I don't think I should have to say this, but I will just in case:

Respect the boundaries of the class sub-forums. Don't go barging into other peoples forums.
If you're o7, stick to the o7 forum, and so on.

Obviously I can't really yell at you for being in other classes forums when I don't know, but I'm going to hope you'll be mature enough to respect the rules.

I'm not going to be mad at an o5 for popping into the o3 forum to say hi, or to ask a question, or to propose screenies or anything, but please keep in mind that they are meant to be relatively private.

And I absolutely do not want to see any threads bashing other classes!
I know I said 'incite class rivalry', and I do want you to do that, because it's fun, but it needs to stay friendly.

If I see any 'We hate o8' or something like that, I will be very angry. >:[

aaaannd...for those of you who do not yet know...

The 'classes' refer to the year you joined Gaia.
You may be wondering, how do I know what year I joined? Well, just click right here! The siglab will tell you the exact date you joined Gaia.
What if you had an account before this, but it got hacked or banned or some such? That's okay. The people in your forum will understand if you explain it to them. :] Happens all the time.

Thanks guys!