Name: Kimiko Murasaki

Aliases/ Nicknames: Kimi-chan

Rank: Lust Espada

Physical Description:
|| refer to signature ||
Age: looks to be around 17, but her actual age is unknown
Height: Medium
Weight: Rather light due to her slender body, as curvy as it is.
Hair: very, very long and perfectly straight, layered raven black hair with white streaks, long bangs that covers one side of her face
Skin: super pale white with a few tattoos and piercings around her body
Eye: usually grey or black depending on the light. When her Zanpakuto is released, her right eye turns crimson red. [[She has no left eye; it is covered with a patch - her mask]]
Clothing: always black and white sometimes with gold or red decorations, usually skimpy, sometimes she will wear Lolita dresses or black-and-white gowns when she’s feeling formal
Hole: located between neck and chest area
Mask: The remains of her mask is the white x-shaped patch over her left eye. She cannot use that eye to see. However, that only adds on to the power of her right eye, which is her extraordinary sixth sense.

Zanpakuto: Shouten-Kage. [[which translates to “Death Shadow.”]]

Element: Light/Moonlight and Darkness/Shadow and Illusions

Description: The fair and sturdy blade of Shouten-Kage is pure, shining black, made of a mixture of obsidian and a, by so far, unknown element of unmatched hardness. When it comes in contact with the moon’s glimmering rays, it will slowly turn a brilliant, silvery color. The handle of her zanpakuto is black as well, decorated with white x’s. The plain guard is looks just like this: []. But when released, many thick, menacing silver spikes will grow out of it.
At the very bottom of the handle are three rather large and rectangular, connected ancient links of a broken chain (the chain of her old zanpakuto- Saishuu). Attached to the second chain are two elegant and thin black ribbons of silk, which flutter elegantly in the wind like dancing shadows by Kimiko’s side, where her zanpakuto usually rests.
Kimiko can temporarily make her black-bladed katana turn to an amazingly bright, white color, used to blind her opponent.

Her "Side" Weapon: Black ribbons that can extend to any length or decrease in length according to her command.

Released form:
Words: "Teisei, Shouten-Kage." || which translates to “Whisper, Death Shadow.” ||
When these words are spoken, instantly, through illusions, the sky will darken and a glowing white full moon will appear in the sky overhead. Its glorious rays will reach every single inch of the surfaces below, pouring out a sparkling silver aura that fills the night sky and in a way, takes over her opponent’s mind. (I can’t describe it. It’s kind of like a mixture of paralyzing and a state of dreaminess. Like the person suddenly loses his/her control and can’t think properly. Of course, this part of her released form is not invincible and can be broken; however, only by those with overwhelming mental strength, not physical. She uses this because she herself is a genius, but most fighters rely on physical strength, and so her released form overpowers them easily.) The person still start to hear beautiful melodies, but as time passes, the music slowly turns to a chorus of howling, wailing, and deathly screeches. Also, though the scene starts off totally mesmerizing, every object begins to cast a dark shadow against the flat white ground, which is another illusion. The shadows will grow to terrifying lengths and widths, almost covering the white ground in black. They all seem to be crawling across the ground slowly, all heading towards one point: where her opponent is standing, transfixed and overtaken by the effects of the silver sparkling around him/her. Finally they will arise from the ground, hovering in the air, and begin to change shapes, into black human-looking creatures with flowing capes, pointed hoods, and outreached hands (like the Death Eaters in Harry Potter, lmfao <3, except without any of the masks or bones because they are completely black figures). These spirits will fly simultaneously at her opponent, attaching themselves onto him/her as they start to suck away the soul. And eventually, they succumb to death. (This is hypothetical, or at least, what is supposed to happen.)


