Introduction to Guild and Moderators.
Hai Gaians! How are you? You must be happy, cause you've just entered the retro world of Feuerwerk Krankheit Guild! How could this be? Oh its just fate <3 Now you probably wanna know what the title means... it means what me and siiriPWNS call "Sparkle Disease" In German. Now I know we've got you thinking, "Now what the hell is Sparkle Disease?" Well, its a disease, when your RANDOM, like you were born like that. How oh lovely it is. Well this is a guild of all sorts. No specific theme. I bet you could tell by title and explantion of it.

So I guess you could say another one of those random guilds. But its not. Its not another one. Its THEE one. We want and will try our best to get you to express your every color in this guild with out hesitation. We'll try to make this a fun enviorment, with all the luxurys of Gaia included. The rest of the mods and I are happy that you decided to visit, and hope you join, post, and be happy with us!

Moderators: MallerCakexx (Owner/Captain). Empress_Niki (Vice Captain). x U w a a Siri (Vice Captain).