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Civilian Info
Japanese name: Ami Mizuno (friend of water)
English name: Amy Anderson
Birth date: September 10
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Age: 14 - 16
Blood Type: A
Hair: Short, blue
Eyes: Blue
School: Crossroads Junior High (dub)
Family: Lives with her mother, who is a doctor, in a mansion located in Minato-ku.
...Saeko Mizuno is Ami's mother. While she is largely absent from most of the series, she is said to have become a successful doctor who works at the Jūban Secondary General Hospital. Her success is a big influence on Ami and is one of the main reasons why she wants to become a doctor. She makes only one brief, non-speaking appearance in the anime, but does appear in the live-action. She also makes a small appearance in the manga, but this time with a speaking role. In all versions she rarely sees Ami, and most of her shown interaction with her daughter is using a dry-erase board to exchange messages. Mizuno-sensei, however, is a kind woman who genuinely and openly regrets not being able to spend more time with her beloved daughter. In Act 33 of the live series, it is revealed that her given name is Saeko. She and her daughter also have a cameo in Codename: Sailor V.
...Ami's father is a traveling artist whom Mizuno-sensei divorced several years before the series. He sends Ami paintings on an infrequent basis. Only in the manga does Ami's father play any sort of role; and Ami feels a mixture of both love and hatred for the man, partly because he left her and partly because divorce is taboo in Japan. His given name isn't stated in any version of the series.

Senshi Info
Costume: Skirt, earrings (studs), scarf, choker, brooch, and tiara jewel are blue. Her bows are light blue. She wears blue knee-high boots with white or light blue stripes at the top. She also wears a white bodysuit and white gloves that go up to her elbows. The gloves have three blue bands at the top.
Special Gadgets: Micro computer, visor, head set with microphone (attaches to one ear)

Favourite Subject: Math
Boyfriend: Uruwa? [Greg]
Well known for: Her intelligence. She studies for school daily. As a result she never had friends before the Senshi.
Favourite food(s): Sandwiches, anmitsu.
Least favourite food: Yellow-tailed tuna (hamachi)
Favourite Colours: Light blue, aquamarine
Favourite Animal: Cat
Hobbies: Reading, playing chess, swimming, computers
Strong Point: Calculating, strategist, intelligence
Has Trouble With: Love letters, practical jokes
Dream: To be a doctor
Favourite Gemstone: Sapphire