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[PRP] Fire and Ice (Mzuka x Faiz) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:09 am
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There was a wide, bright smile on the blue Beybanu's face as she bounced through the vegetation, a dead hare in her jaws. Ohhh, she was going to make Faiz so happy! And not with just the hare, either, which was a fat one she'd caught for him especially whilst out hunting. A treat, to warm him up for all the good things to come! She'd done so much in the past few days, to prove to him that she wasn't always...well, a b***h. She'd talked to Farrah, and today had even taken her out on a hunting trip which had been quite enjoyable. She'd bonded with the cub a little - felt almost as if she had a little friend. It had made her eager to have her own cubs, now. And she'd met with Najiyya, helping the younger of the sisters to track down a herd she'd lost track of. She hadn't spoken to Tuliua again, and hadn't spotted Faeqa around - but so far, she felt she was doing well. She was being nice to them all, and trying to push any jealous feelings aside. They were still there - she couldn't get rid of them. But she thought before she spoke, and as such they didn't come across as much.

And she felt...well, she felt happier, too. Just in herself. Instead of having everyone against her, she'd actually made friends with Najiyya, and possibly even little Farrah too. She hadn't been particularly looking forwards to the outing, but she'd enjoyed it. It had been...well, nice, to have company. To show the glowing child the ropes and watch her have a go. They hadn't caught anything - Mzu had gone out again just now to catch this hare - but it had been a nice day all the same. A smile crossed her face at the thought, as she entered the den with a mumbled call, due to the hare still in her jaws, "Mmmfamz?"

I think she meant to call for Faiz.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:31 am
User Image"Behind you."
Faiz's voice was cold and low as he loomed between her and the entrance to the den, blocking her escape. He was so tired, but this needed to be finished. He had spent the entire walk back to the den contemplating what he would do to her as punishment for her foolishness. His decision would hurt her, but he needed to make an example once and for all.

That, and he had his own personal agenda in this, but he knew she wouldn't see it, at least not at first. He was crafty that way. Make it clear that he wouldn't put up with things like that and yet also have time to work on other things.
"Put that down and sit over there," he told her, pointing to a spot a little bit farther into the den, with enough room for him to pace around her if he chose.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:35 am
"Mmmf!" Mzu mumbled, jumping a little in surprise as she pivoted around, face bright and happy as she looked upon her favourite lion in the whooooole world! His voice seemed a little cold, but she ignored it, figuring he was just tired as she attempted to smile through the hare, growling softly as she realized just how much of an annoyance it was becoming. But she persisted, smiling anyway. The smile soon faltered a little as even his words seemed to be cold and harsh, though, Mzuka frowning a little as she watched him, before slowly doing as he'd asked, watching him with clear confusion as she walked slowly to where he'd indicated, dropping the hare at the edge of the den first, but deciding to stand rather than sit. She didn't want him looming over her even more than he was now.

"What's wrong, Faiz?" she asked, tilting her head with concern in ehr voice, although her eyes were still bright with excitement at what she had to tell him, "I went out hunting with Farrah today!"
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:46 am
Faiz decided not to pace. Instead, he sat between her and the way out.
It was nice that she had taken his daughter out hunting, that's what he wanted his girls to do. He wanted Mzu to get along with the cubs and the other banu. And yet that didn't change what he had to deal with now.

"And what about the other day, Mzuka? I heard you ran into a rogue on the edge of the pride lands," he said, his ears flicking back a bit as his eyes narrowed a fraction. Just thinking about it mad him angry and yet he knew he had to hold his temper in right now. If he didn't, he'd do something he would no doubt later regret.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:50 am
He was acting strang - she knew that. She'd have expected him to say something - congratulate her, or let her know that she was doing the right thing now. Let her know he was happy she was learning to get along with the cubs. Her ears flattened a little, the lionness somewhat apprehensive. Something was wrong, she could feel it. "Uh...and Farrah wants to talk to you. I said I'd ask for her." she spoke in a steady tone, almost as if she were testing the waters. She was worried she'd done something wrong, now.

At the mention of the rogue, though, she noticeably stiffened a little. How had he found out about that!? It had just been her and Arin - she'd been sure of it! She'd been constantly looking around, checking no-one had seen them...and even if someone had, she'd been doing nothing wrong! "I...yeah, I did," she admitted a little sheepishly, shuffling about awkwardly on the spot. There was no point denying it, "Arindam. I told him about the pride."