The Spirit of Saishuu: Kitsune-akki, a nine-tailed fox spirit/demon:
User Image

Age: Ageless, she is said to have been alive ever since the world was created

About: Kitsune may be seen as a separate person because of her extreme intelligence, which is beyond anything that Kimiko or anyone has ever seen or met.
She also has her own separate powers that include the lavender aura that shields Kimiko, the glowing lavender orbs she uses to attacks, and her efficient healing techniques and various self-taught abilities.
She is essentially Kimiko’s side-kick, something/someone she never intends to ever leave or see dead. Neither of them rules over the other. Kimiko herself sometimes will show great reverence to the fox, who has probably lived ever since the start of the earth, and regards her as a teacher/sensei. And sometimes Kitsune will act as her pet, though rarely because she is hardly ever after affection, rather good fights and honorable defeats.
Although she is the spirit of Saishuu, Kimiko’s old and destructed zanpakuto, she still lives on, fighting by her side. Kimiko can never lose her.

Personality: She is strong-willed, hard-headed, always determined, open and honest, and sincere. She will never let anything pass easily. Whenever she is not joining a battle with Kimiko, she is thinking hard or inventing new creations or techniques she can teach to Kimiko. If she ever makes a promise, she will keep it. She is able to be trusted with any deed or anything at all. She will run long and hard to get something done. She never gives up, even if she is risking her life. But she genuinely cares for Kimiko, almost like a mother, and will never do anything to harm her.

Abilities: The name has not been set for the series of spells and tricks she is capable to use. However, her "signature mark" would be the strong, almost unbreakable lavender aura that she directs to protect Kimiko's body.
She also is a very talented healer.
As you can see, Kitsune is a valuable partner.

- Basically when Kimiko allows Kitsune to enter her body and take control.
Not full control, though.
Kimiko’s mind still works, so she is the one who does the talking and facial expressions.
However Kitsune will direct her moves and the rest of her body.
The appearance of Kimiko when this happens vary, so I cannot describe it explicitly.
However, simply put, she looks like a fox most of the time.
She can basically transform into anything she desires, or almost anything-


Special Accessories: Kimiko is always seen wearing a studded necklace [copy of Hisagi's <333]. Sometimes she will wear hooded black cape, which shows that she is feeling daring and adventurous, or up to something, which is obviously no good.

Skills: She was especially trained to be an assassin/ninja at a young age, making her a superior sword-user. Her physical strength and amount of reiatsu she can produce is amazing in itself, but she is also quick-footed and extremely swift in her motions, making her hard to track or catch.

Abilities: Although she does not have a left eye, her right eye far surpasses any two pair of eyes any creature may have. With her special right eye, she can catch glimpses of the future (though they are subjective), see into a person's mind (mind-reading abilities), and use telekinesis. She also has infrared vision, which enables her to locate anyone because of heat. Thus, invisibility cannot be used as a factor against her. Just by standing in a place, she can see images from the past as to what happened in the area. This is her 'sixth sense'.
She has the basic Espada abilities including sonido, bala, cero, gran rey cero, etc., but she does not have hierro. (As mentioned in her history, she was born as an ‘accident Espada’, so she does have some differences in technique.)
Her right hand is also cursed with the power to burn anything it touches to ashes, a power she could not get rid of when she destroyed all her old abilities- fire and blood – because it was a curse of demons, which she received at birth.

Her Basic Moves: ability to manipulate shadows however she wants, to change the direction of lights in order to blind opponents, to have any shadow become a spirit (which she calls her Death Shadows), to make illusions though not permanent

Personality: Usually, she is stoic and unreadable – emotionless. She loves watching others suffer. She enjoys chaos, discord, and tragedy – all which she endured in her past. However, her silence is not one of shyness, but one of great dignity and pride; her words may be few at times, but when spoken, they are undoubtedly wise.
She is generally kind, forgiving, patient, and gentle to her subjects.
She tends to smirk a lot.
A lot of mixed emotions - mainly of grief, pain, agony, confusion, curiosity - are hidden beneath her calm and composed stature. However, she never reveals them, believing they can be seen as a weakness.
She is someone who has been hurt over and over in her life, and it still continues.
Kimiko also has a passionate heart for the male sex. One of her hobbies is seducing, and she's good at it.

