it all trashed and there was a hole in your wall and everything. I smelt your blood, but couldn't find you" Torick says after I release his lips.
"Long story" I say breathlessly.
Three loud knocks on the doors I just ran through make me jump. I look back at them and just want to lay down all day with Torick.Torick walks me over to the couch and sits me down, then goes for the door.
He opens it.
"Kitty!! What are you doing here?" He says happily, smiling broadly.
"I'm not sure, I woke up in the woods and said, What the hell, lets go see Torick" a voice responds. Seems fimilar...
When the new comer walks into the room, my jaw drops. Eyes blazing, I shoot to my feet.
"You" I growl at the chick. Katherin.
"Me" she points to herself, questioningly. Then her face drops.
"Oh...." She gasps, putting her hand on her forehead.
Confusion bubbles in my head.
Torick is beside me before I can even take another breath.
"Come on hun, sit down" He guides me back to the couch, Katherin or Kitty, whatever, follows.
"I have two personalities Chrystal. There's me, Kitty, and then theres Katherin, my complete opposite. She's the hunter, but she can only get out at night, when I sleep. I let her do what she wants, but I try not to let her hurt any of my Vampiric friends. I'm sorry Chrystal."
"I guess it's a good thing I'm not suppose to sleep" I mumble, smiling a small, unhappy smile.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:01 am
Chapter 6
~Chrystal's POV~

I couldn't help but keep looking at "Kitty" across the room. She was a whole different person from the night before, though that was her other...personality.
Torick sat beside me, keeping the peace.
"So, Chrystal, what happened after...Katherin, left you for dead?" Kitty asked, looking at the floor tiles like they were the most interesting things right now.
"Why should I tell you, Katherin can," I snapped, but winced when Torick nudged me with his elbow.
"Please? I'm sorry on behalf of Katherin," she apologized.
"Well, some guy, another vampire hunter I think, brought me to his cabin and fixed me up. He told me somethings about Norman, my old employer, and then I came here. Nothing really that important," I said, shooting Torick a glance. His face was composed and I couldn't read anything in his eyes.
After a while, Erik came down and told me I was getting a new room, and telling Kitty that he had fixed up a room for her. I stood without another word and left, leaving Torick and Kitty. I walked into the room Erik had pointed out. I sat on the bed and looked around. The bed was still huge, the closet still pretty big, it looked the same as my room, except for the color scheme. In my room, it was darker colors, in this room the colors were warmer, like sunny orange and soft red. It's very bright compared to my room.
I curl up on the bed and think. I think about Norman, I think about Torick, I even think about the Kitty/Katherin person. Before I can stop myself, I start to think if Torick and I are right for eachother.
"Chrystal?" Erik pokes his head into my room. I hide my face in my legs and turn away from him.
"Chrystal, what are you doing in here alone?" He asks, sitting on the bed next to my curled up figure.
"I'm thinking," I snap, but my voice betrays me and cracks several times.
"Sure. Thinking about what?"
"Stuff," I mutter, sneaking a glance at Erik. He's looking at the ceiling.
"What kind of stuff?" He looks down at me and catches me looking at him. I hide my eyes again.
"Erik, do you think Torick and I are... good for eachother?" I ask suddenly, still hiding my face.
"I think you guys have your fights and moments, but yeah, I think you guys are perfect for eachother." Erik says slowly, nodding.
"How are you supposed to know if your inlove with someone?" I ask.
"It's different for everyone, but basically, you just know," Erik says, smiling guiltly.
An idea bursts in my head as I look at the look on his face.
"Is there someone that you like?"
"No, what makes you think that," Erik covers for himself quickly.
"Who is it?" I asked, sitting up.
"No one I said," Erik snaps pathetically.
"Sure, who is it," I growl playfully, pinning Erik against the bedpost.
He mumbles something.
"Kit," he mutters. I let him go and sit back.
"Your...inlove....with Kit? The Ancient Kit, right, the one that found me and all that?" I asked.
He nodded, hiding his face in his hands.
I laugh and hug him. He looks at me in surprise.
"Thats wonderful! I have to tell her! You know, I think she has a little something for you," I ramble, getting to my feet.
"No! You can't go tell her!" Erik says quickly.
"I have to," I snap, already out the door, searching for Kit.
Erik tries to tackle me, but I move out of the way just in time. I saw Kit walk out of the kitchen below me, on the first floor. I dive off the second floor, off the balcony railing, and land in front of Kit. Before I can speak however, Erik tackles me, and we go rolling, crashing into a wall.
"Erik, get off of me," I growl, trying to get out of his embrace.
"No! You can't tell her! She'll think I'm a freak or something," Erik says quickly, keeping a hold on me.
"KIT!!!" I shout, trying to claw out of Erik's embrace still.
Erik clamps his hand onto my mouth, shutting me up, but Kit walks slowly up to us, looking at us like we were a couple of five-year-olds.
"What do you want?" Kit asks, looking at Erik and I. I manage to claw out of Erik's grip and hide behind Kit.
"I have something to tell you Kit, but Erik here doesn't want me to tell you, though I think you'd like this news," I choke out, panting.
"Ok, one second," Kit mutters, setting her bowl of ice cream, that I didn't know she had, on a table nearby. She smiles at Erik, then takes my wrist and we're in the woods outside.
"So, what was so important to tell me that I couldn't enjoy my ice cream?" She snapped, looking at me.
"Well, Erik and I were talking, and we got into the topic of love, and how you know if your inlove with someone. Well, I asked Erik if there was someone he was inlove with, and he told me he loved..." I trailed off, leaving her in suspense.
"Who?!" She growled, grabbing my upper arms and shaking me a bit. I giggled and pointed to her.
"You, Kit. He's inlove with you." I stopped giggling and looked at her expression.
"He's...inlove with me?!" She squealed.
"Yes?" I stated.
"Cool," she trailed off, dropping her hands and eyes.
I gasped, smiling.
"Do you like him back?" I asked.
She nodded, smiling sheepishly  

Mrs Gey

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:48 am
i really like it Faith. It's very good^^ Keep on writing, I'm addicted to it!!! hahaha  

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