She hadn't done anything wrong, had she? Nothing had happened but some friendly conversation, mainly focusing on the pride. She'd been telling him about it, trying to convince him to join. That was what she was supposed to do, wasn't it?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:14 am
Faiz's eyes narrowed even more, ignoring what she had to say about Farrah. He placed a reminder in the back of his mind to talk to her when he got the chance. Pity she happened to want to talk to him right when he was about to take a period of relaxation.

He suppressed a small growl at her tone. She made it sound like there was nothing wrong with that.
"That is not your place, Mzu," he all but snapped. "He could have done anything to you. You know the law says a female is not to meet with a male not her Pad without an escort."

The Vizier, heir to the pride, rose to his full height, tilting his head up slightly.
"You constantly break or bend the rules, you make me look incapable of controlling my own harem, much less aiding in the control of the pride. And for that, you are to be confined to the den and I will also be assigning the duties to the other banu until I say otherwise. Do you understand?"

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:24 am
His eyes were narrowing...that wasn't a good sign, was it? That usually meant they were angry...and now he was growling! Her ears flattened submissively against her head, more in shock at Faiz being angry than at Mzu actually being submissive. She herself frowned a little, although, took a step back as he snapped, backing herself up to the wall. Not her place!? She felt a surge of irritation in herself, but bit her tongue and fought the urge to snap back, remembering what he'd said only a few days ago. The law...awwww, damn! She'd completely and utterly forgotten about that!

"I...I-I..." she started, but it merely stammered away into nothing as he rose in height above her, speaking again as he looked down on her. She felt like a stupid cub being told off, but much, much worse. She found herself lowering her own stance so she could look up at him, a rare flash of fear clouding her eyes for a moment. Breaking rules? Well, yes...but she honestly hadn't meant to, this time! She was really trying to be good! She wasn't snapping back now. She'd made an effort to get to know his cubs and other Banu. It...it had been an honest acident this time!

"I-I..." she finally managed after a few moments, swallowing a lump in her throat, "I...didn't mean to. I didn't realize my mistake! I thought...I thought I was helping, helping to bring new blood in!" she spoke as respectively as she could manage in her somewhat distressed state, well aware that it merely sounded like she was making excuses. Grinding her own teeth together a little she looked to the ground, blinking back angry tears - angry at herself, for being so stupid.

"N-Nothing happened." she mumbled, glancing off to the side, to a large rock she usually slept beside. Confined to the den! That wasn't fear, and her head shot up again as she opened her mouth, looking as if she was about to shout back - to stamp her feet and argue back. But right at the last moment she caught herself. Her plan to make him happy had failed, and shouting would just...make things worse. She lowered her gaze again, tears breaking through this time.

"I...s-s-sorry," she choked, drawing shapes in the dirt with her paw, "...I'm trying. I'm really trying to make you happy."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:37 am
"Maybe a few days in the den to think about treading a little more carefully will do you good, then," Faiz replied, standing and walking over to where he usually slept. It was, of course, the place where Mzu slept, as it was her place to lie beside him, though he had a feeling she would be too upset to want to do so anytime soon.

"The rules are there to keep the pride and its members safe. It's not that nothing did happen, but that something could have," he added as he sat down and then stretched out. He crossed his paws and placed his head down on them, closing his eyes.

"I will be staying in the den as well for a few days. A period of relaxation."

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:41 am
How long was a few days, though? It could be anything from two to five, knowing Faiz. She gave a small nod, growling softly as she wiped the tears from her face, knowing she probably looked stupid and pathetic. Ugh, she was going to be so BORED. Perhaps this was karma coming back on her, for forcing Farrah to stay in the den. But she'd fixed that today, by taking her out hunting and 'forgetting' about the fourth day!

"I...I suppose," she mumbled softly, watched as he sat down in the spot the pair usually slept in. He was probably angry with her - going and cuddling up to him wouldn't do any good. And so, with a rather dejected expression, Mzu chose the cold spot she was standing in by the wall, laying herself down with her head in her paws, ears flattened. They perked up considerably, though, at his last comment.

