So, only a little of the reason why I have been inactive is because I've been going to the gym everyday and run/jog two miles, I have been doing this since the back end of July. Not everyday since then just 4-5 days out of every week. I tried on a old pair of pants and they are not tight at all they are loose, the only problem I might see having is it being tight around my new lower leg muscles cool

Yes that's right these changes have to do with muscle, I noticed that I am getting noticeably toned, I am even brave enough to admit I went in front of the mirror, flexed and went, "Grr!" However my stomach is in pain, I think I pulled a muscle, my brother wants me to practice sit-ups and "proper push-ups" so basic will be a little easier.

This 'training,' has left me very tired at the end of each day and so I haven't been in the mood to post. But don't worry there's more inactivity to come as of September 23rd I will be shipping off to a military post, (won't say which,) and I will not be finished with Army training until May.

I will leave you with a picture I made for a friend who didn't understand what the System Restore Disc did to viruses. (The guy being punched is a Trojan soldier, AKA Trojan Virus.)

User Image

Here's my PhotoBucket 'album,' I will have a friend send me my camera while I'm in AIT, I might take some pictures.

And my Youtube

So throw a party and bye.

For Now?