Okay, so... About me... My name is Kirstyn, if you don't know already. I'm a sixteen-year-old girl. I'm an awesome freaky weird crazy nerd and i admit it. I use sarcasm a lot, so yeah...try not to be offened. I'm really weird when i'm weird, but i'm serious when i'm serious.
I love to draw.. Especially anime. But i can't draw the dude animes. It's like next to impossible for me. So yeah. I tend to use "lol" and smiley faces a lot. Favorite smiley face - :3. It's so cute! haha. yeah.
I'm also really random. So be prepared.
I can't say i have a best friend because all my friends are special so i can't choose. Yeah. Everyone is special in their own way.
Well, my favorite saying is "There are never regrets - just lessons". I thought of it myself, and if it is already like published as something known, sorry I'm slow sometimes. But I thought of it without looking it up. I think it's true. I'm not posting a picture ever. So don't ask. I think it's quite rude. Unless you say like sorry or something. I'm very nice, so don't be afraid. I won't bite...hard <3.
Well, if you want to get to know me more, then just PM me or add me as a friend.
~me wuvs you~