"You're...staying here too?"

What was he playing at!?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:53 am
Faiz huffed indignantly.
"If you must know, Aali thinks I've overworked myself and need a break," he said, his eyes still closed as he spoke. He shrugged his shoulders and his tail flicked around from one side of his body to the other. It was a bit of an insult that he had to admit that he was indeed overworked. That his brother had been able to pick up on it was even worse.

"So don't think of trying to sneak away. I'm going to stick around here to keep an eye on you. Make sure that you stay put until your punishment's over," he added, opening one eye to look at her, making it clear that he wasn't exaggerating. He was going to be staying and keeping an eye on her.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:59 am
He huffed, and Mzuka pouted back. She'd only been asking. Aali was right, though - Faiz needed a break. It was just...somewhat odd that it coincided with her own banishment to the den. Maybe she'd have to question him on it, if he was in a better mood tomorrow. Scratching her ear absently, she snorted a fly off of her nose, sighing as she rested her head on her paws once more. Well, at least if Faiz was around she wouldn't be as bored. Well...as long as he wasn't grumpy like he was now for the whole time.

"I won't!" she snapped, seeming a little insulted that he'd suggested it, "I'm trying to be good, like you asked!" Her fiery attitude was coming back a little, and she growled softly as she realized her mistake, grumbling as she glared at the ground. "I've talked with Farrah, and taken her hunting. I went tracking with Najiyya. And I'm not arguing with you now." She paused, anger disappating a little, "I just...wasn't thinking right. When I was at the borders."

Another pause, as she began to play with a pebble. "...We talked about you."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:20 am
Faiz's lip curled and his eye snapping shut.
"Stop right there, Mzu. I don't care what you talked about, and I don't want to think about it. Thinking about you laughing and unprotected with another male makes me angry. And I don't want to be angry right now," he growled back softly. He knew he was being hypocritical. He kept telling Mzu to share him with the Banu and here he was getting angry over her talking to a rogue she was trying to get to join the pride.

And yet, he felt justified. It wasn't a matter of sharing attention. Mzu had put herself into danger, even if she hadn't noticed it. And the thought of something happening to her was probably the worst part of that whole scenario. He had still been a young lion, but old enough to remember when his father had lost one of his Banu. She had been on the border hunting with on of the other banu in his father's harem. They had separated briefly, and in that time, the naive female had been approached by a young male. The older banu had watched in horror, unable to do anything as she was suddenly surrounded by several other rogues and torn to pieces.
It was no wonder he was so possessive of his females!

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:25 am
She'd been about to continue, but cut off immediately as he growled again, her ears flattening against her head yet again as she lowered her head, bottom lip quivering a little. She was trying to be good. She really was. "...Sorry," she mumbled, her voice truly apologetic and upset. She watched the pebble she'd been playing with, no longer really interested in playing with it.

She knew she shouldn't ask, but felt she had to, "Faiz...am I doing it right? Not...not the border meeting. But everything else. Is...is it making you happier?" She felt so lonely, in the corner by herself. She just wanted to go snuggle up beside him.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:39 am
Faiz considered her words for a moment. And then he shrugged.
"I suppose so. It's good that you're getting along with the others," he said and glanced at her, careful to hide it behind his mane. He could tell she was uncomfortable by herself over there and he got an idea.

"Though, I still think you should get back to following the rules. Like being careful who you talk to when I'm not around, or Aali. Or remembering where you're supposed to sleep at." Oh, he was a sneaky one.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:43 am
I suppose!? She'd been trying really, really hard for the past few days, and all he could say was 'suppose so'!? She felt anger rising in her, escaping in a small growl as her claws kneaded the rocky floor tensely, Mzu closing her eyes to try concentrate on something different. She thought she'd been doing...really well. Like really, really well. But...but apparently not. She knew she'd messed up with the border meeting, and was honestly sorry! But...at least a recognition of her hard work would be nice.

Glancing up, watching him closely, she growled softly. She was uncomfortable by herself, yes, but she was grumpy herself now, and didn't want to appease him by doing as he'd asked. But she reluctantly did so, snorting huffily as she pushed herself to her feet, padding over towards him and dropping herself in front of him. However, she was careful to make sure she faced away from him, her back against his belly.
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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