Name: Michiru Kana (Me - chi - roo, Ca - na)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Michi-chan

Physical Description: Stands as 5"3, with knee lenght midnight blue/black hair, with blood red tips. Her eyes are a emerald green with a red hue to them. She has sun kissed skin with twin scars on her back that are shaped like Angel wings. Has a 36D chest and a 20 inch waist. Weighs apporximatly 120lbs. When she in the Human realm she will always wears a black mini skirt with red stitching. A red tank top and a black trench coat. She adores tights in either black or red with combat boots. She wears lace most of the time, due to tha fact she loved to dress up when she was alive.

Age: 18 (died December 27 in the year 1901)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:

Zanpaktou: Not achived

Shikai Release:

Shikai: Not achieved


Special Accessories: A black locket which she never takes off. A keyhole resides in the middle of it.

Skills: Her skill lie underneath her facade. She can figure out most situations just by looking at them due to the fact she was always a smart child.

Abilities: Has extreme strength she barely uses. Her speed excels most. She can also predict her opponets moves very quickly.

Personality: Appears shy when actually she is just reserved. Does not speak much, but when she does it is very important to her. Never speaks about her emotions for the fact of letting out too much. Spends her free time training to become stronger.

Biography/History: She was an aristocat, her parents loved to dress her up in beautiful gowns as if she was a doll to be played with. Her older brother adored her to the fulliest. He gave her any thing she wanted, even when she didn't want anything. He protected from the suitors who only wanted her for her body. Then one day when she was walking through the gardens she overheard her father and her brother speaking. Listening in, she found that her brother was not her brother at all! This shocked her and she felt betrayed. Her "brother" then told her father that he fallen in love with her but he could not take her hand in marrige, for the fact he was only her protector. She gasped softly when she thought back to all the times she felt a stronger connection to her brother. She heard her father tell him that he may remain protecting her but not as her brother. She listened in closely when she heard her father tell him that he may not, at all, have any more romantic feelings for her, and if he does he was to be forbidden to see her ever again. She gasped loudly and ran away before she heard the rest, her father was only testing him. It began raining when she stopped on the edge on a cliff. She looked out and heard her "brother" call for her. She stood there as he walked closer, she then went to run into his arms when the cliff gave away. He jumped and saved her but at the expense of getting her back cut open by the jagged rock on the side. Her carried her back. The next day she came down with a terrible cold which was later diagonsed as the Spanish flu, also known as pneomonia. She layed on her death bed and confessed to hearing the conversation between him and her father. He sobbed for her life. She just smiled at him and told him that no matter what she had always loved him more than a brother and was happy to find out they weren't blood. Her cried and confessed his love for her. She made one wish, which he granted immediatly. She wanted a kiss from him, a true lover's kiss. Their tears mixed in with the kiss she died moments later with a smile on her face but with a broken heart. He placed a black locket around her neck and gave her one last kiss and a promise "I will find you again...someday..."

Signature/Patented Technique:

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Online Schedule: I am online regulary no matter what, sometimes i might skip a day.