Edit: Can only uses two opposing elements in shikai form. Ex: if using shikai can only use daimond and plants until she is out of her form. Most of the time she just uses diamond and plants.

Name: Yoria Uchori (Yo ree uh Oochoree)
Aliases/ Nicknames: Ria

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 19. Died April 14 2000

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: The Demon's name is Hermoie and the Angel's name is Haime User Image

Zanpaktou: achieved

Shikai Release: Attract, the opposite elements in the universe come together.

Shikai: achieved. Her weapons become enveloped in her arms and she can obtain any one element with her right arm that is around her and control and manipulate it at her will. On her left arm will be the opposite of the right arm. Ex. Right arm: Plants Left arm: Diamonds

Bankai: not achieved. Yoria is enveloped by all the elements she has used in the battle and is turned into half of her angel Haime and half of her demon Hermoie. All of the objects around her are absorbed into her arms and dispurssed at her own will. She can also turn herself into anything that she desires. With that ability she can turn her elements into a higher form or a deadly toxin. On the downside, during her bankai state she can only use two elements. Her favorites are diamonds and arbor(plants,trees,flowers,etc.). With arbor she can create deadly aromas and powder, and with diamonds she can create daimond dust, a sparkling razor dust similar to Rangiku Matsumoto's shikai form of Hainako.

Special Accessories: A diamond pendant covered by tiny vines around her neck

Skills: Acrobatic skills obtained from her past life

Instead of double swords, she has a whip that can extend in length. The whip can also track down an opponent by hitting them once with it. After that she can always tell where her opponent is aslong as she has her whip with her.
Personality: A happy and exciting person that is very hard to become angry at. She also thinks that it is her duty in life to make others around her be happy.

Biography/History: Yoria,in her past life, used to be a very skillfull gymnast that was going to go to the olympics. but in a tragic accident one day of trying to complete a routine on the uneven bars she slipped off and landed on her neck, instantly taking her life away.

Signature/Patented Technique: None

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Umm....I think Pacific time or something like that.....I don't know. I live in California, whatever time frame it is there. It kinda depends when I'm usually on. Usually it's towards the middle of the day morning or night. It's just really hard to explain.....sorry