The dream parade is coming to town.
Close your eyes,
Let your mind wander to the very depths of your desires.
Of what do people dream of?
Wealth, life, good luck?
What of sanity?
What of the killers on the loose?
What do they dream of?
The dream parade is coming to town,
So close your eyes,
You're dreams will come true,
The night of dreams.
Shadows crawl throughout the streets,
Knives glitter as plum fairies grin,
Blood soaks the ground as money floats through the air.
You're dreams will come true,
So make sure you're ready.
We all have dreams.
We all have desires.
We all have nightmares.
On the night of the dream parade,
Whatever you dream, comes true.
Roses bloom,
Blood red to match the streets.
The sun rises,
Blazing to match the state of the city.
Sleep, sleep, little mortals.
Because on the night of the dream parade,
You wont wake up again.

Not for anyone special. I hope you like it. Just thrown together, like every other poem I've written.