Before I start going on about boring rules e.c.t Let me say Welcome to Gaia Against Noobs. This is where we band together and beat noobs.

Skip this if your not a noob:

Noobs. You have obviously come here for help. Help to move on and join gaia members happily without begging for items in the rally. If you have joined this guild for anything else and your a noob. quit. Your not welcome here. Now, if your a noob in need of help. Send me a pm and ill help you. NO DONATIONS UNTIL YOU PROVE YOUR LOYALTY

If your a noob skip this:

Normal people. The strength of gaia. Your all sick of noobs begging for your items. Walking around in the freggin nude. Acting like chavs. Just acting plain retarded. Well now is the time to fight back. Start forums on this guild. Invite people to fight. Fight against noobs. For years they have been invading now its time to fight back.


Q: Do I need to be fancy and rich to join?
A: No, you just need to be an experienced fighter/ Hater of noobs.

Q: Do I need to argue with every noob I come across?
A: Nope. You just need to help us stop them

Q: Do I need to contribute alot?
A: No. But you do need to help a little.

Q: Do I get rewards?
A: You do if you help the guild alot

Thats it. Thanks for reading.