Biography/History: Kimiko was born in the underworld domain to a highly renowned demon under the service of the Lord of the Dead himself. She was basically born with her fighting spirit. Her mask, the unusual hole in her body, and her early-gained powers made the demons afraid of her. Her parents are now unknown to herself and the new generation, but rumors of the past say that her mother was human and her father was a high-ranked demon who almost overthrew Lucifer himself. No one knew how he died or where her mother fled to after staying in the dark underground prison for years held as a captive. All Kimiko knows that she is still alive because the ring her mother gave her still glows, though much duller than years before. During her teenage years, most of her memory was erased from a special operation, and she was banished from hell and sent to the upper world, where she was adopted by parents, who were actually exiled shinigami and joined the small faction of Vaizards there. They sent her to a special school willing to train her as a Vaizard, but they did not know that her broken mask actually meant she was born as an ‘accident’. After reaching the age of thirteen, she decided to boldly run away from home, away from her loving family, yet also, away from the brutal beatings and taunting words she received at school. She mysteriously forced her way into attending a highly professional school of the art of physical combat for males only, and there she was trained to be what she would be for essentially the rest of her life: an assassin. She met Kitsune, the spirit of her Zanpakuto, a year later and finally learned her full powers.
She has never experienced death.
And she has never killed anyone either. This is the effect of another terrible curse, which still binds her to this very day, placed on her by a woman who knew dark magic very well during her childhood, but the curse went a little different than intended, and soon enough Kimiko had buried inside her the dark arts, completely stolen from that woman.

Goal: None as of now.

The Dark Arts: a terrible, evil series of spells Kitsune invented for Kimiko to use. They are equivalent to the shinigami kidou and are spoken / activated in the same way.
((I will keep adding to the list…))
001: Death Coffin
A pitch black coffin covered in blood and bones appears behind her opponent. As the heavy door opens, a mighty sucking force will draw the opponent into the coffin and close. Six black beams will pierce through the opponent while he/she is trapped inside. Then the coffin will sink into the ground and disappear forever with the body.
002: The Invisible Sword
An invisible katana will appear in her hand. It is very thin and light, making it easy to swing around. The blade itself is also very sturdy; however the katana has no name and therefore no hidden powers for itself. But it sometimes has the ability to copy / imitate moves that it has “met.”
003: Unknown Dimension
A black portal in the shape of a mouth with four long fangs glowing like moonstones will appear overhead her opponent and try to swallow him/her. After a few seconds it will automatically close and disappear. If it has successfully captured the opponent, he/she enters a world of darkness and void. There is no means of escaping unless Kimiko allows it.
004: Comatose Lullaby
The opponent will start to imagine him/her self listening to an eerie, haunting melody. Soon, this lullaby will alter the opponent’s senses, so that he/she sees illusions and flashbacks, hears strange things, imagine being cut up alive and feeling extreme pain, or even sense a dramatic drop or rise in body temperature. After a few minutes of this intense torture, the victim will fall into a state of comatose or unconsciousness. When the person finally awakes, his/her memory of what happened is erased and everything returns to normal. All he/she can remember is suffering immense torture and pain.
005: Master Puppeteer
Numerous strings hanging in midair will attach themselves to parts of her opponent and paralyze the body, so that the person literally becomes a puppet under the control of the spell-caster.
006: Black Willow Tree
The huge shadow of a looming tree appears behind the opponent. Its long, supple branches will wrap themselves around the body of her opponent to keep him/her in place while the remaining branches either choke the victim to death or tear off his/her arms or legs.
007: Dark Growth
If Kimiko lays her cursed right hand on the body of an opponent and chants this spell, an intricate black pattern will begin to spread around the touched area like a rampant disease until her opponent’s whole body is covered in the design. The pattern will hungrily feast on reiatsu so that her opponent grows increasingly weaker and weaker by each second and eventually, faint when the body is forced to give out.
008: Death Seal
She can also imprint her own black death seal with a touch of her cursed hand. Just a few seconds after the spell is cast, the seal will explode and cause physical damage to her opponent’s body.