
This is the place you can post to try to find a
*special someone*

Talk about yourself.
Likes and dislikes.
Post pictures.
Show off to make yourself stand out!
What could make you "the right" one?
What are you looking for in a person?

It is important to include your age and preference.
If you are a lesbian, you probably don't want men inquiring.
If you are 13, you may not want 30 year olds messaging you.

-DO NOT give out your address
-Do not harass anyone
-All pictures must abide by Gaia rules
-Don't make duplicate ads

If any of these rules are broken, you may have your thread/post
deleted or be kicked from the guild depending on the severity of the offense.

If you have any questions, concerns, want a thread deleted, or have witnessed
rule-breaking behavior contact a crew member.



::All crew members: Dr. OCD - Kaiju Koi - schulte - Mazzie Bell -colon bracket - Nyu-sama - Masked Casanova - avenged_king ::