Given Name: Niroos

Aliases: The Soul Samurai

.: razz hysical::.
- Age: Died at the age of 18, but has been with the S.S for 3 more making him 21.
- Gender: Male.
- Height: 6ft 1inch
- Weight: 186.1lb
- hair color/style: Niroos wears his hair in a shabby way; His white bangs split in two and pulled to each side of his face falling down before his broad shoulders, stopping just above his collar bone. The wavy back fell to just below his shoulder blades and over all it had a spiky styling to it.
- eye color: His eyes are a gray colour normally but around his pupil that separates the black and the gray is a band of silver that seems to shine when sunlight shows against it. The detail of Nirooses eye looks like shattered glass fragments all put together again making it look quite lovely if stared into long enough, even a soul could get lost in them.

Distinguishing Marks: Ever since the age of 12 he was attacked by a hollow; yet didn’t know exactly what they were at the time, when this had happened it split open from the top of his left shoulder and followed across to this collar bone then down to the end of his rib cage leaving it looking like a

Race/ethnicity: He’s a human, or was one until death; now a spirit or Soul Reaper.

Body Type: His body was well taken care of, being build every day at the gym when he was alive and now trained dead as a soul reaper giving him a good physique and leaving him pretty strong.

Appearance: Niroos looks like one of those old feudal samurais that would be seen walking about Japan, and the reason behind that is because he grew up in such a place and was raised in a dojo, thus the way of the samurai is a big tradition to him. So his clothing that goes with his traditions is a custom hand made white kimono; on the bottom of the skirt are swirls that symbolize the wind or waves meaning 'Free spirited'. His waist was accompanied by a scarf like belt or wrappings that too looked were white and had a could of the azure blue swirls on the ends of them. His torso was the same as all others, opening up in a V like trip showing some of his muscle toned body that looked like it was chiseled from marble. His sleeves were as well long just like most kimono's so over all it looked normal but its style was different, and around his neck was another scarf that hung down to this waist and swayed in the wind at times; it too being just like the one around his waist. As for his foot wear it was just normal sandals like seen on the show, Bleach.

Weaponry: His sword hasnt been obtained yet.

Armor Class: Cloth.

Inventory/Accessories: He doesn’t carry much on his person.

-State of Mind: Sane and well thought; is the type that thinks things through.

Basic Alignment: Good of the Soul Society

Fears/phobias: He doesn’t really have any other fears now seeing that he is dead, as death was the only fear he had but really to him, “We Only We Fear Death Cause We Imagine It.”

Admirable Traits: Niroos is a kind and sincere person, always offering a hand for those in trouble and such.

Negative Traits: Only thing that is negative about this man is when he’s tired he gets grouchy

Philosophy of Life: When Niroos was alive he believed that you had to go through obstacles to get what you wanted. But now seeing that he is dead he had no Philosophy of life.

Background/ History: Niroos lived a normal human life when he was still alive but now he’s dead so its time for him to start a new like in a new world.

Rank/Class: N/a

Noted accomplishments: None so far.

Hobbies: Training when bored.

Elemental Strengths: Spiritual energy control

Elemental Weaknesses: Anything really, but it’d be hard to fight him as he’s sure to have some way of fighting back.

Skills/ Abilities: Out of all his years of training he’s gotten quite strong and quite fast making him a strong ally and a bad enemy to many and with training in his new life in the Soul Society it only makes things even better for him to train with and learn.

Hado 4 "Byakurai" (White lightning): Fires a concentrated bolt of lightning from the caster's forefinger.
Incantation: None

Bakudo 9 "Geki" (Strike): Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: "Disintegrate, black dog of Rondaniini. Look upon your burning soul and sever your throat."

Hado 11 "Tsuzuri Raiden" (Reading Lightning):Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.
Incantation: None

Hado 27 "Hakufuku" (White Prostration): Causes a target to lose consciousness.
Note: While no incantation is given, this Kido must be used while in contact with the target.

Hado 31 "Shakkahou" (Shot of Red Fire): Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
Incantation: "Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Scorching heat and disorder, evolve the transposition of the southern sea barrier."

Hado 33 "Soukatsui" (Blue Fire, Crash Down): Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
Incantation: "Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, strike but slightly your claw upon this wall which feigns ignorance of sin!"

Hado 54 "Haien" (Abolishing Flames): Fires a blast of purple spiritual energy that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.
Incantation: None

Hado 58 "Tenran" (Orchid Sky): A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.
Incantation: None

Hado 63 "Raikoho" (Thundar Roar Cannon): Fires a massive wave of yellow energy at a target.
Incantation: "Bone of a straggling beast, spire, crimson crystal, disc of steel, when the wind shifts, and the emptiness ceases, let the clash of lances reso

Hado 73 "Soren sokatsui" (Twin Lotus, Blue Fire Crash Down):
Note: Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety. In the anime, Rukia labels this spell as #73.

Hado 90 "Kurohitsugi" (Black Coffin): Forms a box of black energy around a target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Its appearance and function is reminiscent of a common magician's trick, as well as certain torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition.
Incantation: None Listed, However this Kido requires enormous amounts of reitsu power and skill. Only those at a Taicho/Fukutaicho level would be able to produce it with any success.

Bakudo 99 "Bankin" (Complete seal): This spell covers a target from head to toe with spiritual fabric [first song: halting fabric, stabs them with numerous metal blades [second song: hundred linked bolts, and then smashes them with an immense metal cube.
Incantation: Requries all three songs: "Shiryuu" (Halting Wrap), "Hyakurensan" (100 joined locks) and "Shukyoku" (great seal of 10,000 forbiddings).