Well, its THEE random guild of the future and present. So there must be no rules right? Wrong. There are rules, but its to only help this guild stay THEE random guild of the future and present, so watch out Gaian's we don't like rule breakers! They break our guild's heart

So here goes rules!:

-No Scamming.
-No Flamming.
-Be Nice And Respectful.
-Follow Gaia ToS and all of them!
-Use your common sense.
-Keep things Gaia appropriate.
-Don't be stupid and be something to please someone. You've come here to be yourself!
-Respect and listen to ALL of the moderators! If you think that they've done something unfair, report it to MallerCakexx.

*We will add more as needed. And if you need to report a Gaian for inappropriate behavior, please contact SiiriPWNS.