I gave u my heart
You crushed it
I gave u my soul
You killed it
My life no longer has meaning
You dont even care
i walk the earth but truly i am not there
my body is hollow
i cant fell joy or happiness
just saddness and hate
you see me there standing on my roof
you see me weeping
like i said you dont care
you dont care what happens to me
If i live or die
all you care about is HER
you have erased me from your past...
and future
you stand there and watch me
YOU want this to happen
you got your wish
i jump
your happy
but alas i dont die
i cry even harder
not because my leags are broken
because im not dead
you come up to me
and give me a knife
you say harshly "Now do it right this time"
i know what you mean
i take the blade and stab it through my heart
my last words are
"I love you and i always will"
"do you really think i give a damn?" you say, "hurry up i dont have all day"
I was about to say somthing but too late
Im dead