Cloud has something to say...
Are sins...

Well, we could just let the guild go about with no form of rules what so ever.

But in order to keep everyone sane and not have anyone wanting to kill another person, we have to some what have "rules".
Also, everytime a rule is added, there will be a "+1" or "+_" in the title.
E.G: Rules [?] +1
Rules [?] +2

1. Keep arguing to a minimum. (As in, dont go around picking random arguments with people.)

2. Keep the fighting to am minimum also. (I know this is rather redundant but gotta make the point get acrossed somehow. So if your going to argue and fuss at each other, take it to the PM's.)

3. Keep cursing to a moderate level. (Dont let every other word your typing be "********" or b***h". Try to keep the racial slures to a moderate level too please o: )

4. If your going to cyber. DO IT IN A PM

5. Rules can and will be added if necessary.

6. Gaia isn't a dating site. And neither is the guild. (In other words, dont advertise yourself saying "Anyone wanna date?!". Please, pleaseee, dont make a forum asking for mates. Seriously? If your that desperate theres websites for stuff like that.)

7. Just another rule to add to the point that me and Fresh are trying to get through to you guys. Keep everything under control!
Dont go over board so we can keep the guild open this time!

Sorry about my fail at spelling. Ahah.
Well then, have a good day/afternoon/night/morning!

...Ever forgiven?
...Cloud is done speaking