For all who are newly entering the Dark Hand, let me be the first to extend a hand in gesture to welcome you to the guild. It is my pleasure to have you join this guild and add to our role playing adventures. Please do not be shy about jumping into any thread. I’m sure any of us would appreciate your addition to the Dark Hand family where ever it finds fit. Please note a few rules to be aware of here in the Dark Hand Forum.

No God moding

No puppet mastering
- The only exceptions to this is under strict consensus of the character being puppeted

Unless it is essential to the story within the thread, please keep all post within a pg-13 setting

Please attempt to be as grammatically correct as possible

Try to spell check every post

No spam

Please use ((xxxx)) when out of character

Apart from these foundational rules the creator of each thread resumes all rights to add any other restrictions as they may see fit. The only thing I ask of you to do before you leap into posting is create a universal profile for each of your characters used in role playing. You can do this by entering the profile sub forum and follow the instructions listed there. Once you have completed a profile enjoy the threads. Thank you for choosing the Dark Hand as your home for role playing and please enjoy.
From your caring guild master
Joa Boo