Name:Caelia Hedokinshi
Aliases/ Nicknames:Kinshi

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Physical Description:Caelia stands 5.9 inches and is slender and muscular, some people say he found a great balance between the two. He also has a red tattoo that he had received from is father for him to remember him and to do his best to make him proud.

Age:19 (Died at the age of 15)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:Llorean

Zanpaktou:achieved:Llorean's form 1

Shikai Release:Llorean, Protect!

Shikai Attack:Kazt (Kaa-zz):The attack he made by highly concentrated and destructive light, its is much more materialized than light that surrounds us because of the massive energy that has been comprised by spiritual pressure, so the higher spiritual presser the bigger and more destructive the attack is. The light is so heavy once its released it rides on the ground shredding the surface of the earth. The attack comes from the swords tip and takes the form of an orb then is shot out landing on the ground taking the form of a raging blast. It can be shot from above but its only direction is down. This attack is vary hard to block, try your best to doge it. When Bankai is reached this attack can be directed were ever Caelia wishing it to go, but, not for long.

Shikai:not achieved:Llorean's Form 2; First Condition:Second Condition:Last Condition (They are Wakisashi's and come one by one when the conditions are called, onec they are all called they are used all at onec, one in the left hand one in the right and the last one grappled by the teeth.)

Bankai:not achieved:Llorean's Final Form;The length grows to about 5 feet long.Bankai Armor

Bankai Attack:Llorean, Crystallize:This attack the blade turns into a diamond and is shoved into the ground then giving Caelia full control of diamond giving him the ultimate defense, attack is used sparingly. The diamond his VARY tough so is going to take alot to beak through depending on how think the diamond that is used. The weakness in this attack is that its vary hard to attack someone when they are in the air.

Special Accessories:N/A

Skills:Speed,Endurance, Defense, and Strength

Abilities:He is not vary good with not physical attacks, but he works hard on them, most of the time they don't work, but he makes up for them physically.

Personality:Kind, Protective, Calm, Vary Determined, and with in battle emotions are invisible to the naked eye

Biography/History:Caelia grew up raised in the Soul Society and has never known his family. He strives to become stronger like every other worrier and wishes to find friends and a place to call home. Caelia will protect anyone that he fells close to and few others he he fells to do so, unless its a order to do so from a higher rank. Caelia has just graduated from soul school and is certainty trying to find a squad. Once he has found one his goal is to prove his worth to all squads and wants to be known for his combat skills he has practiced for years.

Signature/Patented Technique:Blades of 100 Strikes-This attack can be done when Shikai is reached with condition two and can be fatal to Caelias body if not done at the right time. This attack is basically 100 strikes from the two Wakizashi's that are in hand at condition two at and high rate of speed and power. The attack can be blocked but there are bound to be cuts or gashes on the opponent after the attack is completed.

Guild Status sad Unknown for time being)

Online Schedule:(Am not sure what time frame am in I live in FL, am kinda stupid lol, but i try and get on every day ^_^, i will let you know if i can get on for a period of time.)