What I posted in the Adopting thread:

User Name: iLostie

Looking to adopt male or female: Either or. (:

How many you wish to adopt: The more the merrier. :'D

Time spent on Gaia daily: If I could, I'd be on 24/7. Im on almost all the time. But with school starting it might be less.

Hobbies (movies, books, etc.): I love to read. Harry Potter is my favorite. I also like Max Ride, The Geargia Nicholson Series, LotR, and Twilight. I can somewhat draw...And I am on the computer 24/7. My favorite TV shows are Lost, Heroes, Smallville, and NCIS. I love comedy and action! :'D

Notes: I am a very easy person to talk to. My friends always come to me for advice. It first started when I was in 7th grade and my guy friend asked me about this girl (I was all like, "what do I look, a match maker?"). I love helping people but I sometimes dont know what to say. If anyone ever needs any help, Im here for ya. (:

Gimme a PM if you wanna be adopted